1. THE MIGRANT CRISIS ON THE POLISH-BELARUS BORDER - 2 to 5 thousands of potential migrants are staying cold and hungry in the border zone between Poland and Belarus - children, pregnant women, young men and men in their 30-40s. The Belarus border is open, the Polish - closed. On the Polish territory - troops (over 20 000), aggressive rhetoric and heavy machinery.
Использование водомета при минусовой температуре
Белоруссия организует гуманитарное обеспечение для скопившихся мигрантов
Putin said the way the Poles treat migrants is against all principles of humanity.
Polish police, border guards and the military are spraying pepper gas and ice cold water with some yellow-red chemicals at the crowd of migrants, and that in a sub-zero temperature, disturbing night sleep by light projectors, blinking spotlights and idiotic announcements through megaphones.
Those, who get through, are getting caught and demonstratively thrown back to the other side of the border. Where does this cruelty come from, and to people, who have paid their passage up to Germany?
Why are the Poles not passing the migrants through into Germany? That has always worked before. Illegally, of course.
Because, legally, they don't have any right to do it - all the migrants, who arrived in Poland, should stay in Poland. Their immigrant applications should be processed there. That is the law of the EU.
This way Poland will be forced to accept a couple of thousands of migrants from Iraq and Syria, which they refused to take in before. Now they will have to. This is the thing the EU wants to make Poland do.
Poland is one of the EU countries, who refuse to accept any migrants from the destroyed Arabic countries they helped to destroy. This is part of the game between rebellious, still catholic, Poland and Brussels.
The Polish and Lithuanian authorities treat migrants cruelly. All who get through, get beaten brutally and thrown back into the border zone or the territory of Belarus. About 10 migrants have already perished after wandering in the marshes under circumstances yet unknown.
The whole crisis is not worth a damn. Munchen has already declared its willingness to accept all the migrants from the Polish border. Belarus has offered its Belavia-planes - 4-5 of them - for transporting them to Germany. Now the task is to gather people in one place, explain the plan, load them into buses, take them to the nearest airport and then to Germany - Munchen - where they will be welcomed and awaited for. Or allow the opening of the humanitarian corridor from Poland to Germany.
So, where is the problem?
All the migrants need is a guarantee that they will not be deported back to Iraq or Syria. There is nothing to return to. Everything is sold to get money for the "tour". Many fear being killed back at home.
"The Tour" included a paid passage to Germany. These "tours" are sold and executed by the mafia-structures in Iraq, Turkey, the Baltic countries and Ukraine. No Belavia or Aeroflot planes were engaged in the traffic schemes. The scheme related only to transporting the "tourist" to Germany.
All the migrants have appropriate travel papers in order, there is no reason whatsoever to refuse them access to the Polish checkpoints. (And this is the only thing Belarus could be accused of - of letting them through to the border.)
Now Belarus has to deliver fuel, food, blankets and warm clothes, generators and medical help to the border, where the migrants keep camps and suffer. Really. No one expected anything like this.
Migrants are trying to storm the border. They are sprayed by some unknown yellowish substance from the water-guns and teargas. All this lands upon women and children. Irritates eyes, making people sick.
Neither Belarus, nor Russia have faced the European Migrant Crisis of 2015 - only some aftershock and lesser consequences. Now Belarus "enjoys" a clearly orchestrated full scale migrant crisis, arranged for it up to humanitarian catastrophe.
Immigrants flowed to Germany through Poland through Belarus before. Poland has just unexpectedly closed its border. In 2016 some migrants did try to get to Europe through Russia's northern border with Norway, which was immediately closed.
Now the whole crisis resolution depends upon Germany alone, it can be solved without Poland through the airlines between Belarus and Germany. However, they are forbidden and closed in the frames of the anti-Belarus sanctions.
That means that Belavia was forcefully excluded from the European flying routes under sanctions, which made the company redirect its activity to Arabic countries. Now Belarus is accused of migrant-trafficking to the Polish border. While Poland surprisingly closed (or was forced to close) its border. That's it.
And by the way, migrants were brought to Belarus by private charters (Boeings) from Turkey or Iraq.
