keskiviikko 17. marraskuuta 2021

The short briefing on what is happening 17.11.21

1. THE MIGRANT CRISIS ON THE POLISH-BELARUS BORDER - 2 to 5 thousands of potential migrants are staying cold and hungry in the border zone between Poland and Belarus - children, pregnant women, young men and men in their 30-40s. The Belarus border is open, the Polish - closed. On the Polish territory - troops (over 20 000), aggressive rhetoric and heavy machinery.

Использование водомета при минусовой температуре

Белоруссия организует гуманитарное обеспечение для скопившихся мигрантов

Putin said the way the Poles treat migrants is against all principles of humanity.

Polish police, border guards and the military are spraying pepper gas and ice cold water with some yellow-red chemicals at the crowd of migrants, and that in a sub-zero temperature, disturbing night sleep by light projectors, blinking spotlights and idiotic announcements through megaphones.

Those, who get through, are getting caught and demonstratively thrown back to the other side of the border. Where does this cruelty come from, and to people, who have paid their passage up to Germany?

Why are the Poles not passing the migrants through into Germany? That has always worked before. Illegally, of course.

Because, legally, they don't have any right to do it - all the migrants, who arrived in Poland, should stay in Poland. Their immigrant applications should be processed there. That is the law of the EU.

This way Poland will be forced to accept a couple of thousands of migrants from Iraq and Syria, which they refused to take in before. Now they will have to. This is the thing the EU wants to make Poland do.

Poland is one of the EU countries, who refuse to accept any migrants from the destroyed Arabic countries they helped to destroy. This is part of the game between rebellious, still catholic, Poland and Brussels.

The Polish and Lithuanian authorities treat migrants cruelly. All who get through, get beaten brutally and thrown back into the border zone or the territory of Belarus. About 10 migrants have already perished after wandering in the marshes under circumstances yet unknown.

The whole crisis is not worth a damn. Munchen has already declared its willingness to accept all the migrants from the Polish border. Belarus has offered its Belavia-planes - 4-5 of them - for transporting them to Germany. Now the task is to gather people in one place, explain the plan, load them into buses, take them to the nearest airport and then to Germany - Munchen - where they will be welcomed and awaited for. Or allow the opening of the humanitarian corridor from Poland to Germany.

So, where is the problem?

All the migrants need is a guarantee that they will not be deported back to Iraq or Syria. There is nothing to return to. Everything is sold to get money for the "tour". Many fear being killed back at home.

"The Tour" included a paid passage to Germany. These "tours" are sold and executed by the mafia-structures in Iraq, Turkey, the Baltic countries and Ukraine. No Belavia or Aeroflot planes were engaged in the traffic schemes. The scheme related only to transporting the "tourist" to Germany.

All the migrants have appropriate travel papers in order, there is no reason whatsoever to refuse them access to the Polish checkpoints. (And this is the only thing Belarus could be accused of - of letting them through to the border.)

Now Belarus has to deliver fuel, food, blankets and warm clothes, generators and medical help to the border, where the migrants keep camps and suffer. Really. No one expected anything like this.

Migrants are trying to storm the border. They are sprayed by some unknown yellowish substance from the water-guns and teargas. All this lands upon women and children. Irritates eyes, making people sick.

Neither Belarus, nor Russia have faced the European Migrant Crisis of 2015 - only some aftershock and lesser consequences. Now Belarus "enjoys" a clearly orchestrated full scale migrant crisis, arranged for it up to humanitarian catastrophe.

Immigrants flowed to Germany through Poland through Belarus before. Poland has just unexpectedly closed its border. In 2016 some migrants did try to get to Europe through Russia's northern border with Norway, which was immediately closed.

Now the whole crisis resolution depends upon Germany alone, it can be solved without Poland through the airlines between Belarus and Germany. However, they are forbidden and closed in the frames of the anti-Belarus sanctions.

That means that Belavia was forcefully excluded from the European flying routes under sanctions, which made the company redirect its activity to Arabic countries. Now Belarus is accused of migrant-trafficking to the Polish border. While Poland surprisingly closed (or was forced to close) its border. That's it.

And by the way, migrants were brought to Belarus by private charters (Boeings) from Turkey or Iraq.

To resolve this crisis Germany should lift the sanctions, forbidding Belavia to fly to Europe - even just for the case. And the crisis will be gone in days.

Somehow, it seems, that Europe continues to slip into holes, it digs for someone else.

2. US again offer to imitate Russia's invasion in Ukraine

The Ukrainian map of the supposed Russian invasion into Ukraine of 2014, note the marked city of Kharkiv (Harkov) instead of Lugansk, that rebelled in real life. The pro-Kremlin riots were suppressed brutally in Harkov (over 1000 activists in jail). Only Lugansk and Donetsk succeeded in defending themselves against the government "anti-terrorist operation".

Обычная дислокация российских войск
The usual dislocation of the Russian troops in the region

The US is not ready to fight for Ukraine. Never ever will. They only need some massive irritation of Russia at all possible points. The Donbass republics are getting all the provocations and all the blows. But it's all Russia's fault, of course. "Russian aggression", bla-bla... Russia is again preparing to invade Ukraine. (?)

Russia has approved a new law, allowing unrestricted humanitarian aid to the republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. This will lift custom burdens and other restrictions also from the republics' own factories, allowing them to earn their own money, relieving the economic blockade, arranged by Ukraine.

Militarily, the republics are well equipped technically and have enough man-power - there are capable army-units, arranged by republics for their own safety.

Curiously, the US very persistently - like 3 times - pointed out to the Ukrainian authorities "disturbing movements" of the Russian troops on the western border with Ukraine". Ukraine twice refutes the information. On the third time it suddenly notices "the disturbing movements" and confirms. "Disturbing movements" are noticed somewhere around Smolensk - that is 250 km from the Ukrainian border. In two days they denied that again.

The USA has promised Ukraine some lethal weapons for defense in case of "Russian aggression". And asked everyone to help Ukraine with weapons. Help or sell? Ukraine is incapable of buying anything, no means, only on credit. But there are very few or not at all willing to lend money to them or help pro bono.

Britain all of a sudden arrived with an offer to loan its 600 paratroopers to support Ukraine against "that terrible Russia". But if one of the paratroopers perish even on the side of republics, this will mean "casus belli" for NATO. Cause for war. 

(But... in Britain there is a terrible migrant crisis, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants only during the last year.

Headings in the newspapers cry that "Putin should stop that shameful migrant crisis". Vladimir Vl. Kornilov, a historian and a political analyst, immediately commented quite ironically: "What? They want Putin to solve the shameful British migrant crisis too?")

France confirmed its support to Ukraine in case you know what. There will be no Russian invasion; no under any conditions, which means that there will be more provocations. There will be demonisation of Russia with provocations and lies. Britain is on the peak of the Anti-Russia hysteria. This is the situation of the Crimean War of the 19-th century. The European coalition against Russia. The siege of Sevastopol...


The USA is campaigning against The North Stream- 2. Together with Poland and Ukraine. The American interest is clear - they are bullying a rival, a competitor on the gas market, sustaining high prices on gas, and selling in Asia.

Poland will lose its part of the Russian transit through the "Yamal - Europe"- pipeline, and Ukraine - the transit through its territory. To be more precise, they will not lose it completely, but it will be reduced substantially. Big loss, it is real money from heaven. Up to 5 billion dollars a year for nothing. Now it will be 1 to 1,5 billion dollars.

The Nord Stream -2 certification delay stops the resolve of the gas crisis in Europe and allows US and other players to get richer on the overblown gas prices in Asia, simultaneously blowing up anger in the Europeans against ... guess who, Russia! Because Russia potentially could, very probably, highly likely, could have used the gas crisis as a political lever of pressure, but for the unknown reason never did.


Russia is diversifying methods of delivery of its energy resources to its long time contract buyers, who afterwards speculate on selling "the cheap left-overs" of the Russian gas on the international spot market.

Rotterdam plus - as they say. Everyone does it - Ukraine, Moldova, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland. Especially those, whose economies are in shambles. Nice prices from Russia - higher prices on the spot market.

Reducing transit through Ukraine and Poland leaves these countries with lesser possibilities to make money on the Russian gas trade. All long contract buyers get lower start prices. Except for the outside speculators. But I think they will find a way. For instance, the technical hub for technical gas in Ukraine (strictly for technical meanings) - over 1,5 billion m3. Some amount to turn over.

5. Russia and Belarus sign 28 integration documents

Belarus is reentering the Union with Greater Russia as a sovereign state (if they like it that way). Who and when infringed on their sovereignty, except for the speculation on smuggling of sanctioned goods and assistance to Ukraine in the war against the LDPR (the Donbass Republics), I do not know, but even there, until recently, they were not infringed much either.

Now that Lukashenko has realized that the war on him is real, he would have to uphold appearances, keep his word and forget about his multi-vector policy (on the edge of betraying his ally, jackalling all around and even treason). Or end up at court martial.

But it will help Belarus to strengthen its economy by being integrated into the Russian economy, and that will compensate generously for the small crumbles they earned on smuggling and speculation deals.

However, Belarus will not be alone anymore among "the wolves of the world politics and marketing" in its role of a jackal or the crazy tyranny, everybody desires to overthrow.

Really, no one wants to overthrow anything.

Some people are, indeed, fed up with Lukashenko and his clan, but they will have to endure him to the honorable end. After all, he had done a tremendous lot to keep Belarus alive and safe. And if anything, he has got balls. The return of Belarus into the Union with the Russian Federation and how it will affect its economy will be an example and an incentive for Ukraine.

For the real Ukraine, not "the Galitsian construct, made on the knee with Nazi rhetoric, unashamed corruption and a machine gun on its shoulder."

