Today, 16:40 • Published: Apolitikus
INTERESTING OPINION: Humanitarian catastrophe: the market eats itself!
Vazgen Avagyan
(Translated by EP.)
The economy of the West, treat it as you wish (in my opinion, you can praise it and learn from it), is first of all, a product of high pressure. In other words, this product cannot be formed without an impact of high pressure.
The "Soviet threat" worked like external pressure for the West in the second half of the 20th century. The main actors really could not "go fooling around", because "there was a "Bear" around the corner, watching." If you miscalculate your social policy, next thing you will get, will be Castro or Che Guevara.
Equally important factor in this pressure upon the Western economy was the centuries-old legacy of the Christian civilization of the European peoples (to which the population of the United States then belonged). The ethics of service - to society, neighbors, country and people - has always been an important part of the heritage of the Christian civilization.
Of course, if a person is treated on a daily basis since childhood with this "propaganda of the public service ethics", it will seriously balance or even paralyze his "grab-swallow" and other mundane animal instincts.
This means, that a person, brought up in such a manner, would be rather reserved to use rudely and openly those predatory possibilities, given to him by his administrative and social position.
Having become the head of a large corporation, he did not only steal, but also did something useful to society, balancing the damage, done to it, by his high predatorial status.
This is similar to a lion, which not only kills deers to eat them, but also provides veterinarians for them, maternity glades, conquers fat pastures for them, protects their livestock from other predators. In result, on the scales of life, it turns out, that the number of deers in savannah grows steadily, because the lion eats less than saves. ("Lions" have been and are very different. EP.)
This "Old West" practice echoes in an (amazing) theory of the modern liberal statesmen, declaring that "one should steal from profit". You've probably heard this more than once, even from the first persons of states, saying: there are managers, stealing from the profits of the enterprise, way to go! (profit is the legitimated, legal prey of a predator, ep.), and there are villains, who steal from losses. These are no good.
The third most important part of the western economy in the second half of the twentieth century is the colonies. This is a powerful influx of funds and resources from the “third world”, allowing 4–5 colored super poor labourers to work for every white person, and within the framework of the world division of labour, to carry out the most dirty and low-paid jobs.
All these three together created the “high pressure”, inside of which the Western myth was formed.
The captains of capitalism were afraid of the Soviet threat. They shared both their own and the colonial property with their lower classes, just not to give trump cards to the Soviet propaganda.
In addition, these captains also grew up in the midst of the Christian civilization with its ethics of service, propagated from every corner. They could cynically despise it internally - but they had to consider it in their public actions.
The XXI century - the first of the past 5 centuries - is clearly showing features of descending and not ascending character. Since the 15th century (and, strictly speaking, earlier), every new century was a century of progress, relative to the previous one. This slow, but purposeful ascent was undisturbed for such a long time, that for many thinkers (for example, K. Marx) it seemed deceptively inevitable and unstopable.
Every new generation of people lived in a world becoming more enlightened and progressive than the world of their parents! And so for five (or more) centuries of the European history.
You will understand, what I'm talking about, if you compare the seventeenth century to the sixteenth, the eighteenth to the seventeenth, the nineteenth to the eighteenth, and the most striking comparison - the twentieth to all the previous.
It seemed that the ladder of progress would never go down again.
Marx from here (in a modern view, naively) deduced the inevitability of a new era of absolute progress: if we go there for five centuries without turning, then we will continue to go there, won't we! Yes?
Not necessarily.
Marxism, as a teaching, has generally no power to consider a descending, degenerate historical stream, in which the next century will be darker and more primitive than the previous one. (This is the theory of the spiral existence of mankind - up and down, up and down. Or in descending circles. Lower and narrower down to instinction. But the preferrable trend should be, of course, forward and upward. EP.)
What if humanity stops generating productive forces, but will turn them off? As a matter of fact, civilizations had repeatedly turned into archaeological grounds for new barbarians to walk upon, and this had to be taken into consideration. But what if the upward development of society, science and technology is replaced by regression and degradation (as happened in the 21st century)?
If we find ourselves (have already found) in a situation, where the past of our fathers seems to be a distant, elusive future for us, and the achievements of the last century - technically unattainable in the current century? If, instead of a developing person, to the image of whom we've got so used to for the five last centuries (coming from illiteracy through Voltaire to the same Marx), we get a person archaizing (coming from Marx through Voltaire down to total illiteracy.)
