keskiviikko 3. elokuuta 2016

US Slob-Dressed Ambassador Pathetically Excuses Murder in Syria (Video)

Samantha Power would not explain how US planes mistakenly bombed hundreds of civilians, but whined about 'civil society' groups. Yet she and Obama are total failures at advancing human rights they claim to champion

Ricky Twisdale Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | 7,383 126

Apparently thinks the UN is Woodstock

Samantha Power is a typical hanger-on of the soon to be gone Obama administration.

Like Obama himself, and democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, she is ostensibly a left-wing socialist, fighter for minority and women's rights, and anti-war, i.e. a "progressive."

Yet for the last 4 years as ambassador to the UN, she has unwaveringly defended every violent act of aggression and destabilization abroad which her weak-willed boss Barack (which ironically means "peace") signed off on. ["Barack" actually means "blessed" or "lightening" - thanks to a reader for the correction]

She did what US representatives do best at the last meeting of the UN security council - obfuscate. But Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin wasn't having it.

How does murdering thousands of women and children in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine - or sponsoring those who do - advance your progressive cause of minority rights Samantha?

How does destroying billions of dollars of infrastructure and the rule of law in these countries, advance "good governance" and "civil society?"

How does it advance the rights of women and children to obliterate the economies of these nations through US-sponsored wars and coups, so millions of women cannot feed their children, have no hope for a living wage, have no hope for a pension in old age, and so thousands of their husbands and fathers are shot and blow to bits in combat?

I personally witnessed the economic (and political) ruin of Ukraine which the United States backed in 2014. As CIA-stooge big mouth Saakashvili blurted out, it will take Ukraine 20 years to repair the damage done and even equal the economic level it had before Maidan - which already wasn't that great.

Samantha Power is a ludicrous joke at accomplishing anything except death, destruction, impoverishment and suffering. She is an abject failure at her own professed "progressive" goals. And like her boss and everyone else in the US government, she is a damn liar.

The fact is, Barack Obama and his entire administration are and always were bought and paid for stooges of the financial establishment and military-industiral complex, the "neocons" - in other words, the "elite." The liberal progressive veneer fools only democratic voters willing to be duped - which apparently is most of them.

Hillary Clinton is Samantha Power on steroids. I tremble for the world with the United States under such "progressive" leadership.

After 4 years, Power can be proud of only one distinction apart from being groped by the Ukrainian ambassador: turning the UN into the Woodstock festival - except with lies, threats of violence and bombs.

Has anybody else ever come to a UN security council meeting dressed like a hippie?

Trump says the US is no longer respected by the world. I wonder why.

Power, Obama, Kerry, Rice, and the rest of their miserable band of blood-soaked hacks should immediately resign - even before Obama's term expires - and turn themselves over to the International Criminal Court at the Hague. Hillary can join them.

That would do far more to advance global human rights and "civil society" than they have managed to do in eight years of mass murder.

Islamic State Losses Send Central Asian Fighters Fleeing Home

This would most likely mean increased pressure on Russia's southern 'soft undebelly'

Malik Mansur
Behzod Muhammadiy
(Voice of America) Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Young men chant pro-Islamic State slogans as they wave the group's flags in Mosul, Iraq.
Originally appeared at Voice of America

As the Islamic State group loses territory in Iraq and Syria, many IS foreign recruits are believed to be returning to their home countries.

Due to loss of territory and plunging revenues, the terror group is struggling to pay its foreign fighters' wages. Deutsche Welle, Germany's international broadcaster, reports that this has forced some foreign fighters to return home. This trend could be most pronounced among militants in Central Asia.

Russian expert Andrey Serenko says Central Asian governments are preparing for the return of their militant citizens.

"Real numbers could be different [unknown], but the truth is that there is a stream of returning militants," Serenko said. "For example, whole families who left Kyrgyzstan are now returning. Special measures have been taken, such as arranging meetings with psychologists, religious scholars and even former militants from Syria.

"Those who have returned are in the several hundreds, and given the recent situation in Syria, this number is expected to increase," Serenko added.

Fighters from the Islamic State parade through Raqqa, north Syria, in this undated file image posted June 30, 2014, by the Raqqa Media Center of the Islamic State group.