That will be an example for all the others post-soviet "exes", too, who, however, will never be accepted again into the family of the peoples of Russia. They have chosen their family. The only thing, left for them, is to be extremely polite in their rhetoric with Russia and neutral in their actions, so they probably somehow could benefit from the economic "buns" of being nice to Russia, since they have nothing else to live on with exception to pathological Russophobia and offshore fraud. And in the current circumstances, no one will get too far with Russophobia, or you will be the first to leave "the playground" and leave it for good.


Poland has lost on all fronts, as did Ukraine. Their "empire aspirations” failed, everyone nowadays has their own ambitions. No one needs new "emperors" over themselves, especially the fake ones. Nobody likes arrogant bastards. On the contrary, they usually get divided into pieces, out of harm's way, and forgotten. As it had happened to Poland three times before now already.

But the fact that Poland has closed the safe, neutral, previously open border with Belarus, either on command (and the only one she accepts commands from is "the Boss" in Washington) or out of her own mean accord, which is unlikely, means the beginning of the closure of all borders on a permanent basis.

Neither Hungary, nor Poland, Serbia, the Czech Republic, nor Slovakia will accept Muslim migrants. And they will control their borders tougher. This is in addition to covid measures, which do not promise much travel either. But they all have real tiny economies (except for Poland).

The West has been trying for years to isolate Russia and hinder its economic and domestic political rise. Or put it in a position, where Europe and the United States will be able to manage Russia, being able, of course, to use its resources. In the current situation of politicized exacerbations it would have been easy. But Russia is no longer the same as in the 90s.

While the scandalous Western sanctions policy of economic punishments of competitors and countries, not ready to submit, is already in full swing. So, at war, as at war. One should be ready for everything.


One after another, waves of corona-virus modified strains are coming - as soon as one weakens, a new even more dangerous one immediately appears, as if it has been thrown in. They say that the appearance of strains - self-modified viruses - is a natural thing, but five in a row - and each more and more dangerous than the previous... and all acting on different age groups... A coincidence? Not very likely.

Vaccination is not taking place at the right pace to stop the development of new strains. People don't trust the authorities. And generally speaking, they have a right not to.

Look at what the "wonderful new world" of the promised social capitalism under democracy has turned into - with its face of a liar, a cynic and a murderer. It has turned into a bedlam - a madhouse, where no one can trust anybody, predict anything, much less plan.

The only thing that is obviously underestimated in the West is Russia's experience of the Soviet Union, which lived in conditions similar to today's, when it was clearly aware of the nature of the western "friends-partners" and knew the value of their promises and "beautiful words" to a penny.

This experience is genetically in the blood of Russians. They just had a "sunstroke" in the 90-s from the overwork of emasculated domestic ideology, western propaganda and a long peace that made them sloppy.

Now Russia has recovered from the blow and is unlikely to allow her internal "Judases", "demons" and "smerdyakovs" to manage state security. Eternal gratitude to the unforgettable Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, who defined and described everything 150 years before the events! Twice!

E. Pyyhtiä


perjantai 29. lokakuuta 2021


Размышления о ситуации в мире в связи с неудавшейся попыткой "оранжевой революции" в Белоруссии

Польша активно участвует в организации "оранжевой революции" в Белоруссии. Содержит силами спецслужб специальный центр сетевой координации протестов "Nexta" - нечто среднее между "кое-кто" и "кто следующий", судя по названию.

Поляки славятся отвязанной чернющей русофобией и сознательной борьбой против России, ведущейся из соображений мести и комплексов нереализованных имперских амбиций.

В Белоруссии - мирной, доброй и неагрессивной - устроили беспорядки (силами польских провокаторов и украинских радикалов).

И внезапно получили собственные беспорядки, да почище, чем в Белоруссии. 8 дней многотысячных протестов. А когда узнаешь, по какому поводу, вообще диву даешься.

Польша одна из самых консервативных и религиозных стран бездуховной, отказавшейся от веры Европы. Оплот католицизма в Европе - последний. Решила ужесточить запреты на аборты - убийство неродившихся детей. Вроде бы правильное решение. И получила бешеное сопротивление граждан с погромами и столкновениями на улицах. Бумеранг.

Франция поддерживала похабную газетенку с издевательскими карикатурами на все. Спровоцировала волну терактов. Уперлась и продолжала агрессивно защищать свое "право издеваться над чем угодно", получила вторую волну терактов. Уперлась и внесла похабную карикатуру в школьные учебники. Учителю отрезали голову. Упирается и настаивает на своем "праве оскорблять" все, что посчитает нужным. Спровоцировали волну терактов в Европе - в Вене, Ницце, Барселоне. Бумеранги.

США долго и упорно разваливали СССР всеми доступными средствами. СССР больше нет.

Теперь в штатах неописуемый раскол в политической верхушке, невероятные подковерные (вышедшие на ковер) интриги и манипуляции и ложь в прессе, жестокость правоохранительных органов, которая обернулась протестами против убийств при задержании, расовыми беспорядками, мародерством черных на улицах.

Всплыли все старые противоречия, замазанные пособиями по безработице. В Америке готовятся к гражданской войне. Бумеранги.

Евросоюз был создан по примеру и модели уничтоженного Советского Союза, что цинично само по себе. В него втянули все постсоветские республики, какие смогли. В результате все постсоветские республики обнищали, лишились промышленности и собственной электроэнергии и впали в неразрешимую зависимость от государств "первой скорости".

Евросоюз рекламировали как идеальное устройство развитых цивилизованных государств белой расы. В своем идиотском подражании моделям, наработанным в России, Евросоюз думал, что по этому образцу он сможет решить свои демографические проблемы и проблемы рынка труда, приняв миллионы мигрантов из проблемных стран.

Не получилось. В СССР все нации жили в мире и согласии, но там не не было истории расовых притеснений, а в Евросоюзе жгут покрышки и режут головы. Мигранты сидят на пособиях налогоплательщиков и отнюдь не собираются работать.

Мигранты первой волны попали в неразрешимую ситуацию, где их больше не считают своими, хотя они уже в третьем поколении - граждане, и часть даже ассимилировалась.

Новые мигранты, воинственно навязывая свои законы и обычаи стране приема, опрокинули таким трудом выстроенную основу жизни укоренившихся мигрантов и обнулили их достижения многих десятилетий. Бумеранг.

Теперь Европа и США получат еще бумеранги за столетия колониальной политики, работорговли и рабовладения, издевательства над людьми других рас на основе доктрин расового превосходства европейцев.

А потом еще бумерангом придет за все развязанные войны и совершенные в своих интересах военные перевороты и разрушения других стран, которые не могли даже защититься.

Ну, что же, как говорит Сатановский, "карма у них такая".


Poland is actively involved in the organization of the "Orange revolution" in Belarus. It contains on its territory a special center for network coordination of protests "Nexta", created and funded by the special services of Poland - something between "someone" and "who is next", judging by the name. 

The Poles are famous for untethered, blackening Russophobia and a conscious struggle against Russia, waged out of considerations of revenge and complexes of unrealized imperial ambitions. 

In Belarus - peaceful, kind and non-aggressive country - riots were organized (by the forces of Polish provocateurs and Ukrainian radicals). 

All of a sudden Poland got their own riots, much more terrifying, than in Belarus. 8 days of clashes with thousands of protesters in the streets. And when you find out what it's all about, you're surprised even more. 

Poland is one of the most conservative and religious catholic countries of the spiritless, faithless Europe. The last bastion of Catholicism in Europe. It decided to tighten the bans on abortion -murder of unborn children. It seems to be the right thing for a Catholic country. Yet it received furious resistance from citizens with pogroms and clashes in the streets. Boomerang.

France supported a raunchy newspaper with mocking caricatures on everything. Provoked a wave of terrorist attacks. It resisted and continued to aggressively defend its "right to mock anything", and received a second wave of terror attacks. 
France still resisted and put a bawdy caricature in school textbooks. The teacher's head was cut off in one of the classes, when the teacher explained the right of French caricaturists to mock something sacred to others. 
France resists further and insists on its "right to insult" anything it sees fit. It is a French tradition. It provoked a wave of terrorist attacks in Europe - in Vienna, Nice, Barcelona. Boomerangs.

The United States had been long and persistently destroying the USSR by all available means. The USSR is no more. 

Now in the United States there is an indescribable split in the political elite, incredible under carpet intrigues and manipulations and lies in the press, the brutality of law enforcement officers against Afro-americans, which provoked protests against murders during detention, riots, looting by blacks in the streets. 

All the old contradictions, blocked with unemployment benefits, have surfaced. America is preparing for a civil war. Boomerangs.

The European Union was created following the example and model of the destroyed Soviet Union, which is cynical in itself. All the post-Soviet republics that could have been drawn into it, were drawn into it. As a result, all the post-Soviet republics became impoverished, lost their industry and their own electricity, and fell into an insoluble dependence on the "first speed" states. 

The European Union was touted as an ideal arrangement of developed civilized states of the white race. In its idiotic imitation of the models developed in Russia, the European Union thought that it could use this model to solve its demographic and labor market problems by accepting millions of migrants from problem countries. 

It didn't work. In the USSR, all nations lived in peace and harmony - there were no history of racial oppression, and in the European Union, they burn tires and cut heads. Migrants are sitting on taxpayer"s unemployment benefits and have not a slightest intention to work at all. 

The first wave of migrants found themselves in an unsolvable situation, where they are no longer considered belonging to their own country, although they have been citizens already in the third generation and some have even assimilated. 

The new migrants, by belligerently imposing their laws and customs on the receiving country, overturned the hard-built foundation of the life of the entrenched migrants and nullified their achievements of many decades. Boomerang.

Now Europe and the United States will get more boomerangs for centuries of colonial policy, slave trade and slavery, bullying people of other races on the basis of the doctrines of racial superiority of Europeans. 

And then another boomerang will come for all the wars unleashed and military coups committed in their own interests and the destruction of other countries that could not even defend themselves. 