To resolve this crisis Germany should lift the sanctions, forbidding Belavia to fly to Europe - even just for the case. And the crisis will be gone in days.
Somehow, it seems, that Europe continues to slip into holes, it digs for someone else.
2. US again offer to imitate Russia's invasion in Ukraine
The Ukrainian map of the supposed Russian invasion into Ukraine of 2014, note the marked city of Kharkiv (Harkov) instead of Lugansk, that rebelled in real life. The pro-Kremlin riots were suppressed brutally in Harkov (over 1000 activists in jail). Only Lugansk and Donetsk succeeded in defending themselves against the government "anti-terrorist operation".
Обычная дислокация российских войск
The usual dislocation of the Russian troops in the region
The US is not ready to fight for Ukraine. Never ever will. They only need some massive irritation of Russia at all possible points. The Donbass republics are getting all the provocations and all the blows. But it's all Russia's fault, of course. "Russian aggression", bla-bla... Russia is again preparing to invade Ukraine. (?)
Russia has approved a new law, allowing unrestricted humanitarian aid to the republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. This will lift custom burdens and other restrictions also from the republics' own factories, allowing them to earn their own money, relieving the economic blockade, arranged by Ukraine.
Militarily, the republics are well equipped technically and have enough man-power - there are capable army-units, arranged by republics for their own safety.
Curiously, the US very persistently - like 3 times - pointed out to the Ukrainian authorities "disturbing movements" of the Russian troops on the western border with Ukraine". Ukraine twice refutes the information. On the third time it suddenly notices "the disturbing movements" and confirms. "Disturbing movements" are noticed somewhere around Smolensk - that is 250 km from the Ukrainian border. In two days they denied that again.

The USA has promised Ukraine some lethal weapons for defense in case of "Russian aggression". And asked everyone to help Ukraine with weapons. Help or sell? Ukraine is incapable of buying anything, no means, only on credit. But there are very few or not at all willing to lend money to them or help pro bono.

Britain all of a sudden arrived with an offer to loan its 600 paratroopers to support Ukraine against "that terrible Russia". But if one of the paratroopers perish even on the side of republics, this will mean "casus belli" for NATO. Cause for war.
Russia has approved a new law, allowing unrestricted humanitarian aid to the republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. This will lift custom burdens and other restrictions also from the republics' own factories, allowing them to earn their own money, relieving the economic blockade, arranged by Ukraine.
Militarily, the republics are well equipped technically and have enough man-power - there are capable army-units, arranged by republics for their own safety.
Curiously, the US very persistently - like 3 times - pointed out to the Ukrainian authorities "disturbing movements" of the Russian troops on the western border with Ukraine". Ukraine twice refutes the information. On the third time it suddenly notices "the disturbing movements" and confirms. "Disturbing movements" are noticed somewhere around Smolensk - that is 250 km from the Ukrainian border. In two days they denied that again.
The USA has promised Ukraine some lethal weapons for defense in case of "Russian aggression". And asked everyone to help Ukraine with weapons. Help or sell? Ukraine is incapable of buying anything, no means, only on credit. But there are very few or not at all willing to lend money to them or help pro bono.
Britain all of a sudden arrived with an offer to loan its 600 paratroopers to support Ukraine against "that terrible Russia". But if one of the paratroopers perish even on the side of republics, this will mean "casus belli" for NATO. Cause for war.
(But... in Britain there is a terrible migrant crisis, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants only during the last year.
Headings in the newspapers cry that "Putin should stop that shameful migrant crisis". Vladimir Vl. Kornilov, a historian and a political analyst, immediately commented quite ironically: "What? They want Putin to solve the shameful British migrant crisis too?")
France confirmed its support to Ukraine in case you know what. There will be no Russian invasion; no under any conditions, which means that there will be more provocations. There will be demonisation of Russia with provocations and lies. Britain is on the peak of the Anti-Russia hysteria. This is the situation of the Crimean War of the 19-th century. The European coalition against Russia. The siege of Sevastopol...
