EP. A note on a current topic
The tragic murder in a Kazan school (school-shooting) stirred up the public - once again - and raised terrible, vile questions, that are still not being solved in any way, because their solution is deliberately slowed down or postponed.
Upbringing (the moral one) has been removed from school, but it did not return to parents, parents are busy with their careers or their survival. Children sit in networks alone, and those networks are not Russian or even ethnically national in the regions. They definitely should be.
Russian educational programs should also be available in Russian networks. You can't leave your children to the mercy of fate and to be raised by your enemies, and then be surprised that a new generation grows up crazy and does not want to have children of their own.
They say it's selfishness. Or maybe these children just do not want to plunge their future children into the mud of loneliness, confusion and helplessness? In which they were (and probably still are) themselves??
We need to immediately reform the education system and return full-fledged moral upbringing to schools. It is necessary to introduce training programmes for parents for the upbringing of children, at least elementary and based upon moral values. By the way, the newlyweds used to be given educational books on psychology of relationships, on behavior in the family and on raising children. In the Soviet Union, I mean.
Liberal connivance to everything led, among other things, to the incident in Kazan. (A lonely killer slaughtered 7 children, 2 teachers and wounded tens of others.)
Liberal debauchery and anarchy in everything does not take root in Russia neither do capitalism. You need to shake off all this dirt, accurately define your values and follow them in everything without looking back and fearing that Russia will not be understood in the West. "F--- the West!"
The "spirit of freedom and democracy" - emasculated to the point of nothing = everything is permitted - is already sprouting in Russia, too.
There is no real freedom in the West. No real democracy either.
There are empty shells / false models and simulacra. And the hypocrites, who hide behind them, believing, that the power in the world belongs to them by the right of birth as a "white man" or "the chosen one", and have the audacity to teach Russia and other countries how to raise their children, develop their economy or build relationships in their society and in the world.
But they also threaten "the rebels" with sanctioning punishments to the people, if the government would dare not follow their teachings.
And that is enough already! Their opinions are false or distorted or simply vile and corrupt. These opinions change in sync with their current interests. There will be interests, there will be both acceptance and understanding. No interests, there will be, very likely, attacks and accusations.
Or both: the new trend is - we condemn their actions or their practices, but we will cooperate with them in the areas of OUR interest.
A fact of life. They have already destroyed their own economies, which they are now feverishly trying to revive, their culture, their morality - even those fragments of it, that were on the surface.
They no longer have any religions or philosophies - there is only a philosophy of exceptionalism (the right to dominate, based on mysterious foundation) and total permissiveness (even unbridled promiscuity) in completely wrong directions, as well as the constant development of strategies to combat Russia, China and all those, who do not agree to obey them quietly.
If Russia and China are so weak and wrong, why is West so afraid of their influence? Why is it so eager to weaken or destroy these unworthy rivals? Or prevent their development by any means? Rivals? Competitors?
Do they hold their peoples complete fools? And why don't they talk about other countries at all, as if they don't exist? They are completely selfish, self-centred. This is one of the ways to ostricize your enemy = to make it an outcast. Just behave like he doesn¨t exist.
India is dying of the coronavirus, no one notices. And what about Africa? Who cares? What's the difference?? Who cares about them?
They care about Russia, because it was the first country to invent 4 (four!) kinds of anti-covid-19 vaccine with practically no side effects. While the European vaccines caused severe complications.
And this means war of competitors for the pharma-markets. Despite the fact, that Russia has offered the world wide cooperation and its vaccines to everybody, who need it. And not for trade, but for production by licence and free distribution. And even delivered them pro bono to the countries in crisis. No one in the West said a word of praise or anything.
All this is coming to an end. The world is changing. The Pirate models are leaving. With local battles. Now they offer a corporate distribution of benefits and goods in return of loyalty and labour = that is, they transfer the rights and powers of states to the transnational corporations!
Now all they need to do is to abandon the ethnic or national identity and cancel the state as unnecessary. As 7 billion people should be cancelled too - for uselessness - useless extra eaters.
EP. Carefree war? Forget it!
If a party wants to come to power in a democratic way, it must present a program that can be supported by the majority of the population. That's what they do in a democratic society. These are the basic truths.
The Liberals in Russia have no desire to win the election. That all is just a weak imitation. It is clear that even they themselves do not believe in the possibility of support of the population. But as a virtual political force, they exist. Moreover, there is a good material (financial) support for the movement.