Speaking directly: Soviet civilization, and generally, human civilization, turned out to be powerless in the face of a situation, “atypical” for progressive thinkers.
It was generally believed that man basically is intelligent, and wild only by necessity. As soon as he gets the opportunity to stop living wildly - he immediately grabs it with both hands.
Meanwhile, rescuers on the waters know that a drowning person very often interferes with a rescuer, grabs him in such a way, that prevents him from pulling himself out and threatens to drown the rescuer, too ...
(One should take into consideration the extremeness of drowning as experience, and also be careful while giving an unprepared "savage" a possibility to live in a civilized way, he knows nothing about. Shouldn't he be educated and intergrated into it first? And vise versa, don't we know already, that hunger and humiliation, as also deprivation of dignity and meaning in life, easily produce a nice savage out of a very sivilized man of any origin? ep.)
“Perestroika” and all that followed is a vivid example of mass human regression into "savagery", degeneration of a full-minded person from a mentally developed human being into an underdeveloped and debilized. (Abruptly stripped of all the noble ideas of his existance and his history, changed into a simplified concept of consuming everything as much as possible. ep.)
The economy of the West, treat it as you wish (in my opinion, you can praise it and learn from it), is first of all, a product of high pressure. In other words, this product cannot be formed without an impact of high pressure.
The "Soviet threat" worked like external pressure for the West in the second half of the 20th century. The main actors really could not "go fooling around", because "there was a "Bear" around the corner, watching." If you miscalculate your social policy, next thing you will get, will be Castro or Che Guevara.
Equally important factor in this pressure upon the Western economy was the centuries-old legacy of the Christian civilization of the European peoples (to which the population of the United States then belonged). The ethics of service - to society, neighbors, country and people - has always been an important part of the heritage of the Christian civilization.
Of course, if a person is treated on a daily basis since childhood with this "propaganda of the public service ethics", it will seriously balance or even paralyze his "grab-swallow" and other mundane animal instincts.
This means, that a person, brought up in such a manner, would be rather reserved to use rudely and openly those predatory possibilities, given to him by his administrative and social position.
Having become the head of a large corporation, he did not only steal, but also did something useful to society, balancing the damage, done to it, by his high predatorial status.
This is similar to a lion, which not only kills deers to eat them, but also provides veterinarians for them, maternity glades, conquers fat pastures for them, protects their livestock from other predators. In result, on the scales of life, it turns out, that the number of deers in savannah grows steadily, because the lion eats less than saves. ("Lions" have been and are very different. EP.)
This "Old West" practice echoes in an (amazing) theory of the modern liberal statesmen, declaring that "one should steal from profit". You've probably heard this more than once, even from the first persons of states, saying: there are managers, stealing from the profits of the enterprise, way to go! (profit is the legitimated, legal prey of a predator, ep.), and there are villains, who steal from losses. These are no good.
The third most important part of the western economy in the second half of the twentieth century is the colonies. This is a powerful influx of funds and resources from the “third world”, allowing 4–5 colored super poor labourers to work for every white person, and within the framework of the world division of labour, to carry out the most dirty and low-paid jobs.
All these three together created the “high pressure”, inside of which the Western myth was formed.
The captains of capitalism were afraid of the Soviet threat. They shared both their own and the colonial property with their lower classes, just not to give trump cards to the Soviet propaganda.
In addition, these captains also grew up in the midst of the Christian civilization with its ethics of service, propagated from every corner. They could cynically despise it internally - but they had to consider it in their public actions.
The XXI century - the first of the past 5 centuries - is clearly showing features of descending and not ascending character. Since the 15th century (and, strictly speaking, earlier), every new century was a century of progress, relative to the previous one. This slow, but purposeful ascent was undisturbed for such a long time, that for many thinkers (for example, K. Marx) it seemed deceptively inevitable and unstopable.
Every new generation of people lived in a world becoming more enlightened and progressive than the world of their parents! And so for five (or more) centuries of the European history.