Well, as Satanovsky says, " they have such karma." 


Poland shows amazing activity arranging kind of "orange revolution" in Belarus. There is even a special center  for network coordination of protests called "Nexta" - 
a crossing of "someone " and" who's next", judging by the name. A "false flag" resource, using two belorussian frontmen, but financed and coordinated by the Polish secret service.

Polish government and  politicians are famous for their unbounded public night-black Russophobia and highly motivated conscious struggle against Russia, conducted for reasons of revenge and complexes of unrealized Imperial ambitions.

In Belarus - peaceful, kind and non-aggressive country - riots were organized (using Polish provocateurs and Ukrainian radicals). 
And one must understand the historical background in the whole of this Belarus development: all its neighbors with exception  for Russia, part of which it was naturally, were its conquerors and masters - for instance - Polish-Lithuanian kingdom, where "white Russians"- belorussians - were enslaved and abused. 

Belarus still has mutual borders with Poland and Lithuania, both trying to influence and destabilize their neighboring country. 

But immediately after the Belarus protests Poland got its own riots, much more serious then in Belarus. 8 days of protests engaging thousands of Poles. And additionally, when you get to know the reason why, it amazes you even more.

Poland is one of the most conservative and religious countries of the spiritless, Faith abandoned Europe of our days. The last bastion of Catholicism in Europe. Poland decided to tighten its bans on abortion - murdering of the unborn children. Probably quite a reasonable decision for a Catholic country. And immediately got a blow back in form of furious civil resistance  accompanied by street clashes, pogroms, looting and vandalism. A boomerang?   

France supported a raunchy newspaper with mocking caricatures of everything. Provoked a wave of terrorist attacks. It resisted and continued to aggressively defend its "right to mock anything", and received a second wave of terrorist attacks. It resisted still and inserted the scandalous caricature in school textbooks. The teacher's head was cut off. It resisted still and insisted on its "right to offend" whatever it sees fit. Provoked a wave of terrorist attacks in Europe - in Vienna, Nizza, Barcelona. Some boomerangs...

The United States have been persistently - for years - trying to destroy its worst adversary and competitor -  the Soviet Union - by all available means. In the end  (in 1993) the USSR ceased to exist.

Now in the United States there is an undescribable split in its electorate and political elite, whose incredible under-rug intrigues, lies to the press and political manipulations all fell into the light together with police brutality  and murders during detention, civil anger, turned intoprotests, then riots, clashes in the streets, looting and vandalism, street violence of blacks in their cities across the country. 
Every old contradiction, smeared with unemployment benefits, have surfaced. America is preparing for a civil war. Boomerangs.

The European Union was created following the example and model of the destroyed Soviet Union, which is cynical in itself. All geopolitically important post-Soviet republics in Europe were drawn into it - the small Baltic states, Ukraine (associated). As a result, all post-Soviet republics became impoverished, lost their industry and their own electricity production, and fell into an insoluble dependence on the "first speed" States.

The European Union was advertised as the ideal device of developed civilized States of the white race. In its idiotic imitation of the models developed in Russian Empire/Soviet Union, the European Union thought that it could use this models to solve its demographic and labor market problems by accepting millions of migrants from problem countries.

Failed. In the USSR, all Nations lived in relative peace and harmony, and in the European Union they burn tires and cut each other*s heads. Migrants are on taxpayer benefits and have no intention of working.

The first wave of migrants found themselves in an unsolvable situation, where they are no longer considered loyal, although they are already in the third generation of citizens and some have even assimilated.

The new migrants, by belligerently imposing their laws and customs on the host country, overturned the hard-built Foundation of life for entrenched migrants and nullified their achievements of many decades. Boomerang.

Now Europe and the United States will get more boomerangs for centuries of colonial politics, the slave trade and slavery, bullying people of other races based on the doctrines of racial superiority of Europeans.

And then another boomerang will come for all the wars unleashed and military coups committed in their own interests and the destruction of other countries that could not even defend themselves.

Well, as Satanovsky says, " they have such karma."


EP. Oranssi ja musta BOOMERANGS

Puola osallistuu aktiivisesti "oranssin vallankumouksen" järjestämiseen Valko-Venäjällä. Se sisältää erityinen keskus-verkoston koordinointi protesteja "Nexta", jonka erityispalvelut-risteytys "joku " ja" kuka on seuraava" päätellen nimi.

Puolalaiset ovat kuuluisia epäeettisestä mustasta russofobiasta ja tietoisesta taistelusta Venäjää vastaan, joka toteutetaan koston syistä ja realisoitumattomien keisarillisten tavoitteiden komplekseista.

Valko-Venäjällä järjestettiin rauhanomaisia, ystävällisiä ja ei-aggressiivisia mellakoita (puolalaisten provokaattoreiden ja ukrainalaisten radikaalien joukot).

Ja yhtäkkiä he saivat omat mellakat, mutta puhtaampia kuin Valko-Venäjällä. 8 päivää tuhansia mielenosoituksia. Ja kun huomaat, mikä syy on, olet yllättynyt lainkaan.

Puola on yksi konservatiivisimmista ja uskonnollisimmista maista hengettömässä, uskottomassa Euroopassa. Katolisuuden viimeinen Bastioni Euroopassa. Päätin tiukentaa Abortin kieltoja-syntymättömien lasten murhaa. Se näyttää olevan oikea päätös. Ja se sai raivoisan vastarinnan kansalaisilta, joilla oli pogromeja ja yhteenottoja kaduilla. Bumerangi.

Ranska tuki räikeää sanomalehteä pilkkaavilla karikatyyreillä kaikesta. Aiheutti terrori-iskujen aallon. Hän vastusti ja jatkoi aggressiivisesti puolustamaan "oikeuttaan pilkata mitään" ja sai toisen terrori-iskujen aallon. Hän vastusti ja teki bawdy karikatyyri koulun oppikirjoissa. Opettajan pää oli katkaistu. Hän vastustaa ja vaatii "oikeuttaan loukata" mitä tahansa, mitä hän pitää sopivana. Aiheutti terrori-iskujen aallon Euroopassa-Wienissä, Nizzassa, Barcelonassa. Bumerangi.

Yhdysvallat pitkään ja jatkuvasti tuhosi Neuvostoliiton kaikin käytettävissä olevin keinoin. Neuvostoliitto ei ole enää.

Nyt yhdysvalloissa on sanoinkuvaamaton kahtia jaettu poliittinen eliitti, uskomattoman salakavala juonittelusta ja manipulointia ja valheita lehdistölle, raakuus lainvalvontaviranomaisten, joka muuttui protesteja murhien aikana säilöön, mellakoita, ryöstelyä mustat kaduilla.

Kaikki vanhat ristiriidat, sotkee työttömyysetuuksia, on noussut. Amerikka valmistautuu sisällissotaan. Bumerangi.

Euroopan unioni luotiin tuhoutuneen Neuvostoliiton esimerkin ja mallin mukaisesti, joka on itsessään kyyninen. Kaikki Neuvostoliiton jälkeiset tasavallat, jotka voitiin vetää siihen. Seurauksena, kaikki post-Neuvostoliiton tasavaltojen tuli köyhtynyt, menettäneet teollisuuden ja omaa sähköä, ja vaipui ratkaisematon riippuvuus "ensimmäinen nopeus", Toteaa.

Euroopan unionia mainostettiin valkoisen rodun kehittyneiden sivistyneiden valtioiden ihanteellisena laitteena. Sen idioottimaista jäljitelmä malleja kehitetty Venäjällä, Euroopan Unionin ajatellut, että se voisi käyttää tätä mallia ratkaisemaan sen väestörakenteen ja työmarkkinoiden ongelmia hyväksyä miljoonia maahanmuuttajia ongelma maissa.

Epäonnistua. Neuvostoliitossa kaikki kansat elivät rauhassa ja harmoniassa, ja Euroopan unionissa he polttavat renkaita ja leikkaavat päänsä. Maahanmuuttajat ovat veronmaksajien etuuksia, eikä heillä ole aikomusta työskennellä.

Ensimmäisen aallon siirtolaiset löysivät itsensä ratkaisematon tilanne, jossa ne eivät enää pitää omaa, vaikka ne ovat jo kolmannen sukupolven kansalaisia, ja jotkut ovat jopa rinnastaa.

Uusien maahanmuuttajien, jonka belligerently asettaa niiden lakien ja tapojen isäntä maa, kumosi kova rakennettu Perusta elämän ankkuroitu maahanmuuttajien ja mitätöidä heidän saavutuksista vuosikymmenten ajan. Bumerangi.

Nyt Eurooppa ja yhdysvallat saavat enemmän bumerangit vuosisatojen ajan siirtomaa politiikkaa, orjakaupan ja orjuuteen, kiusaaminen ihmiset muita rotuja perustuu oppeja rodun paremmuudesta Eurooppalaisista.

Ja sitten toinen bumerangi tulee kaikille wars valloilleen ja sotilasvallankaappaukset sitoutunut oman edun ja hävittäminen muut maat, jotka eivät voi edes puolustaa itseään.

No, kuten Satanovsky sanoo, " heillä on tällainen karma."



torstai 28. lokakuuta 2021





1. What is the real reason for the war?

Inhumane killings, shelling of civilians (including children and the elderly). A blatant injustice. 

Why? Because people in Donbass refused to recognize the illegal military coup in Kiev and the anti-Russian policy of the new junta. Also illegal.

They are Russians in the majority and they are AGAINST it! They were and partially are still citizens of Ukraine, they have the right to express and defend their opinion in any case. And they are declared terrorists. 

And large-caliber weapons of mass destruction are used against them as punishment. And aviation for bombing from the air as in Lugansk. And now they have tried Bayraktar. 

Voluntary battalions of Nazi punishers, who advocate the deprivation of Russian and Russian-speaking citizens of all civil rights, were thrown against them. 

