perjantai 29. lokakuuta 2021


Размышления о ситуации в мире в связи с неудавшейся попыткой "оранжевой революции" в Белоруссии

Польша активно участвует в организации "оранжевой революции" в Белоруссии. Содержит силами спецслужб специальный центр сетевой координации протестов "Nexta" - нечто среднее между "кое-кто" и "кто следующий", судя по названию.

Поляки славятся отвязанной чернющей русофобией и сознательной борьбой против России, ведущейся из соображений мести и комплексов нереализованных имперских амбиций.

В Белоруссии - мирной, доброй и неагрессивной - устроили беспорядки (силами польских провокаторов и украинских радикалов).

И внезапно получили собственные беспорядки, да почище, чем в Белоруссии. 8 дней многотысячных протестов. А когда узнаешь, по какому поводу, вообще диву даешься.

Польша одна из самых консервативных и религиозных стран бездуховной, отказавшейся от веры Европы. Оплот католицизма в Европе - последний. Решила ужесточить запреты на аборты - убийство неродившихся детей. Вроде бы правильное решение. И получила бешеное сопротивление граждан с погромами и столкновениями на улицах. Бумеранг.

Франция поддерживала похабную газетенку с издевательскими карикатурами на все. Спровоцировала волну терактов. Уперлась и продолжала агрессивно защищать свое "право издеваться над чем угодно", получила вторую волну терактов. Уперлась и внесла похабную карикатуру в школьные учебники. Учителю отрезали голову. Упирается и настаивает на своем "праве оскорблять" все, что посчитает нужным. Спровоцировали волну терактов в Европе - в Вене, Ницце, Барселоне. Бумеранги.

США долго и упорно разваливали СССР всеми доступными средствами. СССР больше нет.

Теперь в штатах неописуемый раскол в политической верхушке, невероятные подковерные (вышедшие на ковер) интриги и манипуляции и ложь в прессе, жестокость правоохранительных органов, которая обернулась протестами против убийств при задержании, расовыми беспорядками, мародерством черных на улицах.

Всплыли все старые противоречия, замазанные пособиями по безработице. В Америке готовятся к гражданской войне. Бумеранги.

Евросоюз был создан по примеру и модели уничтоженного Советского Союза, что цинично само по себе. В него втянули все постсоветские республики, какие смогли. В результате все постсоветские республики обнищали, лишились промышленности и собственной электроэнергии и впали в неразрешимую зависимость от государств "первой скорости".

Евросоюз рекламировали как идеальное устройство развитых цивилизованных государств белой расы. В своем идиотском подражании моделям, наработанным в России, Евросоюз думал, что по этому образцу он сможет решить свои демографические проблемы и проблемы рынка труда, приняв миллионы мигрантов из проблемных стран.

Не получилось. В СССР все нации жили в мире и согласии, но там не не было истории расовых притеснений, а в Евросоюзе жгут покрышки и режут головы. Мигранты сидят на пособиях налогоплательщиков и отнюдь не собираются работать.

Мигранты первой волны попали в неразрешимую ситуацию, где их больше не считают своими, хотя они уже в третьем поколении - граждане, и часть даже ассимилировалась.

Новые мигранты, воинственно навязывая свои законы и обычаи стране приема, опрокинули таким трудом выстроенную основу жизни укоренившихся мигрантов и обнулили их достижения многих десятилетий. Бумеранг.

Теперь Европа и США получат еще бумеранги за столетия колониальной политики, работорговли и рабовладения, издевательства над людьми других рас на основе доктрин расового превосходства европейцев.

А потом еще бумерангом придет за все развязанные войны и совершенные в своих интересах военные перевороты и разрушения других стран, которые не могли даже защититься.

Ну, что же, как говорит Сатановский, "карма у них такая".


Poland is actively involved in the organization of the "Orange revolution" in Belarus. It contains on its territory a special center for network coordination of protests "Nexta", created and funded by the special services of Poland - something between "someone" and "who is next", judging by the name. 

The Poles are famous for untethered, blackening Russophobia and a conscious struggle against Russia, waged out of considerations of revenge and complexes of unrealized imperial ambitions. 