And here's another interesting thing. In the virtual blogosphere (not in the real life), the ratings of these liberal users are off the scale. No comment is ignored. Even things like " Thank you!", "+++", "It's like saying, ..." , etc. are accompanied by pluses (likes), and therefore raising the rating.
I'm only interested in the goal of all this.
Someone needs to show that liberalism in Russia lives and is supported?
And the electoral results, which speak of the disastrous unpopularity of the liberal forces in Russia, are falsified?
It's all very strange!
(From the comments on the web to the question, why liberalism in Russia always fails)
The latest signals, sent by the US authorities, are perceived in Russia as insults.
Accusations in mysterious cyber attacks on the United States, without any evidence, and retaliatory threats of such attacks on Russia, which no one will notice except Putin and his special services. ???
Is it possible to do that, too??? This also frees the hands of anyone to do anything, and above all to terrorists, who can always blame Russia or the United States. Or someone else... "Highly likely..."
The scandalous report: "Russia after Putin: how to rebuild the country" publicly insults the Russian President, trying to turn him into a" lame duck " three years before the next election. Not a year, not six months, but three years before. Giving the signal to activate the "revolutionary resources and instruments"?...
The Russian Constitution was not in vain corrected by additions and ammendments, that allows the current President to run for office again in 2024. Not to stay in power, but to participate in the electorate process. This just removes the uncertainty in his position before the elections.
Second, the title of the report, made with the help of the odious opposition leader - "liberal" Gozman (very active in the 90s), whose value in the real politics = 0, indicates, that Russia has entered - already - a transit period, that Russia is "destroyed" or damaged, because it must be restored, and it must be restored according to the model of the 90s, which will remain in the history of Russia as terrible, cynical, immoral years of robbery and humiliation of all the peoples of the USSR, directly subordinated at that moment to the United States, lowering the Great Russia to the level of "a primitive Asian barbarian country, that has no idea about the real democratic structure of a civilized state."
What is this? Orwell's doublespeak? Or an appeal to criminal structures to take part in the change of the state system in Russia? Again???
Probably, yes. And may be, no. But this is definitely a repetition of the 200-year-old Russophobic myth, "outSharped"- blunted by the frequent use (forgive my calambure).
Which, by the way, still works perfectly in the West for those, who know nothing about Russia, believe their media, are not interested in Russia, have never been to it and have never met Russian or Soviet people in the past. This does not mean that the one, who throws this myth into the public space, does not know, has not been, has not met.
On the contrary, all those Russologists, political scientists, politologists are perfectly familiar with realities of Russia - its strengths and weaknesses. And they have been there many times. Love Russian theatre and museums. Claim to love Russia and its people.
However, at the moment, the United States itself are in a deepest political, economic, financial, and ideological crisis. Their attitude to the war (or confrontation) with Russia is ambivalent.
On the one hand - the gut is thin = no funds. Both the US and the EU are in debt - and have too many problems at home. And on the other hand - too scary... - modern Russia has outsmarted and bypassed NATO in its super-modern weapons with no huge funding, it was forced to invent in order to defend its independence and sovereignty.
But... The United States, like Britain, are perfectly able and always used to profit from any war. Preferably, not on their own territory and not with their own hands. Ukraine suits this aim perfectly, it can easily become such a territory and such an instrument.
They just gloat and glow from content - Russians will fight Russians! Already are in Donbass! That"s a rare delight!
Unlike "the Great Ucres" of Galicia (the pro-Polish Western part of Ukraine), Americans and Brits have not a slightest doubt about it - "Russians against Russians", "Slavs vs Slavs".
They know very well, what Ukraine is - a joint artificial anti-Russian project of the West, sculptured out of the old Russian border territories, inhabited mostly by the Southern Russians or russian speaking minorities of Greeks, Bolgars, Tatars, Hungarians, even Italians, Romanians, Moldavians and Poles.
But the political situation in the United States and in the European West is very contradictory and explosive.
Such a war, taking into consideration still open vast connections, would quickly cause negative reactions within countries, especially if Russia considers the United States (and the Western Europe, accordingly) a military enemy, participating in the Ukrainian war in Donbass.
The strikes will be carried out not only on the vassals, who perform the tasks of the United States, but also on the center, that gives orders. The headquarters.
And this puts not only Poland, the Baltic States (the "tabakis") and the Ukraine, but also the United States and Britain themselves, in a very risky position.