You will understand, what I'm talking about, if you compare the seventeenth century to the sixteenth, the eighteenth to the seventeenth, the nineteenth to the eighteenth, and the most striking comparison - the twentieth to all the previous.
It seemed that the ladder of progress would never go down again.
Marx from here (in a modern view, naively) deduced the inevitability of a new era of absolute progress: if we go there for five centuries without turning, then we will continue to go there, won't we! Yes?
Not necessarily.
Marxism, as a teaching, has generally no power to consider a descending, degenerate historical stream, in which the next century will be darker and more primitive than the previous one. (This is the theory of the spiral existence of mankind - up and down, up and down. Or in descending circles. Lower and narrower down to instinction. But the preferrable trend should be, of course, forward and upward. EP.)
What if humanity stops generating productive forces, but will turn them off? As a matter of fact, civilizations had repeatedly turned into archaeological grounds for new barbarians to walk upon, and this had to be taken into consideration. But what if the upward development of society, science and technology is replaced by regression and degradation (as happened in the 21st century)?
If we find ourselves (have already found) in a situation, where the past of our fathers seems to be a distant, elusive future for us, and the achievements of the last century - technically unattainable in the current century? If, instead of a developing person, to the image of whom we've got so used to for the five last centuries (coming from illiteracy through Voltaire to the same Marx), we get a person archaizing (coming from Marx through Voltaire down to total illiteracy.)
Speaking directly: Soviet civilization, and generally, human civilization, turned out to be powerless in the face of a situation, “atypical” for progressive thinkers.
It was generally believed that man basically is intelligent, and wild only by necessity. As soon as he gets the opportunity to stop living wildly - he immediately grabs it with both hands.
Meanwhile, rescuers on the waters know that a drowning person very often interferes with a rescuer, grabs him in such a way, that prevents him from pulling himself out and threatens to drown the rescuer, too ...
(One should take into consideration the extremeness of drowning as experience, and also be careful while giving an unprepared "savage" a possibility to live in a civilized way, he knows nothing about. Shouldn't he be educated and intergrated into it first? And vise versa, don't we know already, that hunger and humiliation, as also deprivation of dignity and meaning in life, easily produce a nice savage out of a very sivilized man of any origin? ep.)
“Perestroika” and all that followed is a vivid example of mass human regression into "savagery", degeneration of a full-minded person from a mentally developed human being into an underdeveloped and debilized. (Abruptly stripped of all the noble ideas of his existance and his history, changed into a simplified concept of consuming everything as much as possible. ep.)
Year after year it is becoming more and more obvious: a human stream started (or been turned) to flow back to the caves and primitive savannahs. The more archaic the social practice is, the more understandable it is for a feral person, and therefore easy to adopt. A complex one has already a flaw inside its own complexity, and therefore is not understood at all and rejected being not understood.
Western society of "general welfare" burst suddenly and everywhere, like a rotten pumpkin. One of the factors is, of course, the elimination of the “Soviet threat”. The generation of predators, familiar to fear and being shot at, has now been replaced by the next one - not familiar with being scared and being a target.
They are already far from being careful in their carnivorous aggressiveness, as their fathers were.
They are losing all the useful instincts of the major capitalist proprietor of the 20-th century, developed with a little help of the Soviet stick, like moderation, restraint, high education, and finally, the art of disguise and means of mimicry.
For predators - “appetite grows with eating,” so now every time they just boldly take more and more to themselves.
But the other side of the process is important too: the weakening of the internal pressure, associated with the extinction of the Western Christian civilization with its non-obligatory, mostly facade, but ritorically (declaratively) unconditional ethics of a person's service to his fellow-humans. The nucleus of this ideology was as follows - I'm getting rich not for my personal sake, but to serve the community. And now it has been changed into getting rich for the sake of getting rich "for me and myself". But that means fundamental psyho-social transition!
An actor in the USA in the 50s, no matter how deeply "inside himself" he despised the religiousity of the people around him, no matter how ruthlessly he used this "obscurantism" as "political idiocy" - he still could not ignore its humane charge in his actions.
Have a look at the image of the Spider-Man's Aunt in the old movies about him, and you will see my point. By the way, it is completely gone in the new movies: the Aunt has become young and complitely alienated of any religion.
The loss of the external (Soviet) threat coincided with desintergration of internal restricting constraints.