The USA is campaigning against The North Stream- 2. Together with Poland and Ukraine. The American interest is clear - they are bullying a rival, a competitor on the gas market, sustaining high prices on gas, and selling in Asia.
Poland will lose its part of the Russian transit through the "Yamal - Europe"- pipeline, and Ukraine - the transit through its territory. To be more precise, they will not lose it completely, but it will be reduced substantially. Big loss, it is real money from heaven. Up to 5 billion dollars a year for nothing. Now it will be 1 to 1,5 billion dollars.

The Nord Stream -2 certification delay stops the resolve of the gas crisis in Europe and allows US and other players to get richer on the overblown gas prices in Asia, simultaneously blowing up anger in the Europeans against ... guess who, Russia! Because Russia potentially could, very probably, highly likely, could have used the gas crisis as a political lever of pressure, but for the unknown reason never did.
Russia is diversifying methods of delivery of its energy resources to its long time contract buyers, who afterwards speculate on selling "the cheap left-overs" of the Russian gas on the international spot market.
Rotterdam plus - as they say. Everyone does it - Ukraine, Moldova, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland. Especially those, whose economies are in shambles. Nice prices from Russia - higher prices on the spot market.
Reducing transit through Ukraine and Poland leaves these countries with lesser possibilities to make money on the Russian gas trade. All long contract buyers get lower start prices. Except for the outside speculators. But I think they will find a way. For instance, the technical hub for technical gas in Ukraine (strictly for technical meanings) - over 1,5 billion m3. Some amount to turn over.
5. Russia and Belarus sign 28 integration documents
Belarus is reentering the Union with Greater Russia as a sovereign state (if they like it that way). Who and when infringed on their sovereignty, except for the speculation on smuggling of sanctioned goods and assistance to Ukraine in the war against the LDPR (the Donbass Republics), I do not know, but even there, until recently, they were not infringed much either.
Now that Lukashenko has realized that the war on him is real, he would have to uphold appearances, keep his word and forget about his multi-vector policy (on the edge of betraying his ally, jackalling all around and even treason). Or end up at court martial.
But it will help Belarus to strengthen its economy by being integrated into the Russian economy, and that will compensate generously for the small crumbles they earned on smuggling and speculation deals.
However, Belarus will not be alone anymore among "the wolves of the world politics and marketing" in its role of a jackal or the crazy tyranny, everybody desires to overthrow.
Really, no one wants to overthrow anything.
Some people are, indeed, fed up with Lukashenko and his clan, but they will have to endure him to the honorable end. After all, he had done a tremendous lot to keep Belarus alive and safe. And if anything, he has got balls. The return of Belarus into the Union with the Russian Federation and how it will affect its economy will be an example and an incentive for Ukraine.
For the real Ukraine, not "the Galitsian construct, made on the knee with Nazi rhetoric, unashamed corruption and a machine gun on its shoulder."
That will be an example for all the others post-soviet "exes", too, who, however, will never be accepted again into the family of the peoples of Russia. They have chosen their family. The only thing, left for them, is to be extremely polite in their rhetoric with Russia and neutral in their actions, so they probably somehow could benefit from the economic "buns" of being nice to Russia, since they have nothing else to live on with exception to pathological Russophobia and offshore fraud. And in the current circumstances, no one will get too far with Russophobia, or you will be the first to leave "the playground" and leave it for good.
Poland has lost on all fronts, as did Ukraine. Their "empire aspirations” failed, everyone nowadays has their own ambitions. No one needs new "emperors" over themselves, especially the fake ones. Nobody likes arrogant bastards. On the contrary, they usually get divided into pieces, out of harm's way, and forgotten. As it had happened to Poland three times before now already.
But the fact that Poland has closed the safe, neutral, previously open border with Belarus, either on command (and the only one she accepts commands from is "the Boss" in Washington) or out of her own mean accord, which is unlikely, means the beginning of the closure of all borders on a permanent basis.
Neither Hungary, nor Poland, Serbia, the Czech Republic, nor Slovakia will accept Muslim migrants. And they will control their borders tougher. This is in addition to covid measures, which do not promise much travel either. But they all have real tiny economies (except for Poland).