According to some experts on the role of Central Asian combatants in the Middle East, militants from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan are more likely to leave Islamic State and return home, whereas Uzbeks are likely to join other like-minded groups in the same region. That could be due to the Uzbek government's no-holds-barred crackdown on what it sees as extremism.

Uzbek veterans of Islamic State "could either settle in Turkey, or move to northern Afghanistan to join other extremist groups," Serenko said.

The Tashkent government has not officially said anything about Uzbek citizens fighting in Syria. Most of them reached the Middle East via other countries, such as Russia or Turkey. Millions of Uzbek citizens work abroad as migrant laborers, most of them in Russia.

Unemployment, lack of religious freedom, and continuous repression are the main factors that persuade young Uzbeks to take the path of jihad, according to Rahrom Hamroev, a human-rights activist based in Russia.

"If migrants are expelled from Russia, it merely increases the number of militants, because they have no other place to go," Hamroev said. "In Uzbekistan, all they can find is unemployment and a lack of human rights."

Uzbeks fighting in Syria are estimated to number between 500 and several thousand.

Muhammadsolih Abutov, a religious activist and imam from Uzbekistan who currently lives abroad, says several Syrian groups have Uzbeks in their ranks.

"There are many jihadists from the region. Some are fighting [with unspecified groups] against Assad; others are with Daesh [another name for Islamic State], while some are in Jabhat al-Nusra," Abutov said.

"It is not true to say that their Central Asian roots will unite them all," the exiled Uzbek activist adds. "They do not have a common cause such as Turkestan [the notion of a pan-national state grouping all ethnic Turkic people in Central Asia]. They are divided and fighting against each other."

German Aviation Lawyer Has Rock Solid Case Against Ukraine Over MH17 (Video)

Elmar Giemulla says the responsibility of the Ukrainian government is beyond all doubt

Paul Kaiser
Tue, Aug 2, 2016

The 4th episode of MH17 Inquiry poses a pertinent question: who is legally
responsible for the destruction of Malaysian airlines flight 17?

An expert in the field of aviation law, Prof. Elmar Giemulla, says the answer is
easy: Ukraine.

Regardless of who actually pulled the trigger, Ukraine is a sovereign state, and
as such, assumes all rights and responsibilities for controlling the airspace
above its territory.

Under Article 9 of the Chicago Convention of 1949, to which Ukraine is a
signatory, it is the responsibility of governments, in the event of armed conflict
within their territory, to close the airspace above the conflict zone.

Not only did Ukraine fail to do this, Ukrainian air traffic control - whether
through negligence or intention - directed MH17 to fly over Donbass where it
met its terrible end.

Prof. Giemulla is representing the families of 3 German citizens killed on the
airliner in their claims against Ukraine for failing to safeguard MH17.

Beset by a Wave of Terror, Europe Still Backs Terror in Ukraine

Europe's own house is burning while it fuels the flames in Donbass
Zakhar Prilepin
(Live Journal) Wed, Jul 27, 2016

Originally appeared at Live Journal. Translated by Elina Nigamatyanova

An explosion in Ansbach, Germany; a refugee kills a pregnant woman in Germany; Nice, Munich, Rouen - all this of course, is just ‘coincidence’.

Of course it’s also a ‘coincidence’ that recently Germany, France and other European friends met in Warsaw and decided to give Kiev more money to take control over Donbass.

Again, the message to Europe is that nobody loves you as we do. Don’t make Russia an enemy. You have enough of them. Leave us with “ lovely” Ukraine. We will sort things out between us. Forget missiles in Poland - your own house is burning!

Are You Now or Have You Ever Been Putin's Useful Idiot?

Connecting everything and anything to Putin sure sells well -- ergo welcome to the brave new world of clickbait McCarthyism

Bryan MacDonald
(RT) Wed, Jul 27, 2016 | 536 4

Are you working for Vladimir Putin? Does he tell you how run your life? Are you, perhaps, his “useful idiot?”

If you disagree with the establishment view, wherever you live, and your answer to these questions is ‘no,’ you may want to re-evaluate your relationship with news, politics and general current affairs. Because, according to the Western media, and the pundits it favors, anybody who disagrees with them is doing so because of Vladimir Putin and there can be no other plausible explanation for dissent.