Economy for the people is speedely transforming into a "game field" (hunting ground) for insatiable predators. They do not just pull the blanket over themselves - they sharply pull it off.
That is the reason for HUMAN CATASTROPHE, taking place in the modern West now, or as "The Forbes" calls it - "the collapse" (downfall) of the global economy"; and as the Nobel prize laureate in economics Stieglitz describes it - "mass instinction of people in the US out of despair (loss of hope), which he (Stieglitz) had seen before only in the USSR in the early 90-s.
Especially colorful are the bright, drawn by the pen of Genius, pictures of the forthcoming disasters in the USA in the latest novels of Stephen King: there are detailed descriptions of the crowds of the unemployed, queueing in their sleeping bags from the dusk to be sure they get to the labour exchange first thing in the morning to get that cherished, the utmostly desired position of a cleaner...
Seems, that the volcano, considered dead, has awaken. This volcano, Vesuvius-like, is called "capitalism" and "free market". It has slept for so long, that people began to settle on its slopes, building housing and growing vineyards there, believing that it will never erupt anymore. But it woke up - and is burying Pompeii under its ashes ...
Of course, that processes of the extinction of the Soviet threat and of the Christian civilization did not coincide in time accidentally. They have catalyzed each other, being tightly interconnected.
Every Christian is literally doomed to build socialism - otherwise he will end up being a two-faced hypocrite, no less.
And during the times of “perestroika” our people were taught (in the words of Y. Shevchuk) to "believe in the injustice of good."
Destabilizing the foundations of the Soviet civilization, the West inevitably undermined the foundations of Christian civilization — whether it was understood or not. Because the discrepancies in theoretical issues, in “signs and heads”, names and symbols between Christianity and Socialism, did not concern at all the ethics of human service, which is common for these both forms of civilization (as well as for all forms of civilization).
The question was not what to do: but under what symbol to do it: under the Star or under the Cross?
Actually, the whole conflict was nominal and can be narrowed to symbols and terminology. But there is no essential conflict between the Christian Code of conduct and the Communist one. And cannot be.
That is why for a hundred years of this combat they have always been blaming each other of hypocrisy: You don't do the thing, you are calling for!
And look at it now: "A" has fallen, "B" 's been stolen. What is there on the pipe? (The children lore. ep.)
The Western corporate predator has at once simultaniously freed itself from both external and internal deterrence. And - went wild.
For modern capitalism, not only did the “policeman” (played by the USSR) disappear from sight, but the internal propaganda ridiculed and ostracized the Christian foundations of its civilization, actually removing them, excluding them from educational processes!
Such a society is doomed to become a factory of thieves, who know neither fear nor conscience. For no one is holding them back anymore, and they themselves lack skills of controlling themselves, and do not know how to critically look at themselves from the side.
Bottom line: The Forbes writes about the “collapse” of the Western economy, because everyone who could pull the bricks, forming its body, pulled them all at the same time. Joseph Eugene Stiglitz, a Nobel laureate in economics, sums it up: " ... the last time I observed such negative dynamics was in Russia after the collapse of the USSR".
Over the past three to four years, we have been seeing a decrease in life expectancy in the United States. The experts who have most seriously studied the statistics of the matter, call it “a death of despair” ... the US economy's weakest periods of growth ...
"Тrump failed the hope invested in him... After the collapse of the Soviet Union we saw similar rates of decline in economy and the expectancy of life," said Stieglitz. "It is also important to note, that we observe a decrease in the life expectancy for white males in the US".
"An interesting fact is that life expectancy for African-americans continues to grow", Stieglitz specified.
Why is that happening - another prominent and conscientious american economist Laurence Kotlikoff (a Nobel Prize Laureate in economics in 1972) will reveal to us. The citation is not very fresh, he made this statement in 1993, but its relevance is obvious:
“In the United States over the past 10 years (i.e., from 1983 to 1993), confiscation of property has grown from $ 10 million in 1985 to $ 644 million in 1991. This figure nearly doubled the following year, when the government confiscated property worth more than $ 1 billion ... A rapidly growing list of types of reasons why your property may be confiscated now includes over a hundred kinds of nit-picking: starting from evasion from paying taxes, money laundering - and ending with a violation of environmental laws. ”
That is: the ruling power in the USA has always been steeling by confiscations of private property. But in 1985 it held itself in hands a little and stole only $ 10 million from the citizens by means of "dispossession".