In Belarus - peaceful, kind and non-aggressive country - riots were organized (by the forces of Polish provocateurs and Ukrainian radicals). 

All of a sudden Poland got their own riots, much more terrifying, than in Belarus. 8 days of clashes with thousands of protesters in the streets. And when you find out what it's all about, you're surprised even more. 

Poland is one of the most conservative and religious catholic countries of the spiritless, faithless Europe. The last bastion of Catholicism in Europe. It decided to tighten the bans on abortion -murder of unborn children. It seems to be the right thing for a Catholic country. Yet it received furious resistance from citizens with pogroms and clashes in the streets. Boomerang.

France supported a raunchy newspaper with mocking caricatures on everything. Provoked a wave of terrorist attacks. It resisted and continued to aggressively defend its "right to mock anything", and received a second wave of terror attacks. 
France still resisted and put a bawdy caricature in school textbooks. The teacher's head was cut off in one of the classes, when the teacher explained the right of French caricaturists to mock something sacred to others. 
France resists further and insists on its "right to insult" anything it sees fit. It is a French tradition. It provoked a wave of terrorist attacks in Europe - in Vienna, Nice, Barcelona. Boomerangs.

The United States had been long and persistently destroying the USSR by all available means. The USSR is no more. 

Now in the United States there is an indescribable split in the political elite, incredible under carpet intrigues and manipulations and lies in the press, the brutality of law enforcement officers against Afro-americans, which provoked protests against murders during detention, riots, looting by blacks in the streets. 

All the old contradictions, blocked with unemployment benefits, have surfaced. America is preparing for a civil war. Boomerangs.

The European Union was created following the example and model of the destroyed Soviet Union, which is cynical in itself. All the post-Soviet republics that could have been drawn into it, were drawn into it. As a result, all the post-Soviet republics became impoverished, lost their industry and their own electricity, and fell into an insoluble dependence on the "first speed" states. 

The European Union was touted as an ideal arrangement of developed civilized states of the white race. In its idiotic imitation of the models developed in Russia, the European Union thought that it could use this model to solve its demographic and labor market problems by accepting millions of migrants from problem countries. 

It didn't work. In the USSR, all nations lived in peace and harmony - there were no history of racial oppression, and in the European Union, they burn tires and cut heads. Migrants are sitting on taxpayer"s unemployment benefits and have not a slightest intention to work at all. 

The first wave of migrants found themselves in an unsolvable situation, where they are no longer considered belonging to their own country, although they have been citizens already in the third generation and some have even assimilated. 

The new migrants, by belligerently imposing their laws and customs on the receiving country, overturned the hard-built foundation of the life of the entrenched migrants and nullified their achievements of many decades. Boomerang.

Now Europe and the United States will get more boomerangs for centuries of colonial policy, slave trade and slavery, bullying people of other races on the basis of the doctrines of racial superiority of Europeans. 

And then another boomerang will come for all the wars unleashed and military coups committed in their own interests and the destruction of other countries that could not even defend themselves. 

Well, as Satanovsky says, " they have such karma." 


Poland shows amazing activity arranging kind of "orange revolution" in Belarus. There is even a special center  for network coordination of protests called "Nexta" - 
a crossing of "someone " and" who's next", judging by the name. A "false flag" resource, using two belorussian frontmen, but financed and coordinated by the Polish secret service.

Polish government and  politicians are famous for their unbounded public night-black Russophobia and highly motivated conscious struggle against Russia, conducted for reasons of revenge and complexes of unrealized Imperial ambitions.

In Belarus - peaceful, kind and non-aggressive country - riots were organized (using Polish provocateurs and Ukrainian radicals). 
And one must understand the historical background in the whole of this Belarus development: all its neighbors with exception  for Russia, part of which it was naturally, were its conquerors and masters - for instance - Polish-Lithuanian kingdom, where "white Russians"- belorussians - were enslaved and abused. 

Belarus still has mutual borders with Poland and Lithuania, both trying to influence and destabilize their neighboring country. 