In keeping with this collective standpoint, there are few fathomable domestic reasons why an individual might oppose any given policy in their home country. Or be concerned at the fallout from issues such as growing inequality, increased migration and foreign wars, some of them illegal. And yet, it's frequently the case that the only explanation allowed for the rise of Jeremy Corbyn or Marine Le Pen or Donald Trump is that they are doing the Kremlin's bidding. And so it goes that nobody is allowed to have genuine grievances these days, unless Putin is sticking pins into their metaphorical voodoo doll.

How Putin manages to apparently run the entire world is a mystery. After all, a US state-funded smear blog, run by writers who have never actually been to Russia, claimed a few years ago that Russia itself was on the verge of “inevitable” collapse.

Russia’s Collapse is Inevitable: Russia's geographic integrity threatened by economic downturn and natural disasters

— The Interpreter (@Interpreter_Mag) October 23, 2013

Before that, back in 2011, an editor at the Economist magazine, the liberal elite’s house journal, told the BBC much the same.


The biggest question is often which will implode first, Putin’s government, known as the “regime” in Western media speak, or the country itself. The European Council on Foreign Relations reckons Putin is on shaky ground, a prediction the Financial Times regional editor, who should know better and probably does, calls “bold.”

Bold call by Nikolay Petrov: Putin regime will collapse within a year without a "radical change of course"

— Neil Buckley (@NeilRBuckley) April 20, 2016

In fact, the more often people’s Twitter profile pictures are of them appearing on TV, the more likely they are to promote the idea of Putin’s downfall. These two factors are surely unrelated.

Putin Regime Has No Challengers But is ‘Liquidating’ Itself, Piontkovsky Says | The Interpreter via @Interpreter_Mag

— Michael Weiss (@michaeldweiss) July 5, 2014

Meanwhile, when Russia is not imploding and Putin is not busy trying to rescue his economy, he somehow finds time to micro-manage foreign countries too. Or more specifically politicians, activists and journalists who disagree with the mainstream in whatever nation he chooses to extend his tentacles to.

@NZSarvo @rConflictNews @Newsweek Putin will be gone by end 2015, he has miscalculated hugely, his economy is imploding

— Richard Calhoun (@richardcalhoun) January 27, 2015

According to the establishment, the Russian President does this by utilizing what are known as “useful idiots." In the past twelve months, “useful idiots” have included Trump, Greek PM Alexis Tsipras, Corbyn and Jean-Claude Juncker.

While they are a pretty impressive bunch, there are plenty more of them. WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden, Boris Johnson and Frank-Walter Steinmeier are also regularly cited in this regard.

It's worth explaining here what seems to qualify someone for the title of "useful idiot." All signs indicate that it's because, at one point or another, they have spoken out in favor of a policy that, while possibly having nothing to do with Russia, wasn't directly aimed at hurting Russia.

Thus, we are supposedly to believe that the German Foreign Minister, the EU Commission President and the UK Foreign Secretary, among many others, are all looking out for Putin’s interests.

Do they think we are complete dimwits?

An Aeneid

Putin also apparently has “Trojan horses.” Prominent personalities and things accused of going all Troy for the Kremlin include Nadia Savchenko, the Czech President, Trump and Greece itself. As in the nation.

Taking things a step further, the author and lobbyist, Peter Pomerantsev, recently wrote that “we are all Putin’s useful idiots” in an article best described as clickbait at its finest. Because that’s what it all boils down to - clickbait McCarthyism.

We’re all Putin’s ‘useful idiots’
Neat @peterpomeranzev take in @POLITICOEurope on meme war that keeps on giving

— Mark Galeotti (@MarkGaleotti) July 21, 2016

We can call it this because McCarthyism means accusing people you don't like of being agents of a foreign government and connecting anything and everything to Putin seems to generate a lot of traffic for news outlets. If old Joe Mc were around today, he’d surely be impressed.

Here Are Some Seriously Dumb Russia Predictions From the Western Media

Perennial league champs in the getting-Russia-completely-wrong derby: The Economist. Also professional Russia hater, Anders Aslund make a cameo. And there are some new-comers on the scene too. Well, lets get to it, shall we?

Bryan MacDonald 

Thu, Aug 13, 2015 

Anders Aslund: He's built a whole career on being wrong about Russia

Siberia is not about to separate from Russia. Recent reports in Western media are typical of anti-Russia hysteria.

