15 ноября 2014 DAS ERSTE
Путин обвинил СМИ в замалчивании преступлений Киева
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На востоке Украины киевское правительство использует армию и ракеты. Однако СМИ об этом молчат. В своем интервью каналу ARD президент России спрашивает о таком избирательном подходе к распространению информации. Он также добавляет, что его страна не допустит истребления Киевом всех своих политических противников.
Ukrainan kaakossa Kiovan hallitus käyttää armejaa ja ohjuksia. Kuitenkin Lännen tiedotusvälineet ovat siitä hiljaa. Saksan ARD-kanavan toimittajille annetussa haastattelussa Venäjän presidentti tiedustelee sellaisen valikoivan lähestymistavan syitä tiedon välityksessä. Hän lisää myös, että hänen maansa ei tule sallimaan Kiovalle tämän poliittisten vastustajien fyysistä tuhoamista.
Президент России Владимир Путин в четверг прокомментировал конфликт на Украине в эксклюзивном интервью ARD.
Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin kommentoi torstaina Ukrainan konfliktia erikoishaastattelussa ARD-kanavalle.
ВЛАДИМИР ПУТИН, президент России: Самое главное, нельзя смотреть на проблему однобоко. Сегодня на востоке Украины идут боевые действия. Украинское правительство послало туда армию. Применили даже ракеты.
VP: Pääasia - ei saa tarkastella ongelmaa yksipuolisesti. Tänään Kaakkois-Ukrainassa tapahtuu sotilaallista toimintaa. Ukrainan hallitus lähetti sotajoukkojaan sinne. Jopa ohjuksia on käytetty.
Но кто-нибудь об этом говорит? Ни слова. Значит, вы хотите, чтобы украинское правительство там всех уничтожило? Всех своих политических противников и оппонентов? Вы этого хотите? Мы этого не хотим. И не позволим.
Onko kukaan puhunut tästä? Ei sanakaan. Tarkoittaako tämä, että te haluatte, että Ukrainan hallitus tuhoaisi siellä kaiken? Kaikkia poliittisia vastustajiaan ja opponenttejaan? Haluatteko todella? Me emme haluaa sellaista. Emmekä salli sitä.
Дата выхода в эфир 15 ноября 2014 года.
"Koleutta" Brisbanessa

'Politics blinded them?' Putin says sanctions against Russia may backfire on Ukraine
Published time: November 15, 2014 15:08
Edited time: November 15, 2014 17:12
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Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, answers questions of ARD channel's representative Hubert Seipel.(RIA Novosti / Michael Klimentyev)
TrendsUkraine turmoil
TagsCurrencies, EU, Economy, Finance, Russia,Sanctions, USA, Ukraine
It’s astounding that the EU and US don’t realize that by limiting Russia's access to international capital, they’re actually undermining the financial wellbeing of Ukraine, which is credited by Russian banks, Vladimir Putin told German TV channel ARD.
Read the transcript of the interview, part 1
The Russian President said that the country's banks "have currently extended a $25-billion loan to the Ukrainian economy.”
“If our European and American partners want to help Ukraine, how can they undermine the financial base by limiting our financial institutions’ access to world capital markets?” said Putin in the ARD interview, as cited by Kremlin.ru.
“Do they want to bankrupt our banks? In that case they will bankrupt Ukraine. Have they thought about what they are doing at all or not? Or has politics blinded them? As we know eyes constitute a peripheral part of brain. Was something switched off in their brains?” the president wondered.

The Russian state isn’t going to execute its formal right to demand an early payment of the $3 billion it loaned Kiev a year ago, Putin said.
“We have already decided that we will not do it because then Ukraine’s whole financial system would collapse,” he explained.
“We do not want to aggravate the situation. We want Ukraine to get back on its feet at last,” the president stressed.
As for the Russian banks, it’s their shareholders, including foreign ones, that should decide whether to demand early payment from their Ukrainian credit customers or not, he said.