But immediately after the Belarus protests Poland got its own riots, much more serious then in Belarus. 8 days of protests engaging thousands of Poles. And additionally, when you get to know the reason why, it amazes you even more.

Poland is one of the most conservative and religious countries of the spiritless, Faith abandoned Europe of our days. The last bastion of Catholicism in Europe. Poland decided to tighten its bans on abortion - murdering of the unborn children. Probably quite a reasonable decision for a Catholic country. And immediately got a blow back in form of furious civil resistance  accompanied by street clashes, pogroms, looting and vandalism. A boomerang?   

France supported a raunchy newspaper with mocking caricatures of everything. Provoked a wave of terrorist attacks. It resisted and continued to aggressively defend its "right to mock anything", and received a second wave of terrorist attacks. It resisted still and inserted the scandalous caricature in school textbooks. The teacher's head was cut off. It resisted still and insisted on its "right to offend" whatever it sees fit. Provoked a wave of terrorist attacks in Europe - in Vienna, Nizza, Barcelona. Some boomerangs...

The United States have been persistently - for years - trying to destroy its worst adversary and competitor -  the Soviet Union - by all available means. In the end  (in 1993) the USSR ceased to exist.

Now in the United States there is an undescribable split in its electorate and political elite, whose incredible under-rug intrigues, lies to the press and political manipulations all fell into the light together with police brutality  and murders during detention, civil anger, turned intoprotests, then riots, clashes in the streets, looting and vandalism, street violence of blacks in their cities across the country. 
Every old contradiction, smeared with unemployment benefits, have surfaced. America is preparing for a civil war. Boomerangs.

The European Union was created following the example and model of the destroyed Soviet Union, which is cynical in itself. All geopolitically important post-Soviet republics in Europe were drawn into it - the small Baltic states, Ukraine (associated). As a result, all post-Soviet republics became impoverished, lost their industry and their own electricity production, and fell into an insoluble dependence on the "first speed" States.

The European Union was advertised as the ideal device of developed civilized States of the white race. In its idiotic imitation of the models developed in Russian Empire/Soviet Union, the European Union thought that it could use this models to solve its demographic and labor market problems by accepting millions of migrants from problem countries.

Failed. In the USSR, all Nations lived in relative peace and harmony, and in the European Union they burn tires and cut each other*s heads. Migrants are on taxpayer benefits and have no intention of working.

The first wave of migrants found themselves in an unsolvable situation, where they are no longer considered loyal, although they are already in the third generation of citizens and some have even assimilated.

The new migrants, by belligerently imposing their laws and customs on the host country, overturned the hard-built Foundation of life for entrenched migrants and nullified their achievements of many decades. Boomerang.

Now Europe and the United States will get more boomerangs for centuries of colonial politics, the slave trade and slavery, bullying people of other races based on the doctrines of racial superiority of Europeans.

And then another boomerang will come for all the wars unleashed and military coups committed in their own interests and the destruction of other countries that could not even defend themselves.

Well, as Satanovsky says, " they have such karma."


EP. Oranssi ja musta BOOMERANGS

Puola osallistuu aktiivisesti "oranssin vallankumouksen" järjestämiseen Valko-Venäjällä. Se sisältää erityinen keskus-verkoston koordinointi protesteja "Nexta", jonka erityispalvelut-risteytys "joku " ja" kuka on seuraava" päätellen nimi.

Puolalaiset ovat kuuluisia epäeettisestä mustasta russofobiasta ja tietoisesta taistelusta Venäjää vastaan, joka toteutetaan koston syistä ja realisoitumattomien keisarillisten tavoitteiden komplekseista.

Valko-Venäjällä järjestettiin rauhanomaisia, ystävällisiä ja ei-aggressiivisia mellakoita (puolalaisten provokaattoreiden ja ukrainalaisten radikaalien joukot).

Ja yhtäkkiä he saivat omat mellakat, mutta puhtaampia kuin Valko-Venäjällä. 8 päivää tuhansia mielenosoituksia. Ja kun huomaat, mikä syy on, olet yllättynyt lainkaan.