Britain was late to the Lottery game. I’m unsure whether it was a romantic attachment to the Football Pools or the last remnants of stoic, Protestant values. Anyway, the UK didn’t ‘enjoy’ its first National Lottery draw until 1994.

Nobody does light-entertainment TV as well as the Brits and the BBC took to the format with gusto. Soon, a Lancashire lady called Mystic Meg was a household name. Meg’s slot was good fun. The pseudo-psychic would attempt to predict facts about the future winner. Of course, Meg was usually very wrong. Her repeated failures became something of a national institution and the butt of countless jokes.

Not being a fan of 14 million to 1 bets, I haven’t followed the Lottery too closely since. Nor Meg’s career. However, I’ve long suspected that the hapless clairvoyant might have inspired a lot of the commentary one reads on Russia in the Western media. Some of the predictions over the years have made Mystic Meg look entirely believable.

Hardly a month goes by when somebody isn’t predicting Russia’s imminent demise. The conspiracy theories usually vary. However, regular suspects are the collapse of the government, a Chechen war redux, a demographic implosion or an invasion by China.

The daddy of them all came back in 1999 when Anders Aslund predicted ‘Russia’s Collapse’ in a seminal Foreign Affairs article. This groundbreaking piece pioneered the, then innovative, use of complete nonsense to scare the living daylights out of people in the West. It frightened investors, students and anybody who had any intention of discovering Russia at that time.

A Swedish Oxford graduate, Aslund had worked as an adviser to Boris Yeltsin’s notoriously incompetent 1990’s administration in Moscow. The ‘shock therapy’ prescribed by Aslund caused untold misery across Russia. Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz described the policy as “a failure.”

Nevertheless, in ’99, a year after an economic crash had sidelined Aslund’s protégés at the Kremlin, he twisted the knife. Amazingly, some still take Aslund seriously as a Russia analyst. Earlier this year, he predicted that Russia’s economy would contract by 10 percent in 2015. The World Bank estimates 2.7%. On the basis that a stopped clock is right twice a day, Aslund has been trying to advise Ukraine, through the opinion pages of the Kyiv Post. Ukraine, frankly, has more than enough problems already.

Aslund’s continued presence serves as proof that nobody ever went hungry from being continuously wrong on Russia. This surely warms the hearts of editors at the Economist magazine, where Mystic Meg may, or may not, work these days. Due to the fact that its articles aren’t deemed worthy of by-lines, this is unclear.

As Business New Europe’s Ben Aris pointed out last year, the Economist has “an institutional hatred” of Russia. “Those who cover and invest in Russia have long ago cancelled their subscriptions to the Economist; in Moscow at least it has a reputation for bias and selective reporting that makes its coverage next to useless,” the experienced Moscow correspondent wrote.

Not content with weekly digs at Russia, that extend from the subtle to the crude, the Economist finally ran the full gamut of A to Z last week and hit rock bottom. In an article titled “If Russia Breaks Up,” they took the biscuit to the extent that the proverbial Cheesecake was denuded. Attempting to conflate the Ukrainian civil war with the 1904-05 Russo-Japanese war, the anonymous Economist author made the magazine look even more silly than usual.

The Economist’s supposition centered on the ill-informed notion that there exists a groundswell of support for Siberia separatism. Even more ridiculously the magazine alleged that the dominant Far Eastern cities of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk are “more economically integrated with China and South Korea than they are with the European part of Russia.”

This is inaccurate on so many levels. In fact, the precise problem with the Russian Far East is that it’s not integrated enough with east Asia and far too reliant on Europe and the rest of Russia for trade. Aside from a few ramshackle ‘Chinese markets’ and the odd Korean restaurant, Khabarovsk is as European as Galway or Lisbon, despite being over 6,000 km from the Ural Mountains. Recognizing the problem, the Kremlin has recently designated sections of the Far East as “special economic zones.” If Moscow feared a breakaway, it would hardly make sense for it to encourage integration between the region and its Asian neighbors.

The Economist is not alone in the sudden, rather bonkers, obsession with the notion that the Russian state might disintegrate through Siberian separatism. Of course, it hardly needs mentioning that the periodicals own home nation, the UK, is much more likely to combust as Scottish nationalists become increasingly dominant in Edinburgh and Ulster's demographics point to a United Ireland before long.