By the way, the same thing happened a long time ago in Latvia and Estonia. The russian-speaking residents were deprived of all civil rights there. And why is the "democratic society" silent?

Residents of the South-East of Ukraine are consciously protesting against this. So consciously that they have created units of defenders, consisting of volunteers. Now, after 8 years of resistance, the LPR and the DPR have their own armies. For protection from the "former homeland" - Ukraine. 

They consciously protest and resist the PUNITIVE ACTIONS OF the Armed Forces of Ukraine AGAINST THEM! For their opinion!

In the West, do they really believe that the masses of the population should obey ANY AUTHORITY? Seriously??!


Who have you become, dear former Europeans? Where are your concepts of freedom and dignity of people, not rulers?

Who cares about the authorities! Who cares  about the junta, if it encroaches on your rights, the lives of your children and your own!

The government coordinates the actions of the state only for the BENEFIT of PEOPLE! 

There are no other goals and justifications for their existence!

According to their argument, Russia should have surrendered in all wars. 

By the way, they themselves (the europeans=), in similar situations, when it came to their dignity and blatant injustice, fought and rebelled up to the demolition of the Bastille Prison (France) and Civil War (USA). 

But when "their own" came, glorifying their right to oppress others, they peacefully surrendered, like to Hitler. Sticking, however, to the Great Victory of Russia afterwards as France, so as not to miss a piece of the "European pie".

But in their opinion the residents of Donbass should dutifully accept punitive battalions of animal like nazis, famous for cruelty in the conflict in Donbass. Accept being bullied, getting on your knees, repenting, giving up your identity or going to jail for it, or worse...??? 

Do you, former civilized nations, think THIS IS RIGHT??? 

After that, I'm not personally interested in your opinion anymore. And I don't see any reason to listen to anything from your side. 

They say in Russia, that "a bad peace is better than a good quarrel." Yes and no. There can be no peace with boors and Nazis. Neither bad nor good.

This is not a quarrel, this is a gross violation of human rights.  The first sacred one is the Right to Life. The second is the Right to Dignity. The right to expression of will, the right to vote and freedom of expression of your opinion. The right to self-defense. The right of Choice.  

What junta does - vile blockades - no food, no water, no pensions, no medicines, no electricity, no working banks, enterprises and other things. No building materials to fix broken windows and holes in houses, made by heavy artillery. All this had to be adjusted in Donetsk and Lugansk first by the Donetsk and Lugansk residents themselves. Then with the help of Russia. Yes. And we should be proud of this, it is not a crime to help our own in a catastrophic situation. 

It is a crime to cut off the supply of food and water for people. To make it difficult to receive pensions by transferring them to the enemy side for pensioners.  

In the situation of a pandemic and the resumption of active hostilities after the defeats of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the freezing of the conflict, 8 years of a vile war from the bushes for the LDPR were a shock and mockery for people. Targeted shots of snipers from the "Ukrainian" side at the elderly and children are war crimes. Which tolerant Europeans DO NOT SEE!

This only confirms the degradation and moral decline of the collective West.

When your children's lives are threatened, will you rush to protect them?

Or will you, like German husbands on the Cologne Cathedral Square, ask your wives, who are being raped by a crowd of migrants, to BE PATIENT??!!  600 criminal cases were opened, and how many were brought to sentences? ...

Nobody is interested in the opinion of the "enlightened West" anymore. 

We need to protect our own. It is necessary to immediately stop any trade with Ukraine, especially the supply of fuel and gas. And close the pipe for good. Or for the better times.

No one in Ukraine complies with "The Minsk agreements". 

And no one from the Ukrainian side was ever going to comply with them. They needed a respite to regroup, strengthen the army. They got it. 

And now they have launched an offensive. Ready to attack and kill. 

As during the Second World War, Russian people are again captured by the Nazis - taken hostages. 

It is time to act. It is no longer possible to look at all this from the outside. Donbass is Russia. And Russia must protect its own and return them to their homeland. The whole Donbass. By all possible means. 

Nobody is interested in the opinion of the lying West anymore. 

Scum like Poland - incendiaries and instigators - are asking Russia for a reduction in gas prices? Seriously??

Moldova demands a debt write-off of almost $800 mln and a 50% discount on current prices. Really??

And what have you done for Russia to ask for favors or for anything at all? Not to mention "demand"...

Russia must make its own decisions now. Finally...

There - in the village of Staromariivka in the "grey zone" - 180 residents of the DPR, 37 of them are citizens of Russia, have been taken hostages. Ukrainian soldiers are building fortifications there already, from the parts of demolished empty houses.

 The recapture and freeing of the village may require victims - up to half of the population. This is terrible. This shouldn't happen. And if the APU starts shooting residents of the village? What then? 

Russia has the means to immediately force the APU to leave the village and release Andrei Kosyak, a Russian citizen, a member of the International Observers, who was meanly taken hostage.

Diplomatic politeness and correctness do not work with scum. This means that asymmetric measures are needed. They say that Russian gas is Russia's weapon. Well, then, you need to use it. 

That peace loving "Leopold the Cat" has been long lying in Zindan on the Ukrainian side with his hands tied behind his back and his eyes sealed with duct tape. 

And bureaucratic delays can no longer be taken as an answer. 

Low-moral private traders in Russia, who continue to supply the APU with fuel, who trade with Ukraine, should be held accountable, and trade should be stopped immediately - as in the word "completely". Totally. No fuel for Ukrainian tanks through Belarus, no gas, no coal; no electricity. It is not only absurd, it is treason. 

The "non-brothers" who are fighting with Donetsk and Luhansk residents are Nazis, and it is criminal to be amiss or correct with them.  And let the civilians die.


maanantai 20. syyskuuta 2021


EP. A note on a current topic

The tragic murder in a Kazan school (school-shooting) stirred up the public - once again - and raised terrible, vile questions, that are still  not being solved in any way, because their solution is deliberately slowed down or postponed.

Upbringing (the moral one) has been removed from school, but it did not return to parents, parents are busy with their careers or their survival. Children sit in networks alone, and those networks are not Russian or even ethnically national in the regions. They definitely should be. 

Russian educational programs should also be available in Russian networks. You can't leave your children to the mercy of fate and to be raised by your enemies, and then be surprised that a new generation grows up crazy and does not want to have children of their own.

They say it's  selfishness. Or maybe these children just do not want to plunge their future children into the mud of loneliness, confusion and helplessness? In which they were (and probably still are) themselves??

We need to immediately reform the education system and return full-fledged moral upbringing to schools. It is necessary to introduce training programmes for parents for the upbringing of children, at least elementary and based upon moral values. By the way, the newlyweds used to be given educational books on psychology of relationships, on behavior in the family and on raising children. In the Soviet Union, I mean.

Liberal connivance to everything led, among other things, to the incident in Kazan. (A lonely killer slaughtered 7 children, 2 teachers and wounded tens of others.)

Liberal debauchery and anarchy in everything does not take root in Russia neither do capitalism. You need to shake off all this dirt, accurately define your values and follow them in everything without looking back and fearing that Russia will not be understood in the West. "F--- the West!"

The "spirit of freedom and democracy" - emasculated to the point of nothing = everything is permitted - is already sprouting in Russia, too. 

There is no real freedom in the West. No real democracy either.

There are empty shells / false models and simulacra. And the hypocrites, who hide behind them, believing, that the power in the world belongs to them by the right of birth as a "white man" or "the chosen one", and have the audacity to teach Russia and other countries how to raise their children, develop their economy or build relationships in their society and in the world. 

But they also threaten "the rebels" with sanctioning punishments to the people, if the government would dare not follow their teachings.

And that is enough already! Their opinions are false or distorted or simply vile and corrupt. These opinions change in sync with their current interests. There will be interests, there will be both acceptance and understanding. No interests, there will be, very likely, attacks and accusations. 

Or both: the new trend is - we condemn their actions or their practices, but we will cooperate with them in the areas of OUR interest. 

A fact of life. They have already destroyed their own economies, which they are now feverishly trying to revive, their culture, their morality - even those fragments of it, that were on the surface. 

They no longer have any religions or philosophies - there is only a philosophy of exceptionalism (the right to dominate, based on mysterious foundation) and total permissiveness (even unbridled promiscuity) in completely wrong directions, as well as the constant development of strategies to combat Russia, China and all those, who do not agree to obey them quietly. 

If Russia and China are so weak and wrong, why is West so afraid of their influence? Why is it so eager to weaken or destroy these unworthy rivals? Or prevent their development by any means? Rivals? Competitors?

Do they hold their peoples complete fools? And why don't they talk about other countries at all, as if they don't exist? They are completely selfish, self-centred. This is one of the ways to ostricize your enemy = to make it an outcast. Just behave like he doesn¨t exist.

India is dying of the coronavirus, no one notices. And what about Africa? Who cares? What's the difference?? Who cares about them? 

They care about Russia, because it was the first country to invent 4 (four!) kinds of anti-covid-19 vaccine with practically no side effects. While the European vaccines caused severe complications. 

And this means war of competitors for the pharma-markets. Despite the fact, that Russia has offered the world wide cooperation and its vaccines to everybody, who need it. And not for trade, but for production by licence and free distribution. And even delivered them pro bono to the countries in crisis. No one in the West said a word of praise or anything.

All this is coming to an end. The world is changing. The Pirate models are leaving. With local battles. Now they offer a corporate distribution of benefits and goods in return of loyalty and labour = that is, they transfer the rights and powers of states to the transnational corporations! 

Now all they need to do is to abandon the ethnic or national identity and cancel the state as unnecessary. As 7 billion people should be cancelled too - for uselessness - useless extra eaters.



EP. Carefree war? Forget it!


If a party wants to come to power in a democratic way, it must present a program that can be supported by the majority of the population. That's what they do in a democratic society. These are the basic truths.

