France Manipulated
Thierry Meyssan
Thierry Meyssan
We are continuing the publication of Thierry Meyssan’s book, “Before Our Very Eyes, Fake Wars and Big Lies”. In this episode, the author shows that post-colonial France was recruited by the United Kingdom and the United States to join the wars against Libya and Syria, without both powers informing her about their "Arab Spring" project. The French leaders, caught up in the misappropriation of funds, saw nothing coming. When they realized that they were being kept out of the planning process, their reaction was purely communicative: they tried to appear as the admirals of the operation, without worrying about the consequences of their partners’ actions.
This article is an extract from the book Fake wars and big lies.
See Contents.
The United Kingdom manipulated France into its adventures in the broader Middle East without revealing to it the operation it had been preparing with the United States since 2005.
18- Preparation of invasions
Libya and Syria
Even before her confirmation by the Senate, the future Secretary of State Hillary Clinton contacted London and Paris to conduct a dual military operation in the "broader Middle East". After the Iraqi fiasco, Washington considers it impossible to use its own troops for this kind of adventure. From a US perspective, the time has come to reshape the region, i.e. to redesign the states whose borders were set in 1916 by the English, French and Russian empires (the "Triple Entente") and to impose lines in favour of US interests. This agreement is known as the British and French delegates Sykes and Picot (the name of Ambassador Sazonov was forgotten due to the Russian revolution). But how can we convince London and Paris to ruin their heritage, if not by promising to let them recolonize the region? Hence the theory of "leadership from the back".
This strategy is confirmed by former Mitterrand Foreign Minister Roland Dumas, who testifies on television that he was contacted by British and American people in 2009 to find out whether the French opposition would support a new colonial project.
At the instigation of the United States, France and the United Kingdom signed the Lancaster House Agreements. A secret clause provides for the conquest of Libya and Syria. However, public opinion ignores the agreement between London and Washington on the future "Arab springs".
In November 2010, i.e. before the beginning of the so-called "Arab Spring", David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy signed the Lancaster House Treaties in London [1]. The official aim is to pool defence elements, including nuclear elements, in order to achieve economies of scale. Although this is a stupid idea given the different interests of the two countries, public opinion does not understand what is going on. One of the Treaties unites the "projection forces" (including colonial forces) of the two nations.
In November 2010, i.e. before the beginning of the so-called "Arab Spring", David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy signed the Lancaster House Treaties in London [1]. The official aim is to pool defence elements, including nuclear elements, in order to achieve economies of scale. Although this is a stupid idea given the different interests of the two countries, public opinion does not understand what is going on. One of the Treaties unites the "projection forces" (including colonial forces) of the two nations.

Operation Southern Mistral: the strange logo of the Air Operations Command. The retiary does not protect the bird from freedom, but makes it a prisoner in its net.
An annex to these treaties states that the Franco-British Expeditionary Force will carry out the largest joint military exercises in the history of the two countries from March 15 to 25, 2011, under the name "Southern Mistral". The Defence website states that the war game scenario will be a very long-range bombardment to help populations threatened by "two dictators of the Mediterranean".
It was precisely on March 21 that US AfriCom and US CentCom - the regional commands of the United States Forces - set a date for France and the United Kingdom to attack both Libya and Syria [2]. This is good news, as the Franco-British Forces are ready. As things never went as planned, the war against Syria was postponed a little later, and Nicolas Sarkozy, who wanted to strike first, ordered his army to attack Libya alone on March 19, during Operation "Harmattan" (French translation of Southern Mistral).