In the past month, both Quartz and the Wilson Quarterly have been beating the same drum. The former, headquartered at Washington’s iconic Watergate, is owned by Atlantic Media, which specializes in government-targeted publications. Meanwhile, the latter is controlled by the US capital’s Wilson Centre. Incidentally, Aslund has been associated with the institution.

The Wilson Quarterly’s Elizabeth Peet, a newcomer to Russia-focused journalism, based her entire argument on a Eurozine report by Stanislav Zakharkin. In turn, Zakharkin seems to have been inspired by a 2011 rally in Novosibirsk, titled ‘Stop Feeding Moscow.’ According to local sources, the protest was attended by the grand total of 100 people. Straws. At. Clutching. That was 100 folk in a city of 1.5 million souls. I’ve seen longer bus queues in Russia.

Not to be outdone, Quartz went for the jugular. Written by one Bradley Jardine, the article asked, “Could surging Siberian nationalism break up Russia?” When I stopped laughing, I realized that the author had interned at the US propaganda outlet, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. The same RFE/RL that fired a Russian journalist last year for attempting to tell the truth about Ukrainian war atrocities. Perhaps, if Andrey Babitsky was still employed, he could have advised Bradley Jardine on the ridiculousness of his argument.

Jardine hilariously invokes ‘tensions’ and ‘hostility’ between Moscow and Siberia. He describes the 100-person march in Novosibirsk as a “major rally.”

Now for the reality: there is more chance of Texas separating from the USA than Siberia suddenly shunting away from Russia. For starters, historic Siberia is 77 percent of Russia’s total land area. The Siberian Federal District is 30 percent. Hence, even in the very unlikely event of Russian collapse, it would be the rest of the country separating from it.

There’s also the fact that Siberia & the Russian Far East are more uniformly Slavic (95 percent) and Orthodox Christian than most ‘European’ Russian regions. This includes Moscow, which allegedly has a 91-percent ethnic Russian population, but that doesn’t account for the vagaries of Russia’s registration system. Furthermore, Asian Russians are generally more integrated than Caucasus Muslims, for instance.

This is not to say that Siberia’s demographic make-up is the sole reason for its continued loyalty to Russia. Aside from cultural ties, Siberia needs the protection of the Russian state. Alone, its more densely populated Asian neighbors would overwhelm it.

However, natives never discuss such concerns. For one simple reason - Siberia is as Russian as Balalaikas and Seld Pod Shuboi (a famous herring-based salad). There’s no desire in Novosibirsk to exit the Russian Federation and most locals would guffaw at the suggestion.

There’s also no danger of Yorkshire departing from the UK, Provence leaving France or Colorado separating from the USA. Quite correctly, the Economist, Quartz and the Wilson Quarterly don’t even entertain such crazy notions.

Why then do they ignore reason when it comes to Russia?

This article originally appeared at Russia Today

Retrospections: 30.5.2014 - How to stop a crime or provocation - the Donbass struggles

Ретроспекции: Инфовойны: 30.5.2014 - Как предотвратить реальное преступление или провокацию?
Преступление удалось предотвратить. ЕП. The crime was prevented. EP.

Михаил ( mikle1) kirjoitti,
2014-05-30 16:38:00


If you remember, the pretential reasons for US to invade Iraq were the US accusations of the Iraq leader of manufacturing chemical weapons. From the high stand in UN "Yankees" demonstrated some capsulas, waved some photos and presented some "eye-witnesses".

Many years after the invasion the US officials confirmed that no chemical weapons had ever been produced in Iraq, they lied - deliberately. But the matter had been solved - anti-american Iraq is no more. As thousands hundreds of iraqi civilians, killed by american and NATO soldiers - up to 300 000 people. 

Today the same methods are being tried again in Ukraine. 

On the 28-th of May 2014 some intelligence info was leaked in Kiev by Vl. Seleznev, stating that there are chemical weapons in Slaviansk (Ukraine is being turned into Iraq, see below), and two days later the "defence minister" Koval stated publicly, that Slaviansk will be attacked with chemical weapons. 