The Liberals in Russia have no desire to win the election. That all is just a weak imitation. It is clear that even they themselves do not believe in the possibility of support of the population. But as a virtual political force, they exist. Moreover, there is a good material (financial) support for the movement.

And here's another interesting thing. In the virtual blogosphere (not in the real life), the ratings of these liberal users are off the scale. No comment is ignored. Even things like " Thank you!", "+++", "It's like saying, ..." , etc. are accompanied by pluses (likes), and therefore raising the rating. 

I'm only interested in the goal of all this.

Someone needs to show that liberalism in Russia lives and is supported?

And the electoral results, which speak of the disastrous unpopularity of the liberal forces in Russia, are falsified?

It's all very strange!

(From the comments on the web to the question, why liberalism in Russia always fails)

The latest signals, sent by the US authorities, are perceived in Russia as insults.

Accusations in mysterious cyber attacks on the United States, without any evidence, and retaliatory threats of such attacks on Russia, which no one will notice except Putin and his special services. ???

Is it possible to do that, too??? This also frees the hands of anyone to do anything, and above all to terrorists, who can always blame Russia or the United States. Or someone else... "Highly likely..."

The scandalous report: "Russia after Putin: how to rebuild the country" publicly insults the Russian President, trying to turn him into a" lame duck " three years before the next election. Not a year, not six months, but three years before. Giving the signal to activate the "revolutionary resources and instruments"?...

The Russian Constitution was not in vain corrected by additions and ammendments, that allows the current President to run for office again in 2024. Not to stay in power, but to participate in the electorate process. This just removes the uncertainty in his position before the elections.

Second, the title of the report, made with the help of the odious opposition leader - "liberal" Gozman (very active in the 90s), whose value in the real politics = 0, indicates, that Russia has entered - already - a transit period, that Russia is "destroyed" or damaged, because it must be restored, and it must be restored according to the model of the 90s, which will remain in the history of Russia as terrible, cynical, immoral years of robbery and humiliation of all the peoples of the USSR, directly subordinated at that moment to the United States, lowering the Great Russia to the level of "a primitive Asian barbarian country, that has no idea about the real democratic structure of a civilized state."

What is this? Orwell's doublespeak? Or an appeal to criminal structures to take part in the change of the state system in Russia? Again???

Probably, yes. And may be, no. But this is definitely a repetition of the 200-year-old Russophobic myth,  "outSharped"- blunted by the frequent use (forgive my calambure). 

Which, by the way, still works perfectly in the West for those, who know nothing about Russia, believe their media, are not interested in Russia, have never been to it and have never met Russian or Soviet people in the past. This does not mean that the one, who throws this myth into the public space, does not know, has not been, has not met.

On the contrary, all those Russologists, political scientists, politologists are perfectly familiar with realities of Russia - its strengths and weaknesses. And they have been there many times. Love Russian theatre and museums. Claim to love Russia and its people.

However, at the moment, the United States itself are in a deepest political, economic, financial, and ideological crisis. Their attitude to the war (or confrontation) with Russia is ambivalent.

On the one hand  - the gut is thin = no funds. Both the US and the EU are in debt - and have too many problems at home. And on the other hand - too scary... - modern Russia has outsmarted and bypassed NATO in its super-modern weapons with no huge funding, it was forced to invent in order to defend its independence and sovereignty.

But... The United States, like Britain, are perfectly able and always  used to profit from any war. Preferably, not on their own territory and not with their own hands. Ukraine suits this aim perfectly, it can easily become such a territory and such an instrument.

They just gloat and glow from content - Russians will fight Russians! Already are in Donbass! That"s a rare delight!

Unlike "the Great Ucres" of Galicia (the pro-Polish Western part of Ukraine), Americans and Brits have not a slightest doubt about it - "Russians against Russians", "Slavs vs Slavs". 

They know very well, what Ukraine is - a joint artificial anti-Russian project of the West, sculptured out of the old Russian border territories, inhabited mostly by the Southern Russians or russian speaking minorities of Greeks, Bolgars, Tatars, Hungarians, even Italians, Romanians, Moldavians and Poles.

But the political situation in the United States and in the European West is very contradictory and explosive. 

Such a war, taking into consideration still open vast connections, would quickly cause negative reactions within countries, especially if Russia considers the United States (and the Western Europe, accordingly) a military enemy, participating in the Ukrainian war in Donbass. 

The strikes will be carried out not only on the vassals, who perform the tasks of the United States, but also on the center, that gives orders. The headquarters.

And this puts not only Poland, the Baltic States (the "tabakis") and the Ukraine, but also the United States and Britain themselves, in a very risky position.

In this scandalous report "Russia after Putin", American Russologists through Leonid Gozman (who is a Russian Jew) dare to dictate some absolutely enchanting terms for the "future Russia": 

- the end of all repressions (what does that mean? Does it mean, that Russia has no right to protect itself from the inside enemies and criminal disturbance?)

- the release of all political prisoners (what political prisoners?, common criminals, terrorists, hooligans, foreign agents or administrative officials, serving their verdicts for corruption, or the notorious opposition leaders, who violated the law on assemblies, and are well corrupted themselves?? the law is the law, wherever it is, if it is accepted - wasn"t it the favourite mantra of the "democratic" anglo-saxons? And why should they be released, if they are guilty in breaking the Law?), 

- the destruction and dissolution of the country"s own security and intelligence structures, (what? on what grounds and why? and for God"s sake, what for?)

- the scrapping of the judicial system and the system of Prosecutor's supervision, (?)

- change  in the form of government (!) from the presidential to the parliamentary (which is absolutely unacceptable and ineffective for Russia, and who is mr. Gozman to decide, what is best for Russia? shouldn"t it be a matter for people to discuss and approve by voting, democratically?), 

- lowering prices for energy resources (why? isn"t it a matter for the free market to regulate prices, or at least a matter for the exporter to decide and negotiate? and, for God"s sake, why should Russia refuse the financial income from oil and gas trade, in whose interests?) and 

- the readiness to lose some territories (really?!, so, the already lost territories are not enough, there should be more? and the "plan of dismantling Russia into easy-to-manage pieces" is still alive?) (end of quote)

As Sergey Mikheev puts it, "This is war!".

They do not even hide it - the "liberal politicians", who will come to power to change the system in Russia, claim, that they will have to use illiberal, dictatorial methods and harsh repression against supporters of traditional values and national interests. !!! Then... what repressions are they going to remove? And what side they are really on? Not their country"s?

Did their hearing blur and they could not get what they were saying?!

I think, that Mr. Gozman is well aware of the scandalous and arrogant nature of such texts, which try to dehumanize the Great Power to the level of some "Limpopo territories" and its peoples to the level of  some "wild aborigines, who are ready to sell their land and their children for plastic beads" to barbarians, who bluntly seek only  resources, slaves for work and "pleasure" and space for more robbery. 

The report sets out the terms of such deal and they are the terms of surrender. And recommendations for suppressing possible resistance.Which is controversial at best... Treasonous, at worst.

But this is good for the electorate in Russia. The Liberals have no support in the country what so ever, they are few in number and not influential at all. Mostly despised. They are just small part of the "elite party". It's all about nothing.

And now, with this  program voiced, they have lost the remnants of the elementary human respect for themselves, which was not very high before anyway. Most people in Russia treat them with contempt and mockery.

Moreover, questions are increasingly raised about their direct betrayal and treason to the Motherland. They are openly called in Russia the "fifth column of the enemy", planning the destruction of their own country.

The old debates and struggles  between the "state builders" and the "liberal westerners" are no longer relevant.

Now everyone understands, what the "Western liberals" are preparing for Russia. They took off their masks and openly marked their positions. 

The age-old dispute between patriots and Westerners in Russia is over. 

The West does not need Russia, it needs its lands and resources. 

Russia does not need the West - the western values have devalued themselves and ceased to be human, remaining in their classical form only in Russia. 

And Russia - it is a self-sufficient State, huge and disobedient to the will of others. This means that it has never been conquered. And it never will be! 

Yes, the younger generation, who did not remember or even knew the 90s, could not evaluate to the full the horror of that time and the complexity of the work done by the current President during his 20 years in power. Such things need to be explained. 

Vladimir Putin found himself in the same position as the government of the young Soviet Russia, when the country was destroyed politically, financially and economically, after the First World War, two revolutions, intervention, plunged into poverty and civil war, when the Western "friends-mentors" demanded immediate proof of the superiority of the socialist system and the country"s strength to resist the onslaught of the enemy - their own onslaught. 

At the same time, they were harmfully interfering with Russian affairs in every possible way. 

But that is what they do! "Power and Force decide everything! 

In Russia of that time it was necessary first to save people from starvation and complete destruction of economy, and then to start restoring normal infrastructures, and only after that to start forming a new people's state. (Doesn't it remind you of the 90-s? Really?)

When all this was achieved, and the country started to develop rapidly, the West used the crop failure of 30-33-s. The "friends-partners" (as they say in Russia) pumped grain out of Russia, defiantly refusing gold, causing famine in the country, using as blackmail the purchase of industrial western equipment, necessary for the ongoing industrialization, needed to prepare the country to repel the military attack on Russia, that had already being prepared. But only for the grain!

These are terrible critical situations, from which there are no adequate or safe ways out - "friends-partners-mentors" have  skillfully mastered the methods of insidious "driving" the enemy into a corner and cynical blackmailing Russia either by the life of its peoples or by the very existence of the country.

And the situation was exactly like this: every time the Soviet Russia became stronger, the following plan was created to weaken (and destroy) it. 

During the Second World War, Russia had suffered monstrous human and material losses, primarily in destroyed infrastructures and destroyed settlements and cities, as well as parts of industrial enterprises. 27 million people died (Russia lost 1.5 million in the First World War). And according to the latest research, even more.

The bids increase - the price rises. And do you think it wasn't a war for extermination? (See the works of the  Russian historian Egor Yakovlev).