Gaddafi’s former companion, Nouri Massoud El-Mesmari, defected on October 21, 2010. He placed himself under the protection of the French secret services claiming to know the secrets of the Guide.
France believes it has a key asset: the Libyan head of protocol, Nouri Massoud El-Mesmari, has defected and sought asylum in Paris. Sarkozy is convinced that the man was Colonel Gaddafi’s confidant and can help him identify those who are willing to betray him. Unfortunately, this handsome speaker held the Guide’s agenda, but did not attend the meetings [3].
A few days after the signing of the Lancaster House Treaties, a French trade delegation goes to the Benghazi Fair with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, managers from France Export Céréales and France Agrimer, managers from Soufflet, Louis Dreyfus, Glencore, Cani Céréales, Cargill and Conagra. On the spot, the DGSE agents accompanying them secretly meet with the military to prepare a coup d’état.
Warned by the United States, Tripoli arrested the traitors on January 22, 2011. The Libyans believe they are protected by their new alliance with Washington, as it prepares to kill them. The French, for their part, must return to the shadow of the US Big Brother.
While the French were preparing for the invasion of Libya, the Americans launched their operation with the British. It’s much larger than they told their agent Sarkozy. It is not just a question of overthrowing Muammar al-Qadhafi and Bashar al-Assad, as they led him to believe, but of all secular governments and replacing them with the Muslim Brotherhood. They therefore began with the friendly states (Tunisia and Egypt), leaving the British and French to deal with the enemies (Libya and Syria).
The first shot goes to Tunisia. In response to the suicide attempt of a street merchant, Mohamed el-Bouzazi, on December 17, 2010, there were successive demonstrations against police abuses and then against the government. France, which believes in their spontaneity, is proposing to equip the Tunisian police with anti-riot equipment.
A few days after the signing of the Lancaster House Treaties, a French trade delegation goes to the Benghazi Fair with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, managers from France Export Céréales and France Agrimer, managers from Soufflet, Louis Dreyfus, Glencore, Cani Céréales, Cargill and Conagra. On the spot, the DGSE agents accompanying them secretly meet with the military to prepare a coup d’état.
Warned by the United States, Tripoli arrested the traitors on January 22, 2011. The Libyans believe they are protected by their new alliance with Washington, as it prepares to kill them. The French, for their part, must return to the shadow of the US Big Brother.
While the French were preparing for the invasion of Libya, the Americans launched their operation with the British. It’s much larger than they told their agent Sarkozy. It is not just a question of overthrowing Muammar al-Qadhafi and Bashar al-Assad, as they led him to believe, but of all secular governments and replacing them with the Muslim Brotherhood. They therefore began with the friendly states (Tunisia and Egypt), leaving the British and French to deal with the enemies (Libya and Syria).
The first shot goes to Tunisia. In response to the suicide attempt of a street merchant, Mohamed el-Bouzazi, on December 17, 2010, there were successive demonstrations against police abuses and then against the government. France, which believes in their spontaneity, is proposing to equip the Tunisian police with anti-riot equipment.

Nicolas Sarkozy and Michèle Alliot-Marie, oblivious to the Anglo-Saxon project of the "Arab springs", negotiate with President Ben Ali’s family to sell an official plane that they have hijacked, while the "Jasmine Revolution" begins in Tunisia.
Nicolas Sarkozy and his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Michèle Alliot-Marie, have every confidence in Ben Ali with whom they do personal "business". After having an Airbus A330 built and equipped as a super presidential aircraft, they sold the two old aircraft intended for official travel. One of the A319 CJs was discreetly removed from inventory and sold to the Tunisian company Karthago Airlines, owned by Aziz Miled and Belhassen Trabelsi (Mrs Ben Ali’s brother) [4]. No one knows who the lucky beneficiary of this transaction is. After President Ben Ali’s flight, the aircraft would be recovered and sold to a gaming company in Singapore and then to Turkey.
Busily protecting their fence, Nicolas Sarkozy and Michèle Alliot-Marie fell from the sky when President Ben Ali asked to land in Paris and take refuge there. The Elysée has just enough time to cancel the sending of a cargo plane carrying the promised policing equipment that is waiting on the tarmac due to slow clearance formalities and to send the President’s fallen aircraft out of its airspace.
Meanwhile, in Egypt, computer engineer Ahmed Maher and Islamist blogger Israa Abdel Fattah are calling for a demonstration against President Hosni Mubarak on January 25, 2011, "day of anger".
Immediately supported by Qatari television Al-Jazeera and the Muslim Brotherhood, they launched a movement that, with the help of CIA "NGOs", destabilized the regime. Demonstrations follow one another every Friday as they leave the mosques from 28 January, supervised by the Serbs that Gene Sharp, the maker of "colourful revolutions", has trained. Finally, Nicolas Sarkozy learned on February 11 through a phone call from his father-in-law, US Ambassador Frank Wisner Jr. that, on instructions from the White House, he had convinced General Mubarak to withdraw.
Busily protecting their fence, Nicolas Sarkozy and Michèle Alliot-Marie fell from the sky when President Ben Ali asked to land in Paris and take refuge there. The Elysée has just enough time to cancel the sending of a cargo plane carrying the promised policing equipment that is waiting on the tarmac due to slow clearance formalities and to send the President’s fallen aircraft out of its airspace.
Meanwhile, in Egypt, computer engineer Ahmed Maher and Islamist blogger Israa Abdel Fattah are calling for a demonstration against President Hosni Mubarak on January 25, 2011, "day of anger".
Immediately supported by Qatari television Al-Jazeera and the Muslim Brotherhood, they launched a movement that, with the help of CIA "NGOs", destabilized the regime. Demonstrations follow one another every Friday as they leave the mosques from 28 January, supervised by the Serbs that Gene Sharp, the maker of "colourful revolutions", has trained. Finally, Nicolas Sarkozy learned on February 11 through a phone call from his father-in-law, US Ambassador Frank Wisner Jr. that, on instructions from the White House, he had convinced General Mubarak to withdraw.