In this scandalous report "Russia after Putin", American Russologists through Leonid Gozman (who is a Russian Jew) dare to dictate some absolutely enchanting terms for the "future Russia":
- the end of all repressions (what does that mean? Does it mean, that Russia has no right to protect itself from the inside enemies and criminal disturbance?),
- the release of all political prisoners (what political prisoners?, common criminals, terrorists, hooligans, foreign agents or administrative officials, serving their verdicts for corruption, or the notorious opposition leaders, who violated the law on assemblies, and are well corrupted themselves?? the law is the law, wherever it is, if it is accepted - wasn"t it the favourite mantra of the "democratic" anglo-saxons? And why should they be released, if they are guilty in breaking the Law?),
- the destruction and dissolution of the country"s own security and intelligence structures, (what? on what grounds and why? and for God"s sake, what for?)
- the scrapping of the judicial system and the system of Prosecutor's supervision, (?)
- change in the form of government (!) from the presidential to the parliamentary (which is absolutely unacceptable and ineffective for Russia, and who is mr. Gozman to decide, what is best for Russia? shouldn"t it be a matter for people to discuss and approve by voting, democratically?),
- lowering prices for energy resources (why? isn"t it a matter for the free market to regulate prices, or at least a matter for the exporter to decide and negotiate? and, for God"s sake, why should Russia refuse the financial income from oil and gas trade, in whose interests?) and
- the readiness to lose some territories (really?!, so, the already lost territories are not enough, there should be more? and the "plan of dismantling Russia into easy-to-manage pieces" is still alive?) (end of quote)
As Sergey Mikheev puts it, "This is war!".
They do not even hide it - the "liberal politicians", who will come to power to change the system in Russia, claim, that they will have to use illiberal, dictatorial methods and harsh repression against supporters of traditional values and national interests. !!! Then... what repressions are they going to remove? And what side they are really on? Not their country"s?
Did their hearing blur and they could not get what they were saying?!
I think, that Mr. Gozman is well aware of the scandalous and arrogant nature of such texts, which try to dehumanize the Great Power to the level of some "Limpopo territories" and its peoples to the level of some "wild aborigines, who are ready to sell their land and their children for plastic beads" to barbarians, who bluntly seek only resources, slaves for work and "pleasure" and space for more robbery.
The report sets out the terms of such deal and they are the terms of surrender. And recommendations for suppressing possible resistance.Which is controversial at best... Treasonous, at worst.
But this is good for the electorate in Russia. The Liberals have no support in the country what so ever, they are few in number and not influential at all. Mostly despised. They are just small part of the "elite party". It's all about nothing.
And now, with this program voiced, they have lost the remnants of the elementary human respect for themselves, which was not very high before anyway. Most people in Russia treat them with contempt and mockery.
Moreover, questions are increasingly raised about their direct betrayal and treason to the Motherland. They are openly called in Russia the "fifth column of the enemy", planning the destruction of their own country.
The old debates and struggles between the "state builders" and the "liberal westerners" are no longer relevant.
Now everyone understands, what the "Western liberals" are preparing for Russia. They took off their masks and openly marked their positions.
The age-old dispute between patriots and Westerners in Russia is over.
The West does not need Russia, it needs its lands and resources.
Russia does not need the West - the western values have devalued themselves and ceased to be human, remaining in their classical form only in Russia.
And Russia - it is a self-sufficient State, huge and disobedient to the will of others. This means that it has never been conquered. And it never will be!
Yes, the younger generation, who did not remember or even knew the 90s, could not evaluate to the full the horror of that time and the complexity of the work done by the current President during his 20 years in power. Such things need to be explained.
Vladimir Putin found himself in the same position as the government of the young Soviet Russia, when the country was destroyed politically, financially and economically, after the First World War, two revolutions, intervention, plunged into poverty and civil war, when the Western "friends-mentors" demanded immediate proof of the superiority of the socialist system and the country"s strength to resist the onslaught of the enemy - their own onslaught.
At the same time, they were harmfully interfering with Russian affairs in every possible way.
But that is what they do! "Power and Force decide everything!
In Russia of that time it was necessary first to save people from starvation and complete destruction of economy, and then to start restoring normal infrastructures, and only after that to start forming a new people's state. (Doesn't it remind you of the 90-s? Really?)