After the War - the restoration began once more without any financial support from the US "Marshall plans for reconstruction" and humiliating dependence on the West. The United States had set such unacceptable conditions for granting loans for the after war reconstruction, that the USSR was forced to refuse. And that was another betrayal of the allies in War, US had promised financial support to the USSR for the afterwar reconstruction in Russia.

Once again -  long years of reconstruction, reindustrialization, regrouping and establishing the agriculture, once again - tremendous efforts to establish normal life for people, exhausted by the war sufferings. 

This is an incredible strain on people. Generation after generation of Soviet people lived in conditions of war, devastation, famine and disorder, as well as the constant danger of physical destruction in wars. This is exhausting and causes chronic fatigue not only in individuals, but in the whole nations.

And at the same time, your enemy - just yesterday an ally - is planning massive airstrikes on your cities, already destroyed by the war and Nazy Germans, and even strikes with nuclear bombs.  Unthinkable? Exactly. That was the plan"s official name.

This situation was corrected only by invention of the Russia"s own atomic bomb. 

After that, the belligerent fervor of the "former allies" subsided for decades. A "carefree" Cold war began - a war of scarecrows, a war of sanctions and economic embargoes, a war of words and propaganda, radio stations, rock music and funny news about "good" Western life, a war of facades and appearances, a war of false pictures. 

Indeed, this "carefree" one also used to slide into some very dangerous crises - like the "Caribbean nuclear" one... which was settled off the agenda by a tremendous political effort on both sides.

And so it would continue for an arbitrarily long time - the West, under the pressure of the too convincing example of the USSR, changed in a more social direction - until the implementation of joint agreements on general changes in the doctrine of confrontation to the doctrine of cooperation and further social transformations in the West. This required only constant work of statesmen. Americans and Russian, first of all.

However, something completely unexpected by the Western partners happened - after decades of "cold" propaganda and economic war Russia suddenly stopped resisting and voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy. !??

Nobody in the West had ever expected this - it was done by  Russians themselves - I'm not sure one can call them that - they were traitors to Russia, traitors to their native land, and secret enemies to its peoples. Without internal unloyalty and treason nothing like that would have ever happened. 

It was so unexpected, that people in the Soviet Union didn't even realize what had happened. No one understood. 

Anyway, with all the skepticism towards the party elites (nomenclature), people trusted their authorities and did not expect direct treason from their government.

"Country fool" Gorbachev no longer aroused people's confidence, but "Russian strongman from Siberia" Yeltsin did. They were both traitors. Two provincial climbers, who rose to power, who fought among themselves for power and recognition in the West (and for the money and financial security, of course), - none of them thought about the country, about the people, about the future of the socialist Russia. "God bless America.... and russia... " (Proclaimed Jeltzing in in the US Congress).


These small-town "Napoleons" thought only of themselves, becoming not only traitors to the Great Idea of the People's State, which simply needed to be carefully adjusted, carrying out thoughtful reforms and maintaining an honest dialogue with people, modifying and transforming the doctrine, but also simply traitors to their people and their country. 

The same path is followed by the modern "russian" "Western liberals", who had been at the helm of the bourgeois revenge of the 90s, then were pushed away from power and influence. Although many, including Gozman, are still fed at the expense of taxpayers = the people. 

They cannot believe that their word no longer has any weight in the state, they are eager for a second revenge, and do not hide it - they are eager to go back to the 90s. And they will not stop in front of  another betrayal and treason. 

This scandalous report also recommends them to do it - with dictatorial rule and repression of dissenters. And they are not at all confused by the illiberal nature of such actions or ignoring the human rights. Otherwise, it will not work !

To get rid of illusions and delusions, you need to understand a few simple facts 

- Russia is an existential enemy of the West - has always been and will always be; 

- capitalism does not take root in Russia, it rejects it; 

- all the claims of the West to the country are far-fetched or false, and are used only, when Russia becomes so strong that it again becomes an example of opposition to the cannibalistic regimes of the "civilized friends-partners" from the west, covered up with statements about human rights and democracy, which are simply not there, and 

- the main factor - Russia is their economic competitor. (Now this role has moved to China.)

The trust of the Russians in their invincible innere strength has sometimes turned into carelessness, and the neglect of their civil duties as citizens, in particular, to protect their country from the treachery of some part of the Russian elite. Their role and nature, not fully understood by the common people, has always played a major role in all misfortunes of Russia. 

That time had passed. I sincerely hope so.

Russian citizens should consciously understand and evaluate both Russia's problems and their own responsibilities towards it. 

Solving problems does not mean destroying the country every time or leaving it to "good foreigners". There are no good foreigners. 

And the guillotine is not the best cure for headache. 

And raising utility tariffs should not be a condition for getting a loan from the IMF.

Russia does not need to strive for fake values and the hypocritical lifestyle of the West, covering up poverty with scarce "social benefits". as they do in the West. 

If you only knew, through what humiliations you have to go to get the unemployment benefits. And now that is being rolled up, too.

Talk to the Europeans and they will tell you all about the charms of "democracy" and "human rights" in both the EU and the US. And about the kind of competition that reigns at the workplaces. 

Don't compare yourself to anyone. It is necessary that people build their own lives - in their own countries and in the world. Don't expect your government to start changes, do it yourself. And if you don"t have leverage to make them, invent some. 

Russia has always been and remains a unique, original and very complex country - the largest country in the world. It is not necessary to destroy the ethnic diversity of Russia, it is necessary to consolidate all peoples in common ideas, values and principles. And they are the same for all normal human beings.

Russia can, wants and must live in its own way, without looking back at the ostentatious "wrappers" of the West, "without being sold for lard and cakes" into slavery to the cunning "rulers of the world", who will do everything to destroy Russia and seize its riches and territories. People are not a value to them, so their speeches of "human values and rights" are not worth anything. 

The example of modern China provides some basic directions for achieving a more or less independent position, though they made the same mistake as Russia did, trusting the West and  integrating itself into the Western system - as a supplier and manufacturer of EVERYTHING. 

They thought they were dictating the terms. 

But the Western "savages" do not have contractual capacity. They can pull back from any agreement, arrangement or "understanding" unexpectedly and with no warning or negotiations. 

However, it is not quite clear how the United States will exist in a trade war with China, if all supplies from there are heavily taxed or stopped. 

The US has reoriented its economy on the principle - we don"t have to produce anything, we move production to China, we can produce and buy everything we need in China, and we will print the money, we need! 

The system is backed by a worldwide dollar reserve system of mutual settlements and trust, and the US printing press is not controlled by anyone. 

A bubble? Of course it is, but piercing it without consequences for the whole world is not immediately possible. 

Americans (as a state), by force, power and money, have secured a unique way of their living at the expense of everyone else. But not everyone is living well in the States either, there are racial problems, there are distortions in society and class biases. 

There are some severe ideological insanity and social segregation. 

Americans live in their own way and pretend to spread this way of living to everybody in the world. But it is a fake. They only try to vassalize the world under their domination. So, that they can continue living well in their own way, and everybody else would just pay for it. 

This is the root of the problem - it is a false message, given to the world.  This is again the theory of racial or national superiority. The American exclusivity.

And that's not what we're talking about.

We talk about the Spirit and the Right to Live IN THEIR OWN WAY for everyone. (Poor, rich, black, yellow, whatever! In your own way! Not forcing it on others. 

Good things can be borrowed and learnt from each other, if they fit and suit. Without threatening anyone, destroying Nature or imposing anything on anyone by force. There is no need to compare yourself to anyone else. The criteria are different. And you have a right just to be yourself and live as your land and your traditions dictate. (If they are not criminal, of course,) Nations should cooperate and correct their ways if they are inhumane. 

But people of the world have already agreed on the basic principles of coexistance in the Declaration of the Human Rights, signed by all countries in 1948. So, just do it. 


“The Law, the Rights and the Rules” by Sergey Lavrov

“The Law, the Rights and the Rules”
by Sergey Lavrov


The frank and generally constructive conversation that took place at the June 16, 2021 summit meeting between presidents Vladimir Putin and Joseph Biden in Geneva resulted in an agreement to launch a substantive dialogue on strategic stability, reaffirming the crucial premise that nuclear war is unacceptable. The two sides also reached an understanding on the advisability of engaging in consultations on cybersecurity, the operation of diplomatic missions, the fate of imprisoned Russian and US citizens and a number of regional conflicts.

The Russian leader made it clear, including in his public statements, that finding a mutually acceptable balance of interests strictly on a parity basis is the only way to deliver on any of these tracks. There were no objections during the talks. However, in their immediate aftermath, US officials, including those who participated in the Geneva meeting, started asserting what seemed to be foregone tenets, perorating that they had “made it clear” to Moscow, “warned it, and stated their demands.” Moreover, all these “warnings” went hand in hand with threats: if Moscow does not accept the “rules of the road” set forth in Geneva in a matter of several months, it would come under renewed pressure.

Of course, it has yet to be seen how the consultations to define specific ways for fulfilling the Geneva understandings as mentioned above will proceed. As Vladimir Putin said during his news conference following the talks, “we have a lot to work on.” That said, it is telling that Washington’s ineradicable position was voiced immediately following the talks, especially since European capitals immediately took heed of the Big Brother’s sentiment and picked up the tune with much gusto and relish. The gist of their statements is that they are ready to normalise their relations with Moscow, but only after it changes the way it behaves.

It is as if a choir has been pre-arranged to sing along with the lead vocalist. It seems that this was what the series of high-level Western events in the build-up to the Russia-US talks was all about: the Group of Seven Summit in Cornwall, UK, the NATO Summit in Brussels, as well as Joseph Biden’s meeting with President of the European Council Charles Michel and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

These meetings were carefully prepared in a way that leaves no doubt that the West wanted to send a clear message: it stands united like never before and will do what it believes to be right in international affairs, while forcing others, primarily Russia and China, to follow its lead. The documents adopted at the Cornwall and Brussels summits cemented the rules-based world order concept as a counterweight to the universal principles of international law with the UN Charter as its primary source.