The West has been trying for years to isolate Russia and hinder its economic and domestic political rise. Or put it in a position, where Europe and the United States will be able to manage Russia, being able, of course, to use its resources. In the current situation of politicized exacerbations it would have been easy. But Russia is no longer the same as in the 90s.
While the scandalous Western sanctions policy of economic punishments of competitors and countries, not ready to submit, is already in full swing. So, at war, as at war. One should be ready for everything.
One after another, waves of corona-virus modified strains are coming - as soon as one weakens, a new even more dangerous one immediately appears, as if it has been thrown in. They say that the appearance of strains - self-modified viruses - is a natural thing, but five in a row - and each more and more dangerous than the previous... and all acting on different age groups... A coincidence? Not very likely.
Vaccination is not taking place at the right pace to stop the development of new strains. People don't trust the authorities. And generally speaking, they have a right not to.
Look at what the "wonderful new world" of the promised social capitalism under democracy has turned into - with its face of a liar, a cynic and a murderer. It has turned into a bedlam - a madhouse, where no one can trust anybody, predict anything, much less plan.
The only thing that is obviously underestimated in the West is Russia's experience of the Soviet Union, which lived in conditions similar to today's, when it was clearly aware of the nature of the western "friends-partners" and knew the value of their promises and "beautiful words" to a penny.
This experience is genetically in the blood of Russians. They just had a "sunstroke" in the 90-s from the overwork of emasculated domestic ideology, western propaganda and a long peace that made them sloppy.
Now Russia has recovered from the blow and is unlikely to allow her internal "Judases", "demons" and "smerdyakovs" to manage state security. Eternal gratitude to the unforgettable Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, who defined and described everything 150 years before the events! Twice!
E. Pyyhtiä
Headings in the newspapers cry that "Putin should stop that shameful migrant crisis". Vladimir Vl. Kornilov, a historian and a political analyst, immediately commented quite ironically: "What? They want Putin to solve the shameful British migrant crisis too?")
France confirmed its support to Ukraine in case you know what. There will be no Russian invasion; no under any conditions, which means that there will be more provocations. There will be demonisation of Russia with provocations and lies. Britain is on the peak of the Anti-Russia hysteria. This is the situation of the Crimean War of the 19-th century. The European coalition against Russia. The siege of Sevastopol...
The USA is campaigning against The North Stream- 2. Together with Poland and Ukraine. The American interest is clear - they are bullying a rival, a competitor on the gas market, sustaining high prices on gas, and selling in Asia.
Poland will lose its part of the Russian transit through the "Yamal - Europe"- pipeline, and Ukraine - the transit through its territory. To be more precise, they will not lose it completely, but it will be reduced substantially. Big loss, it is real money from heaven. Up to 5 billion dollars a year for nothing. Now it will be 1 to 1,5 billion dollars.
The Nord Stream -2 certification delay stops the resolve of the gas crisis in Europe and allows US and other players to get richer on the overblown gas prices in Asia, simultaneously blowing up anger in the Europeans against ... guess who, Russia! Because Russia potentially could, very probably, highly likely, could have used the gas crisis as a political lever of pressure, but for the unknown reason never did.
Russia is diversifying methods of delivery of its energy resources to its long time contract buyers, who afterwards speculate on selling "the cheap left-overs" of the Russian gas on the international spot market.
Rotterdam plus - as they say. Everyone does it - Ukraine, Moldova, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland. Especially those, whose economies are in shambles. Nice prices from Russia - higher prices on the spot market.
Reducing transit through Ukraine and Poland leaves these countries with lesser possibilities to make money on the Russian gas trade. All long contract buyers get lower start prices. Except for the outside speculators. But I think they will find a way. For instance, the technical hub for technical gas in Ukraine (strictly for technical meanings) - over 1,5 billion m3. Some amount to turn over.
5. Russia and Belarus sign 28 integration documents
Belarus is reentering the Union with Greater Russia as a sovereign state (if they like it that way). Who and when infringed on their sovereignty, except for the speculation on smuggling of sanctioned goods and assistance to Ukraine in the war against the LDPR (the Donbass Republics), I do not know, but even there, until recently, they were not infringed much either.