In 1991, it was already 644 million, and then the count went to billions: why be shy, the USSR was "finished"!
Two American Nobel laureates in economics give us a general picture of the anatomy of that “collapse”, The Forbes is writing about in 2019.
So what? It is so understandable on a humane level! Started from scratch, the process turned out to be sweet, got addicted... First they stole tens of millions, then hundreds, and after that moved to billions - who will dare to contradict them - the ruling power?
Well, after all, one usually get sucked into the criminal world exactly this way, there is even a moralizing tale on the matter:"The penny's fault". The plot tells us of a thief, who started with a penny, enjoyed getting money for free, began to take more and more and more - which he later repents to the Court of Law...
If we rely on the Kotlikoff's data, the USA have also been "ruined by a penny". According to the statistics of THEIRS, which is never inclined to "dramatize" anything - the catastrophe is obvious. The minimal wage in the US remains in 2019 exactly the same as it was in 2009 - 7 dollars 25 cents. Meanwhile, the average rent of a one-room apartment has grown up almost 1,5 times, from 886 to 1234 dollars.
In the meanwhile, "CNBC" writes, the wealthiest investors of the planet are expecting markets to collapse in 2020. These are the results of the UBS's survey conducted among the 3400 richest persons of the planet. So far, their opinion is not unanimous, but 55 % are already certain, that the world in on the verge of a "BIG SALE".
Participants in the recent conference on Digital Economy: Labor and Man at the VI International Forum of the Financial University agreed, that "the middle class should expect unemployment and death."
"The middle class" - if somebody does not know - is a crowd of enviable consumers, formed by the West during the "Cold war" to fight the communists.
Now this crowd is not needed anymore and is in process of dispersing by the governing powers of the West, and a rather swift process.
"In the future (meaning the capitalist future - EM) there would be no unified education whatsoever, and trying to form one will be of no use", claims the director of the School of Advanced Studies of Tyumen State University Andrey Shcherbenok.”
"The first under the threat... is the middle class... In result, people of the future will be either able to get a low-skill job as a waiter or a loader or will be in demand as super-analysts. Average, middle skilled competences are vanishing from the labour market... Just to graduate from an average university and to become an average specialist will not be possible anymore. The middle class is vanishing", claims Andrei Scherbenok.
It’s not that he is a great authority in futurology - but nobody really objects to him. In fact, now everyone agrees precisely on the fact, he stated! But the egg was beaten to fry an omlette, and if it is not there, why was the egg broken? They, who intended to live like middle class, broke the USSR in order to live like "middle class", but if it is already almost gone, and soon will be gone completely - then why was the USSR crashed?!
Was it for the sake of this shitty society in which you are either a billionaire, or a walking-talking tool, two-legged cattle?!
On December 2012 a video, that quickly became viral, gained much popularity on the network, showing the reaction of UK residents to the cost of various medical procedures in the United States. The video was published by the British information portal JOE: passers-by in the street were asked how much, in their opinion, some medical procedures in the USA cost without insurance. Should remind here, that the National Healthcare System in Britain (since the Cold War times - its implementation was caused by fear of riots ) - almost free medical care to the citizens was declared in 1948 and is funded by the state and controlled by the government.
The most popular was the reaction of a young woman who, having heard how much an inhaler costs for asthmatics, exclaimed: “God, if you are poor, you are dead!”
And when asked how much the ambulance ride would cost, many replied, “But do they pay for it?” Some politicians, such as former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and a member of the House of Representatives “Socialist” Alexandria Okasio-Cortes, eagerly picked up the video.
Why all this hell is going on? The members of the Westerners sect ("the zapadniks" ep.), who fanatically and absurdly believe that the West was building its own world of prosperity, and not just defending itself against “red expansion", who seriously believe, that the West did not create the middle class as a background crowd to visualize propaganda, but for the sake of people – will never understand this.
For others undestanding is easy.
Capital/wealth has got too hungry. Its bloodthirsty idols demand the hecatomb of victims.
The West have never had and still have no any own versions of the future - it only conformed and adjusted to the agenda our fathers and grandfathers had dictated to it.