In doing so, the West deliberately shies away from spelling out the rules it purports to follow, just as it refrains from explaining why they are needed. After all, there are already thousands of universal international legal instruments setting out clear national commitments and transparent verification mechanisms. The beauty of these Western “rules” lies precisely in the fact that they lack any specific content. When someone acts against the will of the West, it immediately responds with a groundless claim that “the rules have been broken” (without bothering to present any evidence) and declares its “right to hold the perpetrators accountable.” The less specific they get, the freer their hand to carry on with the arbitrary practice of employing dirty tactics as a way to pressure competitors. During the so-called “wild 1990s” in Russia, we used to refer to such practices as laying down the law.

To the participants in the G7, NATO and US-EU summits, this series of high-level events signalled the return by the United States into European affairs and the restored consolidation of the Old World under the wing of the new administration in Washington. Most NATO and EU members met this U-turn with enthusiastic comments rather than just a sigh of relief. The adherence to liberal values as the humanity’s guiding star provides an ideological underpinning for the reunification of the “Western family.” Without any false modesty, Washington and Brussels called themselves “an anchor for democracy, peace and security,” as opposed to “authoritarianism in all its forms.” In particular, they proclaimed their intent to use sanctions to “support democracy across the globe.” To this effect, they took on board the American idea of convening a Summit for Democracy. Make no mistake, the West will cherry pick the participants in this summit. It will also set an agenda that is unlikely to meet any opposition from the participants of its choosing. There has been talk of democracy-exporting countries undertaking “enhanced commitments” to ensure universal adherence to “democratic standards” and devising mechanisms for controlling these processes.

The revitalised Anglo-American Atlantic Charter approved by Joseph Biden and Boris Johnson on June 10, 2021 on the sidelines of the G7 Summit is also worth noting. It was cast as an updated version of the 1941 document signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill under the same title. At the time, it played an important role in shaping the contours of the post-war world order.

However, neither Washington, nor London mentioned an essential historical fact: eighty years ago, the USSR and a number of European governments in exile joined the 1941 charter, paving the way to making it one of the conceptual pillars of the Anti-Hitler Coalition and one of the legal blueprints of the UN Charter.

By the same token, the New Atlantic Charter has been designed as a starting point for building a new world order, but guided solely by Western “rules.” Its provisions are ideologically tainted. They seek to widen the gap between the so-called liberal democracies and all other nations, as well as legitimise the rules-based order. The new charter fails to mention the UN or the OSCE, while stating without any reservations the adherence by the Western nations to their commitments as NATO members, viewed de facto as the only legitimate decision-making centre (at least this is how former NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen described NATO’s role). It is clear that the same philosophy will guide the preparations for the Summit for Democracy.

Labelled as “authoritarian powers,” Russia and China have been designated as the main obstacles to delivering on the agenda set out at the June summits. From a general perspective, they face two groups of grievances, loosely defined as external and internal. In terms of international affairs, Beijing is accused of being too assertive in pursuing its economic interests (the Belt and Road initiative), as well as expanding its military and, in general, technological might with a view to increasing its influence. Russia stands accused of adopting an “aggressive posture” in a number of regions. This is the way they treat Moscow’s policy aimed at countering ultra-radical and neo-Nazi aspirations in its immediate neighbourhood, where the rights of Russians, as well as other ethnic minorities, are being suppressed, and the Russian language, education and culture rooted out. They also dislike the fact than Moscow stands up for countries that became victims to Western gambles, were attacked by international terrorists and risked losing their statehood, as was the case with Syria.

Still, the West reserved its biggest words to the inner workings of the “non-democratic” countries and its commitment to reshape them to fit into the Western mould. This entails bringing society in compliance with the vision of democracy as preached by Washington and Brussels. This lies at the root of the demands that Moscow and Beijing, as well as all others, follow the Western prescriptions on human rights, civil society, opposition treatment, the media, governance and the interaction between the branches of power. While proclaiming the “right” to interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries for the sake of promoting democracy as it understands it, the West instantly loses all interest when we raise the prospect of making international relations more democratic, including renouncing arrogant behaviour and committing to abide by the universally recognised tenets of international law instead of “rules.” By expanding sanctions and other illegitimate coercive measures against sovereign states, the West promotes totalitarian rule in global affairs, assuming an imperial, neo-colonial stance in its relations with third countries. They are asked to adopt the democratic rule under the model of the Western choosing, and forget about democracy in international affairs, since someone will be deciding everything for them. All that is asked of these third countries is to keep quiet, or face reprisals.

Clearheaded politicians in Europe and America realise that this uncompromising policy leads nowhere, and are beginning to think pragmatically, albeit out of public view, recognising that the world has more than just one civilisation. They are beginning to recognise that Russia, China and other major powers have a history that dates back a thousand years, and have their own traditions, values and way of life. Attempts to decide whose values are better, and whose are worse, seem pointless. Instead, the West must simply recognise that there are other ways to govern that may be different from the Western approaches, and accept and respect this as a given. No country is immune to human rights issues, so why all this high-browed hubris? Why do the Western countries assume that they can deal with these issues on their own, since they are democracies, while others have yet to reach this level, and are in need of assistance that the West will generously provide.

International relations are going through fundamental shifts that affect everyone without exception. Trying to predict where it will take us is impossible. Still, there is a question: messianic aspirations apart, what is the most effective form of government for coping with and removing threats that transcend borders and affect all people, no matter where they live? Political scientists are beginning to compare the available toolboxes used by the so-called liberal democracies and by “autocratic regimes.” In this context, it is telling that the term “autocratic democracy” has been suggested, even if timidly.

These are useful considerations, and serious-minded politicians who are currently in power, among others, must take heed. Thinking and scrutinising what is going on around us has never hurt anyone. The multipolar world is becoming reality. Attempts to ignore this reality by asserting oneself as the only legitimate decision-making centre will hardly bring about solutions to real, rather than farfetched challenges. Instead, what is needed is mutually respectful dialogue involving the leading powers and with due regard for the interests of all other members of the international community. This implies an unconditional commitment to abide by the universally accepted norms and principles of international law, including respecting the sovereign equality of states, non-interference in their domestic affairs, peaceful resolution of conflict, and the right to self-determination.

Taken as a whole, the historical West dominated the world for five hundred years. However, there is no doubt that it now sees that this era is coming to a close, while clinging to the status it used to enjoy, and putting artificial brakes on the objective process consisting in the emergence of a polycentric world. This brought about an attempt to provide a conceptual underpinning to the new vision of multilateralism. For example, France and Germany tried to promote “effective multilateralism,” rooted in the EU ideals and actions, and serving as a model to everyone else, rather than promoting UN’s inclusive multilateralism.

By imposing the concept of a rules-based order, the West seeks to shift the conversation on key issues to the platforms of its liking, where no dissident voices can be heard. This is how like-minded groups and various “appeals” emerge. This is about coordinating prescriptions and then making everyone else follow them. Examples include an "appeal for trust and security in cyberspace”, “the humanitarian appeal for action”, and a "global partnership to protect media freedom." Each of these platforms brings together only several dozen countries, which is far from a majority, as far as the international community is concerned. The UN system offers inclusive negotiations platforms on all of the abovementioned subjects. Understandably, this gives rise to alternative points of view that have to be taken into consideration in search of a compromise, but all the West wants is to impose its own rules.

At the same time, the EU develops dedicated horizontal sanctions regimes for each of its “like-minded groups,” of course, without looking back at the UN Charter. This is how it works: those who join these “appeals” or “partnerships” decide among themselves who violates their requirements in a given sphere, and the European Union imposes sanctions on those at fault. What a convenient method. They can indict and punish all by themselves without ever needing to turn to the UN Security Council. They even came up with a rationale to this effect: since we have an alliance of the most effective multilateralists, we can teach others to master these best practices. To those who believe this to be undemocratic or at odds with a vision of genuine multilateralism, President of France Emmanuel Macron offered an explanation in his remarks on May 11, 2021: multilateralism does not mean necessity to strike unanimity, and the position of those "who do not wish to continue moving forward must not be able to stop ... an ambitious avant-garde" of the world community.

Make no mistake: there is nothing wrong with the rules per se. On the contrary, the UN Charter is a set of rules, but these rules were approved by all countries of the world, rather than by a closed group at a cosy get-together.

An interesting detail: in Russian, the words “law” and “rule” share a single root. To us, a rule that is genuine and just is inseparable from the law. This is not the case for Western languages. For instance, in English, the words “law” and “rule” do not share any resemblance. See the difference? “Rule” is not so much about the law, in the sense of generally accepted laws, as it is about the decisions taken by the one who rules or governs. It is also worth noting that “rule” shares a single root with “ruler,” with the latter’s meanings including the commonplace device for measuring and drawing straight lines. It can be inferred that through its concept of “rules” the West seeks to align everyone around its vision or apply the same yardstick to everybody, so that everyone falls into a single file.

While reflecting on linguistics, worldview, sentiment, and the way they vary from one nation or culture to another, it is worth recollecting how the West has been justifying NATO’s unreserved eastward expansion towards the Russian border. When we point to the assurances provided to the Soviet Union that this would not happen, we hear that these were merely spoken promises, and there were no documents signed to this effect. There is a centuries-old tradition in Russia of making handshake deals without signing anything and holding one’s word as sacrosanct, but it seems unlikely to ever take hold in the West.