Lobbyist Bernard-Henri Lévy (known as "BHL") came to Cairo to participate in the CIA’s meeting to launch Arab springs in Libya and Syria, and posed on Tahrir Square.
The CIA then organized a secret meeting in Cairo to which President Sarkozy sent a delegation including lobbyist Bernard-Henri Lévy, a former lover of Carla Bruni and Ségolène Royal. Muslim Brother Mahmoud Jibril, who is number two in the Libyan government when he enters the room, becomes the leader of the "opposition to the tyrant" when he leaves. Among the Syrians present were Malik Al-Abdeh (a former BBC official who created BaradaTV with CIA and State Department money) and Ammar Qurabi (a member of a host of human rights associations and creator of OrientTV) [5].
The wars against Libya and Syria have just begun.
The wars against Libya and Syria have just begun.

Appearing on the green square on 25 February 2011, Muammar Gaddafi denounced an attack on his country by al-Qaeda terrorists. Lyrical, he proudly proclaims that he will fight to the end against them with his people, even if it means running "rivers of blood" and sacrificing himself. He announced a distribution of weapons to citizens to defend the country in danger. Atlanticist propaganda will accuse him of wanting to spill the blood of his people.
19- The beginning of the war against Libya
The Western press reports that Libyan police dispersed a demonstration in Benghazi on February 16, 2011, shooting at the crowd. Since then, the country has been rising, it continues, and the authorities have been shooting at everything that moves. Anticipating the possible return of slavery, 200,000 migrant workers are trying to flee the country and television shows them waiting at border crossings.
The Western press reports that Libyan police dispersed a demonstration in Benghazi on February 16, 2011, shooting at the crowd. Since then, the country has been rising, it continues, and the authorities have been shooting at everything that moves. Anticipating the possible return of slavery, 200,000 migrant workers are trying to flee the country and television shows them waiting at border crossings.
Muammar Gaddafi appears three times on the screen. He denounces an operation carried out by Al Qaeda and declares that he is ready to die a martyr. Then, he announced the distribution of weapons to the population to spill "rivers of blood", exterminate these "rats" and protect the country. Taken out of context, the sentences in the Guide are broadcast by Western channels, which interpret them as announcing not the fight against terrorism, but the repression of a hypothetical revolution.