Edited time: November 15, 2014 17:12
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Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, answers questions of ARD channel's representative Hubert Seipel.(RIA Novosti / Michael Klimentyev)
TrendsUkraine turmoil
TagsCurrencies, EU, Economy, Finance, Russia,Sanctions, USA, Ukraine
It’s astounding that the EU and US don’t realize that by limiting Russia's access to international capital, they’re actually undermining the financial wellbeing of Ukraine, which is credited by Russian banks, Vladimir Putin told German TV channel ARD.
Read the transcript of the interview, part 1
The Russian President said that the country's banks "have currently extended a $25-billion loan to the Ukrainian economy.”
“If our European and American partners want to help Ukraine, how can they undermine the financial base by limiting our financial institutions’ access to world capital markets?” said Putin in the ARD interview, as cited by Kremlin.ru.
“Do they want to bankrupt our banks? In that case they will bankrupt Ukraine. Have they thought about what they are doing at all or not? Or has politics blinded them? As we know eyes constitute a peripheral part of brain. Was something switched off in their brains?” the president wondered.
The Russian state isn’t going to execute its formal right to demand an early payment of the $3 billion it loaned Kiev a year ago, Putin said.
“We have already decided that we will not do it because then Ukraine’s whole financial system would collapse,” he explained.
“We do not want to aggravate the situation. We want Ukraine to get back on its feet at last,” the president stressed.
As for the Russian banks, it’s their shareholders, including foreign ones, that should decide whether to demand early payment from their Ukrainian credit customers or not, he said.
According to the president, the economies of different states are interconnected in the modern world and “any restrictions are counterproductive,” and in the long run cause damage to all international economic and financial players.
In recent months, the US and EU, which blame Russia for fanning the current Ukrainin unrest, have implemented several waves of sanctions against Russia.
The restrictive measures targeted not only individual politicians and businessmen, but also the country’s financial, energy and defense sectors.
The president said that it’s “rather difficult” to estimate the damage done by the sanctions to Russia’s economy, but he confirmed that “we have really sustained losses, it is true.”

However, he stressed that the current situation may also have “some advantages,” which include boosting production within Russia.
The restrictions by the EU and US, “induced us to produce these goods ourselves” instead of relying on imports, Putin said.
“The comfortable life, when all we had to do was produce more oil and gas, and to buy everything else, is a thing of the past. Now we must think about producing goods ourselves, not just oil and gas,” he explained.
The president expressed confidence that Russia has the capabilities “to address any technology issues independently, including in the defense sphere.”

Putin stressed that he expects the Russian economy to keep growing despite the setback caused by the current situation.
“With regard to growth, we should note that this year growth was modest but it was present nevertheless at about 0.5–0.6 percent. Next year we are planning to achieve 1.2 percent growth, the year after that 2.3 percent and 3 percent in three years,” he said.
“Generally, these are not the figures we would like to have but nevertheless it is growth and we are confident that we will achieve these figures,” Vladimir Putin added.
In recent months, the US and EU, which blame Russia for fanning the current Ukrainin unrest, have implemented several waves of sanctions against Russia.
The restrictive measures targeted not only individual politicians and businessmen, but also the country’s financial, energy and defense sectors.
The president said that it’s “rather difficult” to estimate the damage done by the sanctions to Russia’s economy, but he confirmed that “we have really sustained losses, it is true.”
However, he stressed that the current situation may also have “some advantages,” which include boosting production within Russia.
The restrictions by the EU and US, “induced us to produce these goods ourselves” instead of relying on imports, Putin said.
“The comfortable life, when all we had to do was produce more oil and gas, and to buy everything else, is a thing of the past. Now we must think about producing goods ourselves, not just oil and gas,” he explained.
The president expressed confidence that Russia has the capabilities “to address any technology issues independently, including in the defense sphere.”
Putin stressed that he expects the Russian economy to keep growing despite the setback caused by the current situation.
“With regard to growth, we should note that this year growth was modest but it was present nevertheless at about 0.5–0.6 percent. Next year we are planning to achieve 1.2 percent growth, the year after that 2.3 percent and 3 percent in three years,” he said.
“Generally, these are not the figures we would like to have but nevertheless it is growth and we are confident that we will achieve these figures,” Vladimir Putin added.
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