Puola on yksi konservatiivisimmista ja uskonnollisimmista maista hengettömässä, uskottomassa Euroopassa. Katolisuuden viimeinen Bastioni Euroopassa. Päätin tiukentaa Abortin kieltoja-syntymättömien lasten murhaa. Se näyttää olevan oikea päätös. Ja se sai raivoisan vastarinnan kansalaisilta, joilla oli pogromeja ja yhteenottoja kaduilla. Bumerangi.

Ranska tuki räikeää sanomalehteä pilkkaavilla karikatyyreillä kaikesta. Aiheutti terrori-iskujen aallon. Hän vastusti ja jatkoi aggressiivisesti puolustamaan "oikeuttaan pilkata mitään" ja sai toisen terrori-iskujen aallon. Hän vastusti ja teki bawdy karikatyyri koulun oppikirjoissa. Opettajan pää oli katkaistu. Hän vastustaa ja vaatii "oikeuttaan loukata" mitä tahansa, mitä hän pitää sopivana. Aiheutti terrori-iskujen aallon Euroopassa-Wienissä, Nizzassa, Barcelonassa. Bumerangi.

Yhdysvallat pitkään ja jatkuvasti tuhosi Neuvostoliiton kaikin käytettävissä olevin keinoin. Neuvostoliitto ei ole enää.

Nyt yhdysvalloissa on sanoinkuvaamaton kahtia jaettu poliittinen eliitti, uskomattoman salakavala juonittelusta ja manipulointia ja valheita lehdistölle, raakuus lainvalvontaviranomaisten, joka muuttui protesteja murhien aikana säilöön, mellakoita, ryöstelyä mustat kaduilla.

Kaikki vanhat ristiriidat, sotkee työttömyysetuuksia, on noussut. Amerikka valmistautuu sisällissotaan. Bumerangi.

Euroopan unioni luotiin tuhoutuneen Neuvostoliiton esimerkin ja mallin mukaisesti, joka on itsessään kyyninen. Kaikki Neuvostoliiton jälkeiset tasavallat, jotka voitiin vetää siihen. Seurauksena, kaikki post-Neuvostoliiton tasavaltojen tuli köyhtynyt, menettäneet teollisuuden ja omaa sähköä, ja vaipui ratkaisematon riippuvuus "ensimmäinen nopeus", Toteaa.

Euroopan unionia mainostettiin valkoisen rodun kehittyneiden sivistyneiden valtioiden ihanteellisena laitteena. Sen idioottimaista jäljitelmä malleja kehitetty Venäjällä, Euroopan Unionin ajatellut, että se voisi käyttää tätä mallia ratkaisemaan sen väestörakenteen ja työmarkkinoiden ongelmia hyväksyä miljoonia maahanmuuttajia ongelma maissa.

Epäonnistua. Neuvostoliitossa kaikki kansat elivät rauhassa ja harmoniassa, ja Euroopan unionissa he polttavat renkaita ja leikkaavat päänsä. Maahanmuuttajat ovat veronmaksajien etuuksia, eikä heillä ole aikomusta työskennellä.

Ensimmäisen aallon siirtolaiset löysivät itsensä ratkaisematon tilanne, jossa ne eivät enää pitää omaa, vaikka ne ovat jo kolmannen sukupolven kansalaisia, ja jotkut ovat jopa rinnastaa.

Uusien maahanmuuttajien, jonka belligerently asettaa niiden lakien ja tapojen isäntä maa, kumosi kova rakennettu Perusta elämän ankkuroitu maahanmuuttajien ja mitätöidä heidän saavutuksista vuosikymmenten ajan. Bumerangi.

Nyt Eurooppa ja yhdysvallat saavat enemmän bumerangit vuosisatojen ajan siirtomaa politiikkaa, orjakaupan ja orjuuteen, kiusaaminen ihmiset muita rotuja perustuu oppeja rodun paremmuudesta Eurooppalaisista.

Ja sitten toinen bumerangi tulee kaikille wars valloilleen ja sotilasvallankaappaukset sitoutunut oman edun ja hävittäminen muut maat, jotka eivät voi edes puolustaa itseään.

No, kuten Satanovsky sanoo, " heillä on tällainen karma."



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