Everything the West conducted in the 20th century, it did unwillingly. It was forced to act this way - but believed that the "hour of liberation" would come and it would return to its beloved XIX century ...
It is absolutely clear that theft and robbery are more profitable than honest creative (productive, constructive) work. Otherwise, no one would do it: why risk and conflict for the sum that can be obtained without risk and conflict?
Noting the increased profitability of theft and robbery, fraud, blackmail, violence and terror over creative, productive activities - the “man of economy" will definitely end up with robbery or theft, if you put material priorities first.
Same thing concerns private company or joint-stock company: there the board of directors will simply calculate the profit from honest activity and from dishonest ... and WILL BE OBLIGATED (because the statutory goal of the director is to maximize the company's profit) to move towards robbery and thieving practices.
This is not even a choice of a manager - it is an obligation imposed on him by shareholders: to choose the most profitable type of activity for the company. And what can restrain a person from immoral practices? Obviously, either his internal conviction, faith in one's soul (even if it is profitable, my faith forbids me to do this).
Or an external threat: no faith forbids me to do this, but I see a policeman nearby and I don't feel safe to steal purses from the pockets ...
Vazgen Avagyan
Original publication source: https://politikus.ru/events/124844-gumanitarnaya-katastrofa-rynok-zhret-sam-sebya.html
Western society of "general welfare" burst suddenly and everywhere, like a rotten pumpkin. One of the factors is, of course, the elimination of the “Soviet threat”. The generation of predators, familiar to fear and being shot at, has now been replaced by the next one - not familiar with being scared and being a target.
They are already far from being careful in their carnivorous aggressiveness, as their fathers were.
They are losing all the useful instincts of the major capitalist proprietor of the 20-th century, developed with a little help of the Soviet stick, like moderation, restraint, high education, and finally, the art of disguise and means of mimicry.
For predators - “appetite grows with eating,” so now every time they just boldly take more and more to themselves.
But the other side of the process is important too: the weakening of the internal pressure, associated with the extinction of the Western Christian civilization with its non-obligatory, mostly facade, but ritorically (declaratively) unconditional ethics of a person's service to his fellow-humans. The nucleus of this ideology was as follows - I'm getting rich not for my personal sake, but to serve the community. And now it has been changed into getting rich for the sake of getting rich "for me and myself". But that means fundamental psyho-social transition!
An actor in the USA in the 50s, no matter how deeply "inside himself" he despised the religiousity of the people around him, no matter how ruthlessly he used this "obscurantism" as "political idiocy" - he still could not ignore its humane charge in his actions.
Have a look at the image of the Spider-Man's Aunt in the old movies about him, and you will see my point. By the way, it is completely gone in the new movies: the Aunt has become young and complitely alienated of any religion.
The loss of the external (Soviet) threat coincided with desintergration of internal restricting constraints.
Economy for the people is speedely transforming into a "game field" (hunting ground) for insatiable predators. They do not just pull the blanket over themselves - they sharply pull it off.
That is the reason for HUMAN CATASTROPHE, taking place in the modern West now, or as "The Forbes" calls it - "the collapse" (downfall) of the global economy"; and as the Nobel prize laureate in economics Stieglitz describes it - "mass instinction of people in the US out of despair (loss of hope), which he (Stieglitz) had seen before only in the USSR in the early 90-s.
Especially colorful are the bright, drawn by the pen of Genius, pictures of the forthcoming disasters in the USA in the latest novels of Stephen King: there are detailed descriptions of the crowds of the unemployed, queueing in their sleeping bags from the dusk to be sure they get to the labour exchange first thing in the morning to get that cherished, the utmostly desired position of a cleaner...
Seems, that the volcano, considered dead, has awaken. This volcano, Vesuvius-like, is called "capitalism" and "free market". It has slept for so long, that people began to settle on its slopes, building housing and growing vineyards there, believing that it will never erupt anymore. But it woke up - and is burying Pompeii under its ashes ...
Of course, that processes of the extinction of the Soviet threat and of the Christian civilization did not coincide in time accidentally. They have catalyzed each other, being tightly interconnected.
Every Christian is literally doomed to build socialism - otherwise he will end up being a two-faced hypocrite, no less.