"The militia in Slaviansk is ready to detonate some reservoirs with toxic substances." This was announced by Defense Minister Mihail Koval at the press-briefing, showed on air by tv channel "112 Ukraine", who said: "We are not slow. We work to prevent losses among civilian population. The Separatists are preparing to expode some toxic reservoirs in Slaviansk. Reservoirs with toxic substances, there is a lot of that there. We are now reacting upon it." 

The same accusations were made in Syria against Assad, just before the terrorists, supported by the US, started to use toxic gases on civilians. 

It was presented not as a supposition, but like a confirmed fact. This butcher and murderer Koval knows perfectly well, that militia will not be poisoning themselves, their children, mothers and wives, brothers and sisters. 

But the duped "aborigins" (the stupified people) of the "ucrainian ruins" are trained well not to think with their own brains. 

However, this is directed at europeans and americans. 

The "junta" is preparing another crime and will put the blame upon anybody else. 

They've done it in Odessa, Mariupol, Krasnoarmeisk, Novoaidar, near Volnovaha. 

Only by erupting the info plane may we stop them. 

Please, translate and spread this information. 

Same text in Russian

 Если помните, основанием для оккупации американскими войсками Ирака стало обвинение в изготовлении химического оружия. С трибуны ООН янки потрясали какими-то пробирками, размахивали пачками фотографий, таскали всюду "очевидцев". Спустя много лет США официально признали, что никакого химоружия в Ираке нет и они сознательно врали. Но дело было сделано - антиамериканский Ирак перестал существовать. Как и сотни тысяч его жителей, убитых американцами и солдатами НАТО.

Сегодня аналогичные методы пытаются реализовать на Украине. 28 мая прозвучали разведданные о каком-то химоружии в Славянске (Украину превращают в Ирак, см. ниже), а спустя двое суток "министр обороны" Коваль считает, что против Славянска будет применено химическое оружие.Ополченцы в Славянске готовятся подорвать емкости с отравляющими веществами. Об этом на брифинге, который транслировал телеканал "112 Украина", заявил глава Минобороны Михаил Коваль: "Мы не медленно работаем. Мы работаем так, чтобы не было жертв среди мирного населения. Сепаратисты готовятся подорвать ядовитые емкости в Славянске. Емкости с отравляющими веществами, их там хватает. Мы сейчас тоже на это реагируем". Такие же обвинения звучали в Сирии в адрес Асада, перед тем, как поддерживаемые американцами террористы сами начали его применять.То есть уже не предположение, а якобы установленный факт. Этот палач и убийца прекрасно знает, что ополченцы не будут травить себя и своих детей, матерей, жен, братьев и сестер. Но оболваненное "аборигенство" на руинах украины думать отучено напрочь. Впрочем, это бред адресован европейцам и американцам.Хунта готовится совершить новое преступление и обвинить во всем других. Точно так же они поступили в Одессе, Мариуполе, Красноармейске, Новоайдаре, под Волновахой.

Только "взорвав" информационное поле мы можем этому помешать. Переводите этот материал на иностранные языки и распространяйте, где только можно.


Украину превращают в Ирак

Если помните, основанием для оккупации американскими войсками Ирака и сотнями тысяч жертв среди мирного населения, стало обвинение в изготовлении химического оружия. С трибуны ООН янки потрясали какими-то пробирками, размахивали пачками фотографий, "добытыми с риском для жизни доблестными разведчиками", таскали всюду очевидцев, воочию наблюдавших изготовление оружия массового поражения. Спустя много лет, когда Ирак превратился в раздираемую войной территорию, США официально признали, что никакого химоружия в Ираке нет и они сознательно дезинформировали мировую общественность. Но дело было сделано - антиамериканский Ирак перестал существовать.

Сегодня аналогичные методы пытаются реализовать на Украине. О наличии ОМП было заявлено в Киеве. Пока скромно - на уровне предварительных разведданных. Но все прекрасно понимают, что просто так непроверенные разведданные не делают достоянием общественности. Единственная цель таковых - подготовить почву для последующих обвинений и оценить реакцию общественного мнения. О химоружии заявил руководитель оперативной группы по информированию АТО Владислав Селезнев на брифинге в кризисном медиацентре.

Lähettänyt Elena Pyyhtia just now