Panicked, black workers in eastern Libya tried to flee before the Jamahiriya was overthrown. They are convinced that if the Westerners restore the Old Regime, they will be reduced to slavery. According to the UN, tens of thousands of them are rushing to the borders.
In Geneva, on 25 February, the UN Human Rights Council listened with horror to the testimonies of the Libyan League for Human Rights. The dictator went mad and "massacred his own people". The Pakistani ambassador denounces the abuse of force. Suddenly, the official Libyan delegation entered the room, validated the testimonies heard and declared its solidarity with its fellow citizens in the face of the dictator. A resolution is adopted and transmitted to the Security Council [6]. The latter immediately adopted Resolution 1970 [7] - under Chapter VII of the Charter, which authorizes the use of force - strangely ready for several days. He referred the matter to the International Criminal Court and placed Libya under embargo. This last measure is immediately taken up and extended by the European Union. Going further than other Westerners, President Sarkozy said: "Gaddafi must go!»
In Geneva, on 25 February, the UN Human Rights Council listened with horror to the testimonies of the Libyan League for Human Rights. The dictator went mad and "massacred his own people". The Pakistani ambassador denounces the abuse of force. Suddenly, the official Libyan delegation entered the room, validated the testimonies heard and declared its solidarity with its fellow citizens in the face of the dictator. A resolution is adopted and transmitted to the Security Council [6]. The latter immediately adopted Resolution 1970 [7] - under Chapter VII of the Charter, which authorizes the use of force - strangely ready for several days. He referred the matter to the International Criminal Court and placed Libya under embargo. This last measure is immediately taken up and extended by the European Union. Going further than other Westerners, President Sarkozy said: "Gaddafi must go!»

The former Minister of Justice, Mustafa Abdel Jalil (here with BHL), who had tortured Bulgarian nurses, becomes head of the provisional government.
On 27 February, the insurgents in Benghazi founded the Libyan National Transitional Council (LNTC), while leaving Tripoli the Minister of Justice, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, created an interim government. These two bodies, controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, merged, giving the impression of national unity. Immediately, flags of former King Idriss bloomed in Benghazi [8]. From London, his son, H.H. Mohamed Senussi, declares himself ready to rule.
Abdel Jalil not being able to convince all members of the CNLT to appeal to the West, he appointed a crisis committee with full powers and chaired by the former number 2 of the Gaddafi government, Mahmoud Jibril, who had returned from Cairo.
In Paris, we admire the way Washington manages events. Yet, contradicting the information from Benghazi and the United Nations, diplomats and journalists present in Tripoli claim that they see nothing that suggests a revolution. But it doesn’t matter what the truth is, as long as appearances are favourable. Thus, the "philosopher" Bernard-Henri Lévy persuaded the French of the justice of the cause by assuring himself that he had convinced the President of the Republic to commit himself to freedom after having met Libyan "revolutionaries".
The French army picked up Mahmoud Jibril and took him to Strasbourg where he pleaded for a Western "humanitarian" intervention in front of the European Parliament. On March 10, Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron wrote to the President of the European Union asking him to recognise the CNLT in place of the "regime" and to establish a no-fly zone [9]. Perfectly coordinated, the French environmentalist deputy Daniel Cohn-Bendit (the agent of influence of May 68) and the Belgian liberal Guy Verhofstadt have the European Parliament adopt on the same day a resolution denouncing Gaddafi’s "regime" and calling for control of Libyan airspace to protect the civilian population from the dictator’s repression [10]. On the same day, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen announced that he was working on the technical means necessary to implement this air exclusion.
On 12 March, the Arab League voted in favour of the no-fly zone despite opposition from Algeria and Syria.
The only false notes in this unanimity concert: Bulgaria, which remembers that Abdel Jalil covered the torture of Bulgarian nurses and the Palestinian doctor, refuses to recognize the CNTL. For its part, the African Union strongly opposes any foreign military intervention.
On 27 February, the insurgents in Benghazi founded the Libyan National Transitional Council (LNTC), while leaving Tripoli the Minister of Justice, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, created an interim government. These two bodies, controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, merged, giving the impression of national unity. Immediately, flags of former King Idriss bloomed in Benghazi [8]. From London, his son, H.H. Mohamed Senussi, declares himself ready to rule.
Abdel Jalil not being able to convince all members of the CNLT to appeal to the West, he appointed a crisis committee with full powers and chaired by the former number 2 of the Gaddafi government, Mahmoud Jibril, who had returned from Cairo.
In Paris, we admire the way Washington manages events. Yet, contradicting the information from Benghazi and the United Nations, diplomats and journalists present in Tripoli claim that they see nothing that suggests a revolution. But it doesn’t matter what the truth is, as long as appearances are favourable. Thus, the "philosopher" Bernard-Henri Lévy persuaded the French of the justice of the cause by assuring himself that he had convinced the President of the Republic to commit himself to freedom after having met Libyan "revolutionaries".
The French army picked up Mahmoud Jibril and took him to Strasbourg where he pleaded for a Western "humanitarian" intervention in front of the European Parliament. On March 10, Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron wrote to the President of the European Union asking him to recognise the CNLT in place of the "regime" and to establish a no-fly zone [9]. Perfectly coordinated, the French environmentalist deputy Daniel Cohn-Bendit (the agent of influence of May 68) and the Belgian liberal Guy Verhofstadt have the European Parliament adopt on the same day a resolution denouncing Gaddafi’s "regime" and calling for control of Libyan airspace to protect the civilian population from the dictator’s repression [10]. On the same day, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen announced that he was working on the technical means necessary to implement this air exclusion.
On 12 March, the Arab League voted in favour of the no-fly zone despite opposition from Algeria and Syria.
The only false notes in this unanimity concert: Bulgaria, which remembers that Abdel Jalil covered the torture of Bulgarian nurses and the Palestinian doctor, refuses to recognize the CNTL. For its part, the African Union strongly opposes any foreign military intervention.