And during the times of “perestroika” our people were taught (in the words of Y. Shevchuk) to "believe in the injustice of good."
Destabilizing the foundations of the Soviet civilization, the West inevitably undermined the foundations of Christian civilization — whether it was understood or not. Because the discrepancies in theoretical issues, in “signs and heads”, names and symbols between Christianity and Socialism, did not concern at all the ethics of human service, which is common for these both forms of civilization (as well as for all forms of civilization).
The question was not what to do: but under what symbol to do it: under the Star or under the Cross?
Actually, the whole conflict was nominal and can be narrowed to symbols and terminology. But there is no essential conflict between the Christian Code of conduct and the Communist one. And cannot be.
That is why for a hundred years of this combat they have always been blaming each other of hypocrisy: You don't do the thing, you are calling for!
And look at it now: "A" has fallen, "B" 's been stolen. What is there on the pipe? (The children lore. ep.)
The Western corporate predator has at once simultaniously freed itself from both external and internal deterrence. And - went wild.
For modern capitalism, not only did the “policeman” (played by the USSR) disappear from sight, but the internal propaganda ridiculed and ostracized the Christian foundations of its civilization, actually removing them, excluding them from educational processes!
Such a society is doomed to become a factory of thieves, who know neither fear nor conscience. For no one is holding them back anymore, and they themselves lack skills of controlling themselves, and do not know how to critically look at themselves from the side.
Bottom line: The Forbes writes about the “collapse” of the Western economy, because everyone who could pull the bricks, forming its body, pulled them all at the same time. Joseph Eugene Stiglitz, a Nobel laureate in economics, sums it up: " ... the last time I observed such negative dynamics was in Russia after the collapse of the USSR".
Over the past three to four years, we have been seeing a decrease in life expectancy in the United States. The experts who have most seriously studied the statistics of the matter, call it “a death of despair” ... the US economy's weakest periods of growth ...
"Тrump failed the hope invested in him... After the collapse of the Soviet Union we saw similar rates of decline in economy and the expectancy of life," said Stieglitz. "It is also important to note, that we observe a decrease in the life expectancy for white males in the US".
"An interesting fact is that life expectancy for African-americans continues to grow", Stieglitz specified.
Why is that happening - another prominent and conscientious american economist Laurence Kotlikoff (a Nobel Prize Laureate in economics in 1972) will reveal to us. The citation is not very fresh, he made this statement in 1993, but its relevance is obvious:
“In the United States over the past 10 years (i.e., from 1983 to 1993), confiscation of property has grown from $ 10 million in 1985 to $ 644 million in 1991. This figure nearly doubled the following year, when the government confiscated property worth more than $ 1 billion ... A rapidly growing list of types of reasons why your property may be confiscated now includes over a hundred kinds of nit-picking: starting from evasion from paying taxes, money laundering - and ending with a violation of environmental laws. ”
That is: the ruling power in the USA has always been steeling by confiscations of private property. But in 1985 it held itself in hands a little and stole only $ 10 million from the citizens by means of "dispossession".
In 1991, it was already 644 million, and then the count went to billions: why be shy, the USSR was "finished"!
Two American Nobel laureates in economics give us a general picture of the anatomy of that “collapse”, The Forbes is writing about in 2019.
So what? It is so understandable on a humane level! Started from scratch, the process turned out to be sweet, got addicted... First they stole tens of millions, then hundreds, and after that moved to billions - who will dare to contradict them - the ruling power?
Well, after all, one usually get sucked into the criminal world exactly this way, there is even a moralizing tale on the matter:"The penny's fault". The plot tells us of a thief, who started with a penny, enjoyed getting money for free, began to take more and more and more - which he later repents to the Court of Law...
If we rely on the Kotlikoff's data, the USA have also been "ruined by a penny". According to the statistics of THEIRS, which is never inclined to "dramatize" anything - the catastrophe is obvious. The minimal wage in the US remains in 2019 exactly the same as it was in 2009 - 7 dollars 25 cents. Meanwhile, the average rent of a one-room apartment has grown up almost 1,5 times, from 886 to 1234 dollars.