Now that Lukashenko has realized that the war on him is real, he would have to uphold appearances, keep his word and forget about his multi-vector policy (on the edge of betraying his ally, jackalling all around and even treason). Or end up at court martial.
But it will help Belarus to strengthen its economy by being integrated into the Russian economy, and that will compensate generously for the small crumbles they earned on smuggling and speculation deals.
However, Belarus will not be alone anymore among "the wolves of the world politics and marketing" in its role of a jackal or the crazy tyranny, everybody desires to overthrow.
Really, no one wants to overthrow anything.
Some people are, indeed, fed up with Lukashenko and his clan, but they will have to endure him to the honorable end. After all, he had done a tremendous lot to keep Belarus alive and safe. And if anything, he has got balls. The return of Belarus into the Union with the Russian Federation and how it will affect its economy will be an example and an incentive for Ukraine.
For the real Ukraine, not "the Galitsian construct, made on the knee with Nazi rhetoric, unashamed corruption and a machine gun on its shoulder."
That will be an example for all the others post-soviet "exes", too, who, however, will never be accepted again into the family of the peoples of Russia. They have chosen their family. The only thing, left for them, is to be extremely polite in their rhetoric with Russia and neutral in their actions, so they probably somehow could benefit from the economic "buns" of being nice to Russia, since they have nothing else to live on with exception to pathological Russophobia and offshore fraud. And in the current circumstances, no one will get too far with Russophobia, or you will be the first to leave "the playground" and leave it for good.
Poland has lost on all fronts, as did Ukraine. Their "empire aspirations” failed, everyone nowadays has their own ambitions. No one needs new "emperors" over themselves, especially the fake ones. Nobody likes arrogant bastards. On the contrary, they usually get divided into pieces, out of harm's way, and forgotten. As it had happened to Poland three times before now already.
But the fact that Poland has closed the safe, neutral, previously open border with Belarus, either on command (and the only one she accepts commands from is "the Boss" in Washington) or out of her own mean accord, which is unlikely, means the beginning of the closure of all borders on a permanent basis.
Neither Hungary, nor Poland, Serbia, the Czech Republic, nor Slovakia will accept Muslim migrants. And they will control their borders tougher. This is in addition to covid measures, which do not promise much travel either. But they all have real tiny economies (except for Poland).
The West has been trying for years to isolate Russia and hinder its economic and domestic political rise. Or put it in a position, where Europe and the United States will be able to manage Russia, being able, of course, to use its resources. In the current situation of politicized exacerbations it would have been easy. But Russia is no longer the same as in the 90s.
While the scandalous Western sanctions policy of economic punishments of competitors and countries, not ready to submit, is already in full swing. So, at war, as at war. One should be ready for everything.
One after another, waves of corona-virus modified strains are coming - as soon as one weakens, a new even more dangerous one immediately appears, as if it has been thrown in. They say that the appearance of strains - self-modified viruses - is a natural thing, but five in a row - and each more and more dangerous than the previous... and all acting on different age groups... A coincidence? Not very likely.
Vaccination is not taking place at the right pace to stop the development of new strains. People don't trust the authorities. And generally speaking, they have a right not to.
Look at what the "wonderful new world" of the promised social capitalism under democracy has turned into - with its face of a liar, a cynic and a murderer. It has turned into a bedlam - a madhouse, where no one can trust anybody, predict anything, much less plan.
The only thing that is obviously underestimated in the West is Russia's experience of the Soviet Union, which lived in conditions similar to today's, when it was clearly aware of the nature of the western "friends-partners" and knew the value of their promises and "beautiful words" to a penny.
This experience is genetically in the blood of Russians. They just had a "sunstroke" in the 90-s from the overwork of emasculated domestic ideology, western propaganda and a long peace that made them sloppy.
Now Russia has recovered from the blow and is unlikely to allow her internal "Judases", "demons" and "smerdyakovs" to manage state security. Eternal gratitude to the unforgettable Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, who defined and described everything 150 years before the events! Twice!
E. Pyyhtiä
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