Muammar Gaddafi’s Green Paper
The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya is organized according to the principles of Muammar Gaddafi’s Green Paper. He is an admirer of the French libertarian socialists of the 19th century, Charles Fourier and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. He therefore imagined a minimal state that was unable to defend its people against the imperialist armies. In addition, it has given the State the task of meeting the aspirations of the Bedouins: free transport, housing and water. Everyone therefore has their own car, with public transport being de facto reserved for immigrants. At their wedding, everyone receives an apartment, but it sometimes takes three years for the house to be built before they can get married.
Gigantic works have been carried out to draw water from millennia of groundwater, very deep under the desert. The country has become prosperous. Its standard of living is the highest on the African continent. But little has been done in the field of education. Although universities are free, most young people drop out early. Muammar Gaddafi underestimated the weight of tribal traditions.
Three million Libyans are living peaceful days, while two million African and Asian immigrants serve them.
On March 19, 18 States (Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States) and 3 international organizations (Arab League, European Union and United Nations) met in Paris to announce their imminent military intervention [11]. A few hours later, France overtook its partners and attacked first.
However, things are slow to materialize in Syria. The calls to demonstrate on 4, 11, 18 and 25 February and those on 4 and 11 March in Damascus are not working. On the contrary, it is in Yemen and Bahrain that the People take to the streets, without being invited.
In Yemen, the Muslim Brotherhood - including the young Tawakkol Karman, who will receive the Nobel Peace Prize - is launching a "revolution". But, like Libya, this country is organized in a tribal way so that it is not possible to have an exclusively political interpretation of events.
On March 19, 18 States (Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States) and 3 international organizations (Arab League, European Union and United Nations) met in Paris to announce their imminent military intervention [11]. A few hours later, France overtook its partners and attacked first.
However, things are slow to materialize in Syria. The calls to demonstrate on 4, 11, 18 and 25 February and those on 4 and 11 March in Damascus are not working. On the contrary, it is in Yemen and Bahrain that the People take to the streets, without being invited.
In Yemen, the Muslim Brotherhood - including the young Tawakkol Karman, who will receive the Nobel Peace Prize - is launching a "revolution". But, like Libya, this country is organized in a tribal way so that it is not possible to have an exclusively political interpretation of events.