When all this was achieved, and the country started to develop rapidly, the West used the crop failure of 30-33-s. The "friends-partners" (as they say in Russia) pumped grain out of Russia, defiantly refusing gold, causing famine in the country, using as blackmail the purchase of industrial western equipment, necessary for the ongoing industrialization, needed to prepare the country to repel the military attack on Russia, that had already being prepared. But only for the grain!
These are terrible critical situations, from which there are no adequate or safe ways out - "friends-partners-mentors" have skillfully mastered the methods of insidious "driving" the enemy into a corner and cynical blackmailing Russia either by the life of its peoples or by the very existence of the country.
And the situation was exactly like this: every time the Soviet Russia became stronger, the following plan was created to weaken (and destroy) it.
During the Second World War, Russia had suffered monstrous human and material losses, primarily in destroyed infrastructures and destroyed settlements and cities, as well as parts of industrial enterprises. 27 million people died (Russia lost 1.5 million in the First World War). And according to the latest research, even more.
The bids increase - the price rises. And do you think it wasn't a war for extermination? (See the works of the Russian historian Egor Yakovlev).
After the War - the restoration began once more without any financial support from the US "Marshall plans for reconstruction" and humiliating dependence on the West. The United States had set such unacceptable conditions for granting loans for the after war reconstruction, that the USSR was forced to refuse. And that was another betrayal of the allies in War, US had promised financial support to the USSR for the afterwar reconstruction in Russia.
Once again - long years of reconstruction, reindustrialization, regrouping and establishing the agriculture, once again - tremendous efforts to establish normal life for people, exhausted by the war sufferings.
This is an incredible strain on people. Generation after generation of Soviet people lived in conditions of war, devastation, famine and disorder, as well as the constant danger of physical destruction in wars. This is exhausting and causes chronic fatigue not only in individuals, but in the whole nations.
And at the same time, your enemy - just yesterday an ally - is planning massive airstrikes on your cities, already destroyed by the war and Nazy Germans, and even strikes with nuclear bombs. Unthinkable? Exactly. That was the plan"s official name.
This situation was corrected only by invention of the Russia"s own atomic bomb.
After that, the belligerent fervor of the "former allies" subsided for decades. A "carefree" Cold war began - a war of scarecrows, a war of sanctions and economic embargoes, a war of words and propaganda, radio stations, rock music and funny news about "good" Western life, a war of facades and appearances, a war of false pictures.
Indeed, this "carefree" one also used to slide into some very dangerous crises - like the "Caribbean nuclear" one... which was settled off the agenda by a tremendous political effort on both sides.
And so it would continue for an arbitrarily long time - the West, under the pressure of the too convincing example of the USSR, changed in a more social direction - until the implementation of joint agreements on general changes in the doctrine of confrontation to the doctrine of cooperation and further social transformations in the West. This required only constant work of statesmen. Americans and Russian, first of all.
However, something completely unexpected by the Western partners happened - after decades of "cold" propaganda and economic war Russia suddenly stopped resisting and voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy. !??
Nobody in the West had ever expected this - it was done by Russians themselves - I'm not sure one can call them that - they were traitors to Russia, traitors to their native land, and secret enemies to its peoples. Without internal unloyalty and treason nothing like that would have ever happened.
It was so unexpected, that people in the Soviet Union didn't even realize what had happened. No one understood.
Anyway, with all the skepticism towards the party elites (nomenclature), people trusted their authorities and did not expect direct treason from their government.
"Country fool" Gorbachev no longer aroused people's confidence, but "Russian strongman from Siberia" Yeltsin did. They were both traitors. Two provincial climbers, who rose to power, who fought among themselves for power and recognition in the West (and for the money and financial security, of course), - none of them thought about the country, about the people, about the future of the socialist Russia. "God bless America.... and russia... " (Proclaimed Jeltzing in in the US Congress).
These small-town "Napoleons" thought only of themselves, becoming not only traitors to the Great Idea of the People's State, which simply needed to be carefully adjusted, carrying out thoughtful reforms and maintaining an honest dialogue with people, modifying and transforming the doctrine, but also simply traitors to their people and their country.
The same path is followed by the modern "russian" "Western liberals", who had been at the helm of the bourgeois revenge of the 90s, then were pushed away from power and influence. Although many, including Gozman, are still fed at the expense of taxpayers = the people.
They cannot believe that their word no longer has any weight in the state, they are eager for a second revenge, and do not hide it - they are eager to go back to the 90s. And they will not stop in front of another betrayal and treason.