In the meanwhile, "CNBC" writes, the wealthiest investors of the planet are expecting markets to collapse in 2020. These are the results of the UBS's survey conducted among the 3400 richest persons of the planet. So far, their opinion is not unanimous, but 55 % are already certain, that the world in on the verge of a "BIG SALE".
Participants in the recent conference on Digital Economy: Labor and Man at the VI International Forum of the Financial University agreed, that "the middle class should expect unemployment and death."
"The middle class" - if somebody does not know - is a crowd of enviable consumers, formed by the West during the "Cold war" to fight the communists.
Now this crowd is not needed anymore and is in process of dispersing by the governing powers of the West, and a rather swift process.
"In the future (meaning the capitalist future - EM) there would be no unified education whatsoever, and trying to form one will be of no use", claims the director of the School of Advanced Studies of Tyumen State University Andrey Shcherbenok.”
"The first under the threat... is the middle class... In result, people of the future will be either able to get a low-skill job as a waiter or a loader or will be in demand as super-analysts. Average, middle skilled competences are vanishing from the labour market... Just to graduate from an average university and to become an average specialist will not be possible anymore. The middle class is vanishing", claims Andrei Scherbenok.
It’s not that he is a great authority in futurology - but nobody really objects to him. In fact, now everyone agrees precisely on the fact, he stated! But the egg was beaten to fry an omlette, and if it is not there, why was the egg broken? They, who intended to live like middle class, broke the USSR in order to live like "middle class", but if it is already almost gone, and soon will be gone completely - then why was the USSR crashed?!
Was it for the sake of this shitty society in which you are either a billionaire, or a walking-talking tool, two-legged cattle?!
On December 2012 a video, that quickly became viral, gained much popularity on the network, showing the reaction of UK residents to the cost of various medical procedures in the United States. The video was published by the British information portal JOE: passers-by in the street were asked how much, in their opinion, some medical procedures in the USA cost without insurance. Should remind here, that the National Healthcare System in Britain (since the Cold War times - its implementation was caused by fear of riots ) - almost free medical care to the citizens was declared in 1948 and is funded by the state and controlled by the government.
The most popular was the reaction of a young woman who, having heard how much an inhaler costs for asthmatics, exclaimed: “God, if you are poor, you are dead!”
And when asked how much the ambulance ride would cost, many replied, “But do they pay for it?” Some politicians, such as former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and a member of the House of Representatives “Socialist” Alexandria Okasio-Cortes, eagerly picked up the video.
Why all this hell is going on? The members of the Westerners sect ("the zapadniks" ep.), who fanatically and absurdly believe that the West was building its own world of prosperity, and not just defending itself against “red expansion", who seriously believe, that the West did not create the middle class as a background crowd to visualize propaganda, but for the sake of people – will never understand this.
For others undestanding is easy.
Capital/wealth has got too hungry. Its bloodthirsty idols demand the hecatomb of victims.
The West have never had and still have no any own versions of the future - it only conformed and adjusted to the agenda our fathers and grandfathers had dictated to it.
Everything the West conducted in the 20th century, it did unwillingly. It was forced to act this way - but believed that the "hour of liberation" would come and it would return to its beloved XIX century ...
It is absolutely clear that theft and robbery are more profitable than honest creative (productive, constructive) work. Otherwise, no one would do it: why risk and conflict for the sum that can be obtained without risk and conflict?
Noting the increased profitability of theft and robbery, fraud, blackmail, violence and terror over creative, productive activities - the “man of economy" will definitely end up with robbery or theft, if you put material priorities first.
Same thing concerns private company or joint-stock company: there the board of directors will simply calculate the profit from honest activity and from dishonest ... and WILL BE OBLIGATED (because the statutory goal of the director is to maximize the company's profit) to move towards robbery and thieving practices.
This is not even a choice of a manager - it is an obligation imposed on him by shareholders: to choose the most profitable type of activity for the company. And what can restrain a person from immoral practices? Obviously, either his internal conviction, faith in one's soul (even if it is profitable, my faith forbids me to do this).
Or an external threat: no faith forbids me to do this, but I see a policeman nearby and I don't feel safe to steal purses from the pockets ...
Vazgen Avagyan
Original publication source: https://politikus.ru/events/124844-gumanitarnaya-katastrofa-rynok-zhret-sam-sebya.html
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