Nicolas Sarkozy instructs Alain Bauer on how to counter the revolution in Bahrain.
At the request of the Bahraini sovereign, the Saudi army came to "restore order" in the tiny kingdom that houses the Fifth United States Fleet. The United Kingdom sent torturer Ian Anderson, who had done a wonderful job in leading the repression in colonial times (i.e. before 1971). While, to reorganize the police, France sends Alain Bauer, security advisor to President Sarkozy and both former head of the US NSA for Europe and former Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France [12].
Disorder is spread by contagion, all that remains is to make believe that it is as initiated by the people and that it aims to establish democracies.
(To be continued...)
Thierry Meyssan
Pete Kimberley
Roger Lagassé

At the request of the Bahraini sovereign, the Saudi army came to "restore order" in the tiny kingdom that houses the Fifth United States Fleet. The United Kingdom sent torturer Ian Anderson, who had done a wonderful job in leading the repression in colonial times (i.e. before 1971). While, to reorganize the police, France sends Alain Bauer, security advisor to President Sarkozy and both former head of the US NSA for Europe and former Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France [12].
Disorder is spread by contagion, all that remains is to make believe that it is as initiated by the people and that it aims to establish democracies.
(To be continued...)
Thierry Meyssan
Pete Kimberley
Roger Lagassé

This book is available in English langage.
[1] « Déclaration franco-britannique sur la coopération de défense et de sécurité », Réseau Voltaire, 2 novembre 2010.
[2] “"Operation Odyssey Dawn" breaking for Washington”, by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 20 March 2011.
[3] “French plans to topple Gaddafi on track since last November”, by Franco Bechis, Libero (Italy) , Voltaire Network, 25 March 2011.
[4] « Un avion présidentiel dans la 4e dimension », par Patrimoine du Peuple, Comité Valmy , Réseau Voltaire, 6 mars 2011.
[5] Rapport des services de Renseignement extérieurs libyens.
[6] « Résolution du Conseil des droits de l’homme sur la situation en Libye », Réseau Voltaire, 25 février 2011.
[7] “UN Resolution 1970 imposing sanctions on Libya”, Voltaire Network, 26 February 2011.
[8] “Libya: When historical memory is erased”, by Manlio Dinucci, Voltaire Network, 2 March 2011.
[9] “Letter from David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy to Herman Van Rompuy dealing with Libya”, by David Cameron, Herman Van Rompuy, Nicolas Sarkozy, Voltaire Network, 9 March 2011.
[10] “European Parliament resolution on the Southern Neighbourhood, and Libya in particular”, Voltaire Network, 10 March 2011.
[11] “Paris Summit for the Support of the Libyan People”, Voltaire Network, 19 March 2011.
[12] “France involved in crackdown against Arab revolts”, Voltaire Network, 6 March 2011.
[1] « Déclaration franco-britannique sur la coopération de défense et de sécurité », Réseau Voltaire, 2 novembre 2010.
[2] “"Operation Odyssey Dawn" breaking for Washington”, by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 20 March 2011.
[3] “French plans to topple Gaddafi on track since last November”, by Franco Bechis, Libero (Italy) , Voltaire Network, 25 March 2011.
[4] « Un avion présidentiel dans la 4e dimension », par Patrimoine du Peuple, Comité Valmy , Réseau Voltaire, 6 mars 2011.
[5] Rapport des services de Renseignement extérieurs libyens.
[6] « Résolution du Conseil des droits de l’homme sur la situation en Libye », Réseau Voltaire, 25 février 2011.
[7] “UN Resolution 1970 imposing sanctions on Libya”, Voltaire Network, 26 February 2011.
[8] “Libya: When historical memory is erased”, by Manlio Dinucci, Voltaire Network, 2 March 2011.
[9] “Letter from David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy to Herman Van Rompuy dealing with Libya”, by David Cameron, Herman Van Rompuy, Nicolas Sarkozy, Voltaire Network, 9 March 2011.
[10] “European Parliament resolution on the Southern Neighbourhood, and Libya in particular”, Voltaire Network, 10 March 2011.
[11] “Paris Summit for the Support of the Libyan People”, Voltaire Network, 19 March 2011.
[12] “France involved in crackdown against Arab revolts”, Voltaire Network, 6 March 2011.
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