Efforts to replace international law by Western “rules” include an immanently dangerous policy of revising the history and outcomes of the Second World War and the Nuremberg trials verdicts as the foundation of today’s world order. The West refuses to support a Russia-sponsored UN resolution proclaiming that glorifying Nazism is unacceptable, and rejects our proposals to discuss the demolition of monuments to those who liberated Europe. They also want to condemn to oblivion momentous post-war developments, such as the 1960 UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, initiated by our country. The former colonial powers seek to efface this memory by replacing it with hastily concocted rituals like taking a knee ahead of sports competitions, in order to divert attention from their historical responsibility for colonial-era crimes.

The rules-based order is the embodiment of double standards. The right to self-determination is recognised as an absolute “rule” whenever it can be used to an advantage. This applies to the Malvinas Islands, or the Falklands, some 12,000 kilometres from Great Britain, to the remote former colonial territories Paris and London retain despite multiple UN resolutions and rulings by the International Court of Justice, as well as Kosovo, which obtained its “independence” in violation of a UN Security Council resolution. However, if self-determination runs counter to the Western geopolitical interests, as it happened when the people of Crimea voted for reunification with Russia, this principle is cast aside, while condemning the free choice made by the people and punishing them with sanctions.

Apart from encroaching on international law, the “rules” concept also manifests itself in attempts to encroach on the very human nature. In a number of Western countries, students learn at school that Jesus Christ was bisexual. Attempts by reasonable politicians to shield the younger generation from aggressive LGBT propaganda are met with bellicose protests from the “enlightened Europe.” All world religions, the genetic code of the planet’s key civilisations, are under attack. The United States is at the forefront of state interference in church affairs, openly seeking to drive a wedge into the Orthodox world, whose values are viewed as a powerful spiritual obstacle for the liberal concept of boundless permissiveness.

The insistence and even stubbornness demonstrated by the West in imposing its “rules” are striking. Of course, domestic politics is a factor, with the need to show voters how tough your foreign policy can get when dealing with “autocratic foes” during every electoral cycle, which happen every two years in the United States.

Still, it was also the West that coined the “liberty, equality, fraternity” motto. I do not know whether the term “fraternity” is politically correct in today’s Europe from a “gender perspective,” but there were no attempts to encroach on equality so far. As mentioned above, while preaching equality and democracy in their countries and demanding that other follow its lead, the West refuses to discuss ways to ensure equality and democracy in international affairs.

This approach is clearly at odds with the ideals of freedom. The veil of its superiority conceals weakness and the fear of engaging in a frank conversation not only with yes-men and those eager to fall in line, but also with opponents with different beliefs and values, not neo-liberal or neo-conservative ones, but those learned at mother’s knee, inherited from many past generations, traditions and beliefs.

It is much harder to accept the diversity and competition of ideas in the development of the world than to invent prescriptions for all of humanity within a narrow circle of the like-minded, free from any disputes on matters of principle, which makes the emergence of truth all but impossible. However, universal platforms can produce agreements that are much more solid, sustainable, and can be subject to objective verification.

This immutable truth struggles to make it through to the Western elites, consumed as they are with the exceptionalism complex. As I mentioned earlier in this article, right after the talks between Vladimir Putin and Joseph Biden, EU and NATO officials rushed to announce that nothing has changed in the way they treat Russia. Moreover, they are ready to see their relations with Moscow deteriorate further, they claimed.

Moreover, it is an aggressive Russophobic minority that increasingly sets the EU’s policy, as confirmed by the EU Summit in Brussels on June 24 and 25, 2021, where the future of relations with Russia was on the agenda. The idea voiced by Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron to hold a meeting with Vladimir Putin was killed before it saw the light of day. Observers noted that the Russia-US Summit in Geneva was tantamount to a go-ahead by the United States to have this meeting, but the Baltic states, siding with Poland, cut short this “uncoordinated” attempt by Berlin and Paris, while the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry summoned the German and French ambassadors to explain their governments’ actions. What came out of the debates at the Brussels summit was an instruction to the European Commission and the European Union External Action Service to devise new sanctions against Moscow without referring to any specific “sins,” just in case. No doubt they will come up with something, should the need arise.

Neither NATO, nor the EU intend to divert from their policy of subjugating other regions of the world, proclaiming a self-designated global messianic mission. The North-Atlantic Treaty Organisation is seeking to proactively contribute to America’s strategy for the Indo-Pacific Region, clearly targeted at containing China, and undermining ASEAN’s role in its decades-long efforts to build an inclusive cooperation architecture for Asia-Pacific. In turn, the European Union drafts programmes to “embrace” geopolitical spaces in its neighbourhood and beyond, without coordinating these initiatives even with the invited countries. This is what the Eastern Partnership, as well as a recent programme approved by Brussels for Central Asia, are all about. There is a fundamental difference between these approaches and the ones guiding integration processes with Russia’s involvement: the CIS, the CSTO, EurAsEC and the SCO, which seek to develop relations with external partners exclusively on the basis of parity and mutual agreement.

With its contemptuous attitude towards other members of the international community, the West finds itself on the wrong side of history.

Serious, self-respecting countries will never tolerate attempts to talk to them through ultimatums and will discuss any issues only on an equal footing.

As for Russia, it is high time that everyone understands that we have drawn a definitive line under any attempts to play a one-way game with us. All the mantras we hear from the Western capitals on their readiness to put their relations with Moscow back on track, as long as it repents and changes its tack, are meaningless. Still, many persist, as if by inertia, in presenting us with unilateral demands, which does little, if any, credit to how realistic they are.

The policy of having the Russian Federation develop on its own, independently and protecting national interests, while remaining open to reaching agreements with foreign partners on an equal basis, has long been at the core of all its position papers on foreign policy, national security and defence. However, judging by the practical steps taken over the recent years by the West, they probably thought that Russia did not really mean what it preached, as if it did not intend to follow through on these principles. This includes the hysterical response to Moscow’s efforts to stand up for the rights of Russians in the aftermath of the bloody 2014 government coup in Ukraine, supported by the United States, NATO and the EU. They thought that if they applied some more pressure on the elites and targeted their interests, while expanding personal, financial and other sectoral sanctions, Moscow would come to its senses and realise that it would face mounting challenges on its development path, as long as it did not “change its behaviour,” which implies obeying the West. Even when Russia made it clear that we view this policy by the United States and Europe as a new reality and will proceed on economic and other matters from the premise that we cannot depend on unreliable partners, the West persisted in believing that, at the end of the day, Moscow “will come to its senses” and will make the required concessions for the sake of financial reward. Let me emphasise what President Vladimir Putin has said on multiple occasions: there have been no unilateral concessions since the late 1990s and there never will be. If you want to work with us, recover lost profits and business reputations, let us sit down and agree on ways we can meet each other half way in order to find fair solutions and compromises.

It is essential that the West understands that this is a firmly ingrained worldview among the people of Russia, reflecting the attitude of the overwhelming majority here. The “irreconcilable” opponents of the Russian government who have placed their stakes on the West and believe that all Russia’s woes come from its anti-Western stance advocate unilateral concessions for the sake of seeing the sanctions lifted and receiving hypothetical financial gains. But they are totally marginal in Russian society. During his June 16, 2021 news conference in Geneva, Vladimir Putin made it abundantly clear what the West is after when it supports these marginal forces.

These are disruptive efforts as far as history is concerned, while Russians have always demonstrated maturity, a sense of self-respect, dignity and national pride, and the ability to think independently, especially during hard times, while remaining open to the rest of the world, but only on an equal, mutually beneficial footing. Once we put the confusion and mayhem of the 1990s behind us, these values became the bedrock of Russia’s foreign policy concept in the 21st century. The people of Russia can decide on how they view the actions by their government without getting any prompts from abroad.

As to the question on how to proceed on the international stage, there is no doubt that leaders will always play an important role, but they have to reaffirm their authority, offer new ideas and lead by conviction, not ultimatums. The Group of Twenty, among others, is a natural platform for working out mutually acceptable agreements. It brings together the leading economies, young and old, including the G7, as well as the BRICS and its like-minded countries. Russia’s initiative to form a Greater Eurasian Partnership by coordinating the efforts of countries and organisations across the continent holds a powerful consolidating potential. Seeking to facilitate an honest conversation on the key global stability matters, President Vladimir Putin suggested convening a summit of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council that have special responsibility for maintaining international peace and stability on the planet.

Efforts to bring more democracy to international relations and affirm a polycentric world order include reforming the UN Security Council by strengthening it with Asian, African and Latin American countries, and ending the anomaly with the excessive representation of the West in the UN’s main body.

Regardless of any ambitions and threats, our country remains committed to a sovereign and independent foreign policy, while also ready to offer a unifying agenda in international affairs with due account for the cultural and civilisational diversity in today’s world. Confrontation is not our choice, no matter the rationale. On June 22, 2021, Vladimir Putin published an article “Being Open, Despite the Past,” in which he emphasised: “We simply cannot afford to carry the burden of past misunderstandings, hard feelings, conflicts, and mistakes.” He also discussed the need to ensure security without dividing lines, a common space for equitable cooperation and inclusive development. This approach hinges on Russia’s thousand-year history and is fully consistent with the current stage in its development. We will persist in promoting the emergence of an international relations culture based on the supreme values of justice and enabling all countries, large and small, to develop in peace and freedom. We will always remain open to honest dialogue with anyone who demonstrates a reciprocal readiness to find a balance of interests firmly rooted in international law. These are the rules we adhere to.

Sergey Lavrov

Sergey Lavrov

Foreign Minister of Russia.

“The Law, the Rights and the Rules”

Sergey Lavrov on measures in response to hostile US actions

Joint Statement by the Foreign Ministers of China and Russia on Certain Aspects of Global Governance in Modern Conditions

Statement by Sergey Lavrov

«Global Cybersecurity and Russia’s International Initiatives on Combating Cybercrime»

Articles by this author

Voltaire Network

Voltaire, international editionFocusNews in BriefControversiesDiplomatic WireDocumentary Watch

International Law

Turkishization of occupied Syria

The double standards of the Pratassevich affair

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