This scandalous report also recommends them to do it - with dictatorial rule and repression of dissenters. And they are not at all confused by the illiberal nature of such actions or ignoring the human rights. Otherwise, it will not work !
To get rid of illusions and delusions, you need to understand a few simple facts
- Russia is an existential enemy of the West - has always been and will always be;
- capitalism does not take root in Russia, it rejects it;
- all the claims of the West to the country are far-fetched or false, and are used only, when Russia becomes so strong that it again becomes an example of opposition to the cannibalistic regimes of the "civilized friends-partners" from the west, covered up with statements about human rights and democracy, which are simply not there, and
- the main factor - Russia is their economic competitor. (Now this role has moved to China.)
The trust of the Russians in their invincible innere strength has sometimes turned into carelessness, and the neglect of their civil duties as citizens, in particular, to protect their country from the treachery of some part of the Russian elite. Their role and nature, not fully understood by the common people, has always played a major role in all misfortunes of Russia.
That time had passed. I sincerely hope so.
Russian citizens should consciously understand and evaluate both Russia's problems and their own responsibilities towards it.
Solving problems does not mean destroying the country every time or leaving it to "good foreigners". There are no good foreigners.
And the guillotine is not the best cure for headache.
And raising utility tariffs should not be a condition for getting a loan from the IMF.
Russia does not need to strive for fake values and the hypocritical lifestyle of the West, covering up poverty with scarce "social benefits". as they do in the West.
If you only knew, through what humiliations you have to go to get the unemployment benefits. And now that is being rolled up, too.
Talk to the Europeans and they will tell you all about the charms of "democracy" and "human rights" in both the EU and the US. And about the kind of competition that reigns at the workplaces.
Don't compare yourself to anyone. It is necessary that people build their own lives - in their own countries and in the world. Don't expect your government to start changes, do it yourself. And if you don"t have leverage to make them, invent some.
Russia has always been and remains a unique, original and very complex country - the largest country in the world. It is not necessary to destroy the ethnic diversity of Russia, it is necessary to consolidate all peoples in common ideas, values and principles. And they are the same for all normal human beings.
Russia can, wants and must live in its own way, without looking back at the ostentatious "wrappers" of the West, "without being sold for lard and cakes" into slavery to the cunning "rulers of the world", who will do everything to destroy Russia and seize its riches and territories. People are not a value to them, so their speeches of "human values and rights" are not worth anything.
The example of modern China provides some basic directions for achieving a more or less independent position, though they made the same mistake as Russia did, trusting the West and integrating itself into the Western system - as a supplier and manufacturer of EVERYTHING.
They thought they were dictating the terms.
But the Western "savages" do not have contractual capacity. They can pull back from any agreement, arrangement or "understanding" unexpectedly and with no warning or negotiations.
However, it is not quite clear how the United States will exist in a trade war with China, if all supplies from there are heavily taxed or stopped.
The US has reoriented its economy on the principle - we don"t have to produce anything, we move production to China, we can produce and buy everything we need in China, and we will print the money, we need!
The system is backed by a worldwide dollar reserve system of mutual settlements and trust, and the US printing press is not controlled by anyone.
A bubble? Of course it is, but piercing it without consequences for the whole world is not immediately possible.
Americans (as a state), by force, power and money, have secured a unique way of their living at the expense of everyone else. But not everyone is living well in the States either, there are racial problems, there are distortions in society and class biases.
There are some severe ideological insanity and social segregation.
Americans live in their own way and pretend to spread this way of living to everybody in the world. But it is a fake. They only try to vassalize the world under their domination. So, that they can continue living well in their own way, and everybody else would just pay for it.
This is the root of the problem - it is a false message, given to the world. This is again the theory of racial or national superiority. The American exclusivity.
And that's not what we're talking about.
We talk about the Spirit and the Right to Live IN THEIR OWN WAY for everyone. (Poor, rich, black, yellow, whatever! In your own way! Not forcing it on others.
Good things can be borrowed and learnt from each other, if they fit and suit. Without threatening anyone, destroying Nature or imposing anything on anyone by force. There is no need to compare yourself to anyone else. The criteria are different. And you have a right just to be yourself and live as your land and your traditions dictate. (If they are not criminal, of course,) Nations should cooperate and correct their ways if they are inhumane.
But people of the world have already agreed on the basic principles of coexistance in the Declaration of the Human Rights, signed by all countries in 1948